Caitlyn Continelli

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  • Chloe Caitlyn Continelli

    • Status:
    • Gender:
      Cis Female
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      Oct. 9th, 1994
    • Birthplace:
      Quebec, Canada
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Chloe, Cait


    • Marital Status:
      Kristina Kane
      Skip Caccia
    • Relatives:
      Raphael Continelli (brother)
      Enzo Continelli (father) (deceased)
      Catherine Continelli (mother) (deceased)


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      Mount Zonah Medical Doctor


    Caitlyn is 5'11" and relatively well-toned physically, due to regular martial arts practice in Muay Thai and Tai Chi; in addition, she was familiar with fighting from a young age and learned street fighting in her early teens. She consistently binds her knuckles at the start of her days with tough bandages, in case she needs to fistfight without warning.


    Chloe Caitlyn Continelli is primarily Italian-French, with her father Enzo being Italian and her mother Catherine being French. Enzo met her mother on a whim in an Italian-mafia-owned crackhouse and gave her two children; Caitlyn and her brother Raphael, who was three years younger than her. She lived with her mother and brother, rarely seeing her father unless he came by to teach her about drug sales or production. Enzo intended to secure future assets for the mafia’s drug trade by indoctrinating both Caitlyn and her brother at a young age. She managed to shield her brother from this lifestyle though, as well as protect both her brother and mother from Enzo’s abusive alcoholic behavior. When she reached 17 though, she finally fled home and after a year of homeless wandering, she ended up in Liberty City. There, she attended medical school at Vespucci University, using the money she had skimmed from drug sales for the many years she did it.

    During her time in university, she was a lonely scholar fearing connections and relationships due to seeing herself as a street rat outcast. She quietly frequented various parties and raves in Liberty City, often leading to seeing partners for the night whose names she rarely knew. Despite her nightlife of lust and her attempt to shake free of the shady past she had left in Quebec, she finished university in nine years, during which she achieved her M.D. in neuro, as well as a four-year degree in psychology. She moved to another city in June 2021, where she worked as a doctor for around four months before becoming a cop for the next three.

    During the week of Thanksgiving, she returned home to Quebec to confront Enzo. She found the childhood home to be abandoned, but Enzo contacted her promptly and arranged to meet her there at that house. During an ensuing argument, Enzo revealed that her mother had been killed around three years ago in a drug raid on their home and that her brother had fled shortly after Caitlyn had left at 17. The argument then grew into a fight that ended with Enzo Continelli bleeding out on the floor, a broken bottle stuck in his neck. She burned down her childhood home and went to find her mother’s grave, staying there for the rest of the night by her graveside, curled up in the snow. Then she set out at that time, fleeing Quebec and refusing to return to the previous city. Instead, she turned to Los Santos to attempt to start a new life. At this time, in the hopes of distancing herself further from the life her father wanted for her, she started going by her middle name, Caitlyn.


    • "Yes sir/ma'am how can I help you?"
    • *"Eat shit."
    • *''aggressive staring''
    • *"I need a fucking smoke."
    • *"What in the Kentucky-fried fuck?"
    • * "Don't worry about it."
    • * "Wear a condom!"
    • * “Welcome to the party!”