Chrysanthemum St Luna

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  • Chrysanthemum "Chrys" St Luna

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      March 4th, 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Augusta, Maine
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Doctor Flowers
      Doctor St Luna


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Romantic Relations:
      Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

      Harvey Fitzpatrick: Ex Fiance (December 2019-January 2024)

      Familial Relations:
      Mother: Dr. Alexandra St Luna-Moore
      Step-Mother: Noelle Moore
      Father: Roderick St Luna
      Younger Sister: Lavender St Luna-Moore
      Younger Sister: Orchid St Luna-Moore
      Younger Sister: Hydrangea St Luna-Moore

      Close Personal Relations:
      Vivi Harlowe: Close Friend
      Nolan Greene: Close Friend
      Sage Hart: Close Friend


    • Occupation:
      Doctor of General Medicine for Tufts Medical Center (Previous)
      Resident Doctor with Pillbox Hill Medical Center (March 2024-)
      Model for Schmuck Clothing (March 2024-)
    • Faction Affilations:


    To be done.


    To be done.



    "Please don't do parkour in the hospital."
    "If my heart bled for every patient I would exsanguinate."
    "Would you like flower or galaxy bandages?" -To almost every patient she sees.
    "You get some bandages for being so brave."
    "I messed up on the paperwork and he hit me!" -False dramatic retelling about Dr. Knight to the other Dr. Knight.
    "I DID NOT MILK YOU!" -After taking a Bruce's blood.
    "My mom always says you can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred."
    "Please don't die while I'm on duty, I don't want to do the paperwork."
    "Somebody hates me and I think it's god!"
    "As the kids say-"
    "I'm calling HR..."


    • Chrys is deaf in her right ear due to an accident as a child, she wears a hearing aid most of the time but takes it out occasionally because it can give her headaches.
    • She keeps up 'Health Tip of the Day!' on the Y app offering helpful advice for a healthier happier life.
    • She is a pisces.
    • Chrys was officially hired to Pillbox on her 28th birthday.
    • Her favorite color is Dusty Lavender like the color she keeps her hair.
    • Despite living in a rather realist mindset, at heart Chrys is a optimist and a romantic.
    • Her favorite book is either If We Were Villains or Song of Achilles.
    • Everyone in her family works in a hospital or as a first responder except her sister Lavender who is an editor for a publishing company.

