Buffy Cassidy-Wren

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  • Buffy Blake-Wren

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
      She/Her - That/Bitch
    • Height:
      5'6 but with heels 5'10
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      In a relationship
    • Relatives:
      Mother - Helena Cassidy-Wren
      Father - Theodore Cassidy-Wren
      Sister - Aleena Rawlin-Wren
      Sister - Sage Wren
      Brother In-Law - Rick Rawlin
      Aunt - Haileey Wren
      Aunt - Seraphine Wren
      Grandfather - Norman Wren
      Daughter - Annie Cassidy-Wren
      Son - Richard Rau-Wren
      Son - Callum Wren
      Son - Boris Wren-Turgenev
      Husband - Josh Blake-Wren
      Sister from another mister - Hunter Black (Deceased 04/17/2023)
      Sister from another mister - Cassandra Hart
      Brother from another mother - Cassius Black
      Deceased 12/04/2023)
      Brother from another mother - Ozzy Morrison
      Brother from another mother - Daniel Stroyer (Deceased 07/25/2023)


    • Occupation:
      Nursing Medical Director
    • Faction Affilations:
      Pillbox Medical Centre


    Fuck around and find out


    Buffy is a retired undercover police officer, she is 26 years old. She does suffer from a bit of anxiety so is quite quiet unless she is around people she is comfortable with. Buffy has blonde hair and blue eyes. From being young Buffy had her ups and downs but that's never stopped her doing anything before. this being due to her parents being abusive towards her though she does not like speaking about this.

    When she was young Buffy’s parents were always under the influence of drugs, Her mother and Father would have different people round each day all getting high, and if Buffy was there, her mum would come into her room and start arguments for no reason, eventually leading to her mum physically assaulting her all while her Father sat back and watched. Buffy always kept on pushing forward from the abuse, trying her best to better her situation but keeping it completely secret from her friends.

    When she reached the age of 18 and was finally free from the shackles of her parents, Buffy left home and got herself a small flat and finished her studies, she then went to work in a finance office. One day 2 years later from starting at this job Buffy was walking to her office and was stopped in the street by a police detective, who then offered her the chance to help better the lives of others. Buffy was dubious of this at first but once receiving more information Buffy wanted to help others.

    The detective told Buffy that there was a trafficking ring targeting people who matched her description, he wanted her to be bate for the police. Buffy was sceptical at first so the detective gave her his number.

    As the days went on Buffy was awake almost all night every night thinking about what is happening to these poor girls. She had nothing left to lose so she decided to dial the number the detective gave her.

    When buffy started working she was paired with another girl who looked very similar to Buffy, her name was Lucy. It was only 2 weeks into the job when Buffy and her newly found friend Lucy was taken by these horrible men who were selling young girls. Buffy found herself sleeping on a hard concrete floor with her eyes covered. But little did the trafficking ring know, Buffy had a tiny earpiece in that she could listen to the detectives and they could track her every move.

    While on this mission Lucy was sold which was not part of the plan. Buffy had heard through the grapevine that Lucy had been murdered. This did not sit well at all with her but she could not pull out at this stage in the mission.

    Once the mission was over Buffy handed her notice in and packed a bag and wondered what she would do next. While travelling, Buffy ran into a problem… she had run out of money. This led to Buffy sleeping on the streets and doing things she vowed to herself she would never do. She turned to prostitution. The thought of selling her body to make money made Buffy feel Physically sick and took a very large toll on her mental health. While selling herself Buffy saved and saved and saved while using a small bit of the money she made to gather essentials to survive. The sleepless nights and the countless bodies soon paid off. She managed to buy a one way plane ticket to Los santos. While attempting to buy a plane ticket Buffy ran into a problem. Her passport was out of date. So all the countless nights selling her body was useless, she had to rent a small studio apartment. She finally managed to get a job working in a cafe and while working there Buffy was able to update her passport. Buffy worked for a few more months and then was able to buy a one way plane ticket to the city she dreamed of living in most… Los Santos

    Buffy's Anthem


