Calliope Maxwell

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  • Calliope Maxwell

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      February 19th, 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      D-33, 233, 713, Kaleidoscope, Cantaloupe, Canopy, Calli


    • Marital Status:
      In a Relationship w/ Wynne Hart
    • Relatives:
      Craig Maxwell (Brother)
      Joshua Maxwell (Half Brother)
      Corey Maxwell (Sister)


    • Occupation:
      Groundskeeper at Styx Funeral Service, Former Detective with the Major Crimes Division
    • Faction Affilations:
      Los Santos Police Department, Major Crimes Division


    Calliope was a Detective for the Major Crimes Division in Los Santos. She's a bit of a nerd, and somehow always has a new fun fact ready every shift.


    Calliope was adopted by Lily and Terrance Reeves at 7 years old after having bounced around the foster care system for 3 years in England. At the time, Terrance was a Professor at the University of Oxford and had just married Lily who was American, but was working on getting her Doctorate while abroad. The couple met Calliope by chance during a trip to a local museum when they came across her proudly listing off random facts about various pieces in the museum to the foster care worker who had taken her out that day. The woman who had been on the Maxwell case for the past few years, and had since seen the other siblings adopted out noticed that the couple were eagerly listening to all Calliope had to say and took the time to explain that Calliope was "between foster families" at the moment, and she had taken her out to the museum to cheer her up. Lily and Terrance exchanged numbers with the worker, and within the year, had adopted Calliope as their own.

    Not long after, Terrance was offered a job at Harvard University in Boston. Seeing this as a chance for Lily to return to America, the new family packed up and moved to Boston. Calliope was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome just after moving to America when her parents noticed some of her odd quirks. They started her on a routine, knowing that children with AS often benefited from one, and soon enough they were scheduling every part of her day down to the minute. During this time they also looked into her studies more, and noticed that she far excelled others of the same age. Her parents both being academics themselves were excited at the prospect and started throwing in advanced classes, extra curricular activities, and anything and everything they could to help out her future. Due to the rigid routine of her life and her parents strict ways, she ended up being able to skip a few grades and graduated high school at the age of 16.

    Continuing their rigid scheduling, they got her into Harvard and pushed her to pursue being a Doctor like her mother, Lily. Calliope wanting to live her own life and actually figure out who she is insisted she go to New York University instead, promising her parents that she would keep up their routines. They only relented when Lily's sister fell ill, and Terrance and her were forced to move to Lily's hometown in Arizona to take care of her and their nephew.

    Calliope came to Los Santos last summer with the intent of simply meeting her twin brother Craig, who she had finally tracked down a few years prior. While there, she fell in love with the city, and decided to stay, moving there officially shortly after. She was hired as LSPD in the late summer, and after some time spent as an Officer, she was brought into the Major Crimes Detective Division as a Detective. She spent nearly two years as a Detective, winning multiple awards and being involved in several high profile cases before being unceremoniously fired by MCD command. She briefly came back as an Officer after the Chief of Police revealed that LEO command had been misled on what she actually did, but the damage done by MCD command was irreparable and her reputation was in ruins. She went on to put in her resignation and now works at Styx Funeral Services as a Groundskeeper.


    Kyle Jacobs
    - Best Friend
    One of the very first friends that Calliope made when she moved to Los Santos. They met while they were both cadets and would often encourage each other before their shifts began. When they both became fully fledged officers, they ended up patrolling together a lot, even going as far as to create a patrol playlist to listen to. They bonded over tattoos, Hannah Montana, and food over their many hours spent together, eventually becoming best friends, then getting an apartment together. You will hardly find one without the other at this point, and it's become a running joke about rather or not they are together or not.

    Jeremy Barbant - Close Friend

    Wynne Hart - ?

    Tobias and Lillith Tarts - Close Friends

    Aliyah Bastet - It's Complicated

    Katerina Graves - It's Complicated

    Alistair Samson - Best Friend

    Oliver Langmore - Best Friend
    A relationship that started with a warrant. One of Calliope's first big investigations lead to her being able to put out warrants for the president of Black Lotus along with another member. Her, Kyle, and another Deputy went to serve them at the Black Lotus compound one morning, and that is when her and Oliver met. He threatened her, and even attempted to head butt her, but she firmly held her ground, and it became one of the very first instances in which she was able to do so. He would go on to mock her after, but he eventually came to speak with her at MRPD a few weeks later, and again she held her ground in an minor argument. The next day he would bring tea to MRPD and request to speak with her, and from there on out, their friendship blossomed.

    They've both gotten a lot of flack for their friendship, but both have been rather stubborn in keeping each other around. He's now lovingly referred to as her emotional support biker, and not so lovingly referred to as her guard dog by the cultists she got them mixed up in.

    Vinh Davy - Best Friend

    Craig Maxwell - Twin Brother

    Lane Maximus - Mentor


    • Calliope was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at the age of 8.
    • She has a habit of picking up mannerisms of people she spends a bunch of time with.
    • #funfactswithcalliope
    • "Sorry, I was thinking about frogs."
    • "All the men in MCD are bottoms."