Charlotte Flanagan

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  • Charlotte Eleanor Paige

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      July 30th, 1993
    • Birthplace:
      Vice City, VA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Charloot, Mom, Meemaw


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Scott Flanagan (Son Deceased) : Sean Callanan (Son)
      William Paige (Father) Deceased
      Camilla Paige (Mother) Deceased


    • Occupation:
      Owner to Carpets Drapes ; Previous Co- Owner B&C Interiors
    • Faction Affilations:


    Charlotte is a 28 year old Caucasian women with light brown hair with bangs that goes down to her mid back and green eyes. Her hair is usually up in a bun for work or it is loose around her shoulders. Charlotte's favorite color to wear is purple but she is scarce to wear it around town due to the association with purple. When she is feeling most confident she wears more revealing clothing, when she is having a crap day she usually layers up in clothing.

    Charlotte has a lot of body image problems with herself based off of all the injuries she has had, her tattooed body hides most of her imperfections and so does the make up she wears.

    Charlotte has a large burn that is on the left side of her body starting at her torso and goes all the way partway up her neck from being blown up at Benny's by Hank Nichols.

    Charlotte also have a gun visable scar near her left collar bone from where she was shot by Ty Eza, and a stab wound on her left abdomen from being stabbed by him as well.

    In the middle of her stomach she has a large scar from being stabbed on a different occasion from Ty Eza which resulted in Charlotte having to have a partial hysterectomy.


    She is very dramatic, bubbly, energetic, clumsy, classy, workaholic and assertive.

    Charlotte is an adrenaline junkie, when she is super stressed day she can be found riding her double T or found hiking Chilliad.


    Charlotte Eleanor Paige was born July 30, 1993 in a small town in Virginia to her parents William & Camila Paige. She is very dramatic, bubbly, energetic, clumsy, classy and assertive. Charlotte's father worked in a small private practice as a physician, her mother was a nurse in the practice. A month after Charlotte turned 6 her parents died in a tragic house fire, causing her to move in with her mothers brother John and his wife Caroline. Charlotte's uncle was always a drinker but when her mother died he began to drink heavily and started to become very verbally and emotionally abusive towards Charlotte and her aunt. Charlotte's uncle often blamed her for the death of her parents. When Charlotte turned 15 she started high school and got into the wrong crowd of friends. She started drinking and going out to parties to stay away from home longer as things continued to get worse at home, the abuse started to progressively get worse. Charlotte graduated high school Charlotte quit drinking in an effort to get her life back under control and immediately left for college across the country to Washington. Shortly after college the stress of school and working started to way down on her. Charlotte relapsed in her sobriety for the first time and got involved in another group of friends that helped her spiral down. By the end of the first year Charlotte was placed on academic probation and ultimately dropped out of school rather than admitting it was her fault. Charlotte stayed in Washington for about 2 years after she dropped out of school. Moving within the state working odd jobs to make ends meet and partying. Charlotte noticed that she was spiraling down a road she had never been before. Knowing that she would need help Charlotte checked herself into a local rehab and thus again started a new path of sobriety. When Charlotte turned 24 she also celebrated 3 years being sober, she moved to a small town in California after attending a community college she received her Associates in Science alongside of getting certified as an EMT within the local fire house where she lived. She applied to the local emergency department and worked her way up in the ranks. A year in a half after she moved and started her new life she stumbled across a girl, Elaina who claimed to be her half sister. After much talk and denial Charlotte learned that Elaina was in fact her half sister and that her father had a secret affair leading to an unexpecting pregnancy. Charlotte began to form a friendship with Elaina but not long after Elaina overdosed on cocaine 3 times. In the failed attempt to get Elaina the help she needed, Elaina ended up skipping town and leaving Charlotte wondering where and if she is okay.

    Charlotte began to spiral down again making poor life decisions and relapsed her sobriety again. Charlotte is currently engaged to Ernest Flanagan and has been sober since November 1, 2020. She has also recently agreed to talk to a therapist in an effort to try and help her process some of her past traumas. Currently she is a Paramedic Lead with the SAMS department and is currently planning her wedding with best friends Brooke Davis and Leah Barnes. August 18th 2021 Charlotte married Ernie in a small ceremony on top of Chiliad with Scott as a witness. August 21, 2021 Charlotte and Ernie legally adopted Scott and Sean, Scott took on the name Flanagan. After a long and tough decision Charlotte stepped down from her supervisor position in EMS. December 23, 2021 her business license was approved and is now the owner of Carpet & Drapes. Charlotte filed for divorce June 2022, and is now trying to figure out what to do with her life.


    • "Listen, its fine"