Caine Jackson

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  • Caine Jackson

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      3RD OF APRIL
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Owner of Benefactor,Realtor
    • Faction Affilations:
      Dynasty Realty, Safa, Benefactor



    Caine was born into a middle class family in Rome, He was the youngest of six, being the only male out of five older sisters was tough, especially for a Italian family. It was difficult to appease both of his parents, whereas his sisters seemed to get a lot of praise. After an argument with both of his parents, He was officially frozen from his family and their restaurant, Caine feeling left out and ashamed of himself left the area and moved to the outskirts of Rome, in a little area called Millan.

    Caine started to have nightmares about his family getting murdered in his old area in Rome, He gained cold sweats and sleep apnoea from the repeated nightmares and one day he got a phone call from a detective asking where he was and if they could meet up in person. Caine Agrees to meet the detective at a local coffee shop where he could see him coming in and suspicions came through his mind about the detective getting followed, Once the detective arrived Caine made him wait for 15 mins before asking him for his badge just so he can check he wasn't being followed, Caine paranoia has kicked in and he thinks everyone is out to get him, Once the detective shown Caine the badge Caine finally relaxed a little bit but he was still maintaining his vision outside the window to check. The detective finally started to speak and asked how Caine was and if he heard from his family since he moved away to the outskirts.

    Caine replied with “no, not since the fight”. The detective asked about the fight and Caine ignored him and didn't answer, He was thinking that something has definitely happened to his family for a detective to come all this way and asked a few questions about his family and why Caine isn't around where he grew up.

    The Detective started talking to Caine and informed him of the bad news stating that his family has been murdered and that they might be looking for him. Caine began realizing that he can't go back home and that they would try to find him in the outskirts eventually so he got his belongings together and left that day after speaking to the detective. Feeling angry and depressed he started to think about things “Suicidal thought started to begin and they increase while he was en route to the train station”. He noticed a strange man near a back alley near the coffee shop, the man asked if he had any spare change, Caine checked his pockets and got out a few coins and gives it to the man, Caine notices that he had some tablets that relaxes him and he asked if he could take a few to calm himself down, The guy asked if there was anything wrong and if he could help, Caine asked if he had any firearms and the strange guy asked why, “Caine quoted Self Defence and told him the situation”,

    The strange man gives Caine a pistol with a few spare magazines. He took the firearm from the man and puts it behind his back in his jeans, He put the magazines in his inside pocket, He started to notice that their was 2 men was following him with a black suit, They looked very well dressed and they kept their hands in their pockets of their suit grabbing on to something, Caine started to walk faster and faster until he started to run away and he ended up in an alley with nowhere to run, Caine hid behind the bin with his weapon in his hand, He takes off the safety and starts to aim at the corner of the alley waiting for them to catch up, Once Caine sees the men running around the corner he let’s few shots off hitting them in the shoulder,

    They fall to the ground in pain and Caine jumps from his advantage from the behind the bin and starts to question them about his family death, The men started talking and shouting at Caine stating that “He’s gonna be next and he killed his parents and his sisters for fun and his parents owed them money and they didn't pay”. Caine was getting angry and at the end of the conversation Caine aimed the gun at them and shot 2 shots and shot them both in the head so they can't give their boss any info on what happened or where Caine was.

    Caine starts to search for their ID, searching their warm body, He opens up the suit and starts going through their pockets, Caine started to look confused as they didn’t have any ID on them just 2 firearms - magazines and 2,500 each in cash, After taken the cash from them he started to withdraw their weapons from their body and he withdrew their magazines from their pockets and from the firearms and left the body’s their, Looking at them thinking I could of died their but they messed up, Caine walked from the alleyway looking around to see if anyone was around thinking to himself some one must of heard the gunshots and called the police, Caine rushed down the road to the subway going down the stairs to the ticket machine, He bought a ticket to go to the main capital on the train to go to the Urbe Airport to get a plane to Los Santos where his new life would begin.

    Caine finally on his way to Urbe airport and he's been thinking what's actually been happening since he's been away and why his family been murdered, He's on the train thinking to himself why and he starts sweating and looking around and he finally looks out of the window and sees more suited people at the next station, Caine just sits there and wondering if they get on the train, "Couple more stops he's thinking" He finally arrives to Urbe airport and stands in front of the clerk.

    He asks for a ticket to Los Santos and he gives the clerk behind the counter $1500 dollars for the plane ticket.

    Caine finally says to himself before boarding the plane that he's finally free from the people that murdered his family without knowing that he will get to find out what happened to them soon enough. After 6 hours of flying and sitting in the same seat, He gets uncomfortable and gets up to go to the toilet before he does so he hears a ping coming from the speakers above his head “Hello and thank you for travelling i am your attendant, Please put your seatbelt on as we are going to landing in the next 10 mins thank you” Caine Sits back down eagerly moving his hands crossing his legs deeply in thought, He’s feeling happy, sad, scared and loads of other emotions that he has finally arrived in Los Santos - World Of opportunity.

    Chapter TWO - Los Santos Applying for EMS !

    After arriving in Los Santos, Caine was dumbfounded by the possibilities, but he had to first earn some money to keep him going, He started doing some freelance jobs, here and there, Keeping his promise of a new life without crime.

    After a few days of freelance jobs, he was already settling in and getting used to life in a different country, As his application for a firearms license was accepted and the paperwork was finally gone through he stumbled upon a advertisement Of Los Santos Medical Department, and thought to himself - maybe, just maybe, this is my chance! MY chance to start a new life.

    He thought about it for a while and he finally got the courage to send his application to become a member of the LSMD, After a little while he got notification that his application was processed and he was invited to the interview process, He arranged a time and day and finally turned up for the interview with SUPERVISOR James Stone, He answered the questions and given some significant answers to the scenario questions and the interview was finally done and he waited a few mins before Mr. Stone told him he passed the interview and had to wait for notification for his academy, he finally passed the academy and waited to get an email saying when his first shift was.

    While working for the Los Santos Medical Department he already met lot of new colleagues, who are slowly becoming his friends, for the first time in a while you'd see him laughing, enjoying his days working together as a team.

    After a few weeks of settling in to the job as an EMT, I had to do some ridealong's to get use the system in place, Lots of faces to try and remember -- names have always been a struggle for me, but I am making some progress, I was partnered up with a humble guy, He's very friendly and apparently he's the EMS Dad, I finally got his name, Frankie Tott who was the Paramedic FTO making sure i didn't do anything wrong on the calls i went to. I was very resourceful and i knew what i needed to do when treating people Frankie was their to observe and to give me tips if or when needed to make the job easier for me. After a few calls we went to the coffee store and got a couple cups of coffee, due to how stressful the calls was and we where the only units on at the time.

    After a month passed i got promoted to Paramedic and i applied for FTO, I got trained to do academies and did a few it was very interesting to meet the new applicants and getting them through some training before they get signed off to go out on duty with an EMT or PARAMEDIC FTO for training, After a few times on duty i did some FTO training recently, it was fun to get to know the new applicants and see how the deal with the pressure of the job, The main thing is to make sure the new applicants didn't panic on 911 calls they went to as they the need to be composed to help with anything the EMT or Paramedic asks them to do so.

    Caine finally met the other employee's called, Arabella, Shaun, Holly, Chris, Tony, Violet, AJ, Addison, Kiara, Kenzie, and Dorothy and many more of the ems gang, They where all very welcoming and nice. We grouped up and did some calls and bought the injured back to Pillbox Medical Centre, where we handed them off to DR Torino, Web and Mrs. Martindale.

    Caine was looking on his email's and got an announcement from the supervisor saying that EMS was moving to a new location called Mount Zonah, It is apparently 10x bigger than pillbox that's gonna help with all of the ICU issues we've been having due to the gang fights that's been happening recently. Couple of day's past and it was the moving day We all chipped in and move everything over to the new hospital, we moved all the beds, equipment's and the patients from ICU. The new hospital opened up and we got busier than normal due to the gang fights that's still happening, Mount Zonah was on full lockdown - We where all on Red Alert due to the shit storm that happening currently, We would need to get escort from PD to go to Shot's fired calls and we couldn't go in to the scenes till we got the all clear from the PD which made the timings even worse when trying to treat people with GSW's.

    After couple days past and we see a lot of blood between the gangs that where fighting between themselves, We seen on twitter that the war has stopped and we started to go from RED to Amber and it was slowly going back to normal, Caine was starting to feel that he's getting sick of the job due to some things happening and he decided to hand write his resignation letter and handed it to his Captain Darci and told her what was happening and asked her to read the letter.

    Letter would read as Follow's .

    Dear Command,

    It is my sincere apology that i have to write this to inform yous that i am resigning from San Andreas Medical Department, with the recent events that i said in words to you face to face i have decided to resign peacefully so in the future i can return if i reapply.

    Paramedic FTO
    Caine Jackson

    So after meeting with command to give them the letter and handing in the uniform and my badge i left the ems gang.

    Chapter 3 - Moving on from being a Paramedic

    Well, it’s certainly been quite some time since I resigned from being a paramedic, I do miss the ems gang and the job itself meeting new people but from a injured point of view, I can remember when i was on call and i had to go to the pier and jump in the see and save some one from drowning, it just shows the life of a paramedic you miss some times, biggest thing for me was helping others out that cant help themselves.

    I've been doing some hunting on the side to gain some extra cash on the side and relaxing and chilling, I've never actually had a chance to relax as I've always been working as a Paramedic, It feels so awkward not working all the time and it feels so good to be able to go for a swim or go for a hike and watch the sunset, Wish some times i had someone to comfort in and talk to some times as its very lonely. But who knows what will happen in the future.

    Caine has recently bought a new house in mirror park and a new super car but its been a long time since i had nice things and i just needed to buy something nice for myself. Caine has got it renovated in and out side and it looks nice, Theirs a couple of fountains, a new hot tub and some lights around the drive and in the pool. I noticed that their was a advert for a realtor position and to ring some one called JIN JoungJae for an interview which i did and got an interview for a couple of days.

    Couple of days arrived and i had to meet Mr. Youngjae at the Dynasty Property. The interview went well and after a few days i got a phone call and got asked if i wanted to become a realtor, I said yes straight away, I then went and did some showing to get used to the role before i could go out and do it solo, its definitely a new opportunity for me.

    Chapter 4 - Dynasty Realtor

    Its certainly been a big change in life since resigning as a paramedic and becoming a realtor, I have been getting constant phone calls, messages about mirror park houses and been picking clients up and viewing the house with them. Showing them around the house and getting the clients their first house makes you feel good inside that your helping them. Its hard to have time for yourself due to constant calls and messages you get daily for houses, Best thing for me to do is throw my phone in the glove box and go skydiving. The people i have met and made contacts with is so refreshing, i wouldn't miss this for the world, i have been getting burnt out recently and felt lonely, Watching from the side lines that others are getting married, engaged or dating is starting to make my feel really lonely but i wouldn't change my ways. It time to start thinking about myself more and getting some chill time.
