Clementine Devlin

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  • Clementine "Shortstack" Devlin

    • Status:
      Riding Fast and Smokin Grass
    • Gender:
      Cis Female
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      October 31, 1997
    • Birthplace:
      Seattle, Washington
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Shortstack: Everyone.
      Clem: Her mother, Beanpole, Jon Chambers, Oliver Langmore, Deek, and random homies.
      Clemmy: Logan MacKeen and Marty Tate.
      Smokestack: Random Black Lotus MC members.
      Flapjack, Shortstop, Crepes, Drop Scone, Waffles, Pancakes, Griddle Cakes, and Small Pile: Marcus Corvus.
      Mouse: Caesar Meyers.
      Swolstack and Shortbread: Travis Grimes.


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Romantic Relations:
      Sexuality: (Lack there of)
      Asexual and Panromantic

      Trent "Fruit Loops" Calloway: Boyfriend (Current, Since April 2023)

      Past Relations:
      Callum Hades: Ex Boyfriend (Indeterminate amount of time)

      Biological Familial Relations:
      Mother: Morgana Bennett (Alive. Estranged.)
      Father: Alexander Bennett (Alive. Estranged.)
      Younger Sister: Annabeth Bennett (Alive. Estranged.)
      Younger Brother: Braxton Bennett (Alive. Estranged.)
      "Aunt": Gloria Stock (Alive. Estranged.)
      "Cousin": Tenson "Beanpole" Stock (Alive.)

      Cat: Otis (Alive and Cute As Heck.)

      Chosen Family:
      Adoptive Mom: Anabelle Tate
      Other Mom: Jacklyn Devlin
      Adoptive Dad: Yuri Devlin
      Aussie Brother: Eddie Bones
      Adopted Stinky Brother: Matthew Belmont-Devlin
      Lotus Sister: Vivi Harlowe
      Alldad: Larry Tate
      Boyfriend: Trent Calloway

      Favorite Peoples:
      Patch Mom: Anabelle "Ana" Devlin
      Grumpy Bear: Oliver "Ollie" Langmore (Gone.)
      HunkStack: Travis "Hunkydory" Grimes
      McNerdy: Connor "McNerdy" McGinty
      Compound Dad/Alldad: Larry Tate
      Secretly Sweet: Rosalind "Roz" Mercer
      StackBird: Marcus Corvus
      Deeky: Deacon "Deek" Rome
      FruitStack: Trent "Fruit Loops" Calloway
      VivStack: Vivi Harlowe



    Clementine "Shortstack" Devlin is a 26 year old retired stunt performer and coordinator who used to work for one of the biggest stunt companies in Hollywood until she was doing an arial stunt and a distracted rookie clipped her mid air causing her to lose her right leg and enter early retirement. After deciding it was time for a vacation Shortstack moved to San Andres, staying in the spare room of Death Dealers MC's Vice President, Jon Chambers, and spending most of her days hanging out with the club in Paleto Bay, even becoming their prospect until deciding that it was for the better to take a step back and focus on what's best for her. During the fallout with DD she became friends with John "Canada" Kempt who introduced her and offered her a place to hang out in Mirror Park with Black Lotus Motorcycle Club which she gladly took, she remained a friend of the club until they offered her a prospect kutte which she remained in for the next month of her life. After a lot of life changes and a few years in time she made a lot of moves. Now she's living in the Netherlands a part of the Black Lotus Holland Chapter but she makes visits back to Los Santos to visit her family, she is seen chilling with her friends or her cat Otis, her boyfriend Trent, and her club whenever she can and always causing some chaos.


    Born in Seattle, Washington to Construction worker father Alexander Washington and his wife and local diner co-owner Morgana Bennett in October 31st of 1997. Clem was raised along side her mother's best friend's, Gloria Stock, son Tenson who is six months older than her, From the moment she was born Clem and Tenson were together at nearly all times, attending the same schools, playing together, hanging out in their mother's diner the Sunrise Diner. As they grew Tenson and Clementine became very rambunctious, always running around, riding dirt bikes, climbing trees, and listening to music in their rooms, practically inseparable from the moment they were born. For years, much to their parents dismay, they broke about 3 bones every year for a decade up until they got into high school when they got safer and traded in random chaos for real stunting along with becoming their high schools weed dealer, something Clem is quite proud of, boasting about selling weed to some of the teachers.

    When they reached around 16 to 17 they started doing independent stunts for fun at local jump and race parks before moving to do small competitions and shows, until one day when doing their weekly doubles show they were scouted by a stunting company that ran out of Los Angeles. Both Clem and Tenson were signed on the day they graduated from high school, packing up and moving to LA the following week. After starting at the company they both did smaller parts in the productions, Tenson becoming a stunt double while Clem ended up instructing more of the stunts rather than doing them. They worked on movies like Mission Impossible: Fallout, where they were both given a Cease and Desist from Tom Cruise for memeing on him, Birds of Prey, F&F Hobbs and Shaw, and lastly were working on the show Mayans MC when Clem, now known as Shortstack by her stunt company, was promoted to Assistant Stunt Coordinator at which point she grew bored and restless so she decided to volunteer her time at local armature shows, attempting to teach the younger generation about safe and fun stunt work. She did this for months until one day she was doing an duo aerials show with a young gun who was showing off for who Shortstack could only assume is his girlfriend clipped her mid air causing her to fly out of control, crashing into the ground, her bike landing on top of her, the foot pedal imbedding right above her right knee. During the accident and the following minutes until the ambulance showed up she lost blood circulation, the nerves and muscles were severely damaged and the leg was deemed no longer viable and had to be removed, the doctors amputated from her mid thigh down. After her accident Shortstack did physical therapy for almost a year, her stunt company investing in a very nice prosthetic that was fitted to her as soon as the doctors allowed, Clem didn't seem to care about the loss of her leg, just wanting to get back to work and performing but she was sidelined by her company, put back on instructing rather than stunting, as well as the very strict talking to given from her mother. Just a year after her accident Shortstack grew tired of teaching and directing stunters rather than doing the work she loved so she tried to resign, packed up her life, leaving most of it with Tenson who she adoringly referred to as Beanpole and left for Los Santos, Beanpole tagged along as a weekend trip, not expecting Clem to want to stick around, much to his dismay, she did.

    After Shortstack and Beanpole landed in Los Santos they wanted a drink and headed for the bar known as the Yellow Jack where she met the Death Dealers MC and more specifically, Jon Chambers. Clem and Jon became friends quickly, offering her a place to stay when her motel got her room mixed up, even gifted her his angel deluxe that he hadn't been riding anymore. She trusted him and liked being around him and his club, who she ended up spending quite a lot of time with until she eventually started hanging around officially and they offered her a prospect kutte. She remained a Prospect from Death Dealers MC until a few unfortunate incidents with their Road Captain caused Clem deep mistrust of the club, that on top of the personality conflicts between who she is and who the club is, after a huge blow up after a swat raid Shortstack decided to step away from the Death Dealers. The day of the swatting she found herself hanging out with Black Lotus MC's Road Captain John "Canada" Kempt who she calls Syrup and Enforcer Bubba "Butch" Brown, she was offered to come hang out in mirror park. An offer she nervously accepted, for the next week she stayed around them, hanging out when they were at the compound in mirror park, tagging along in adventures, finding a great deal of joy being their friends, she knew she was an eccentric person, not everyone's cup of tea but they never made her feel ashamed or like she didn't belong so she approached "Syrup" and asked what the process was for Prospecting. The next church she was brought in and offered a place as Prospect with them, something she gladly accepted. She was focused on her prospecting phase, hanging out with her friends and family, even taking a job with Hawkins Hideout as a bartender. After a month of trials, tribulations, and proving to both herself and the club that she was apart of the family, on August 28th she was patched in to Black Lotus.

    She remained with Black Lotus until September 11th, when she was suffering from addiction problems, clouded judgement, and poisonous people in her inner circle, Clem reached her breaking point and put down her patch before fleeing the city to deal with her growing internal conflict, she handed her kutte into the officers. A few days after she left Los Santos for four months, heading back to Seattle to spend some time with her family and get her head on straight. As the Holidays rolled in Clem got sentimental about LS and Black Lotus, missing her family in the city until December 21st she decided to make her return, keeping her head held high despite knowing her home coming would be a rocky one. Some of Black Lotus was hesitant to see Shortstack's return, others welcoming her back gladly but her arrival being a tense and tenuous one with the signs of a long fight back coming. On January 22 of 2023 she was brought in as Prospect for Black Lotus, set to prove herself again. After months of trial and tribulations, trying to prove herself and waiting out people's hesitations in a heated vote Clem finally regained her patch on April 23rd of 2023.

    After some time Clem realized that she wasn't truly happy in Los Santos anymore due to old wounds and history and decided in august to move to the Netherlands and patch over to the Black Lotus Holland chapter in order to stay in her club/family but grant her the peace of mind that comes with being somewhere new. She makes the trip back to Los Santos occasionally to check up on her family and see the club.

    Since august of 2022 Clem had considered Anabelle and her Husband Yuri Devlin her second parents. They had taken her in and treated her with such kindness and love that it was becoming her little family away from Washington but she never wanted to make things official because she still had her biological parents back home. Her parents hated the idea of their daughter being in a criminal organization and working on things against the law, they tried to plead with her to get out, saying she wasn't safe but Black Lotus was Clem's club and she refused to hear anything about it, trying to tell them that she was taken care of. In May of 2023 Black Lotus was raided by the Los Santos Police Department, Clem and her club were arrested and put in prison for the nines. Her bio parents hit a boiling point, their tension about the club would go unheard no longer, it started a massive fight and her mother stated it would be their family or Black Lotus. Clem told her that Black Lotus was her family and they haven't spoken since. Shortstack has attempted to reach out but all contact has been blocked, eventually she gave up and resigned that they would never understand her life. In March of 2024 while Clem was visiting LS she spoke with Ana and Yuri, stating she was finally ready to officially be their kid, they filed with the state and Shortstack became Clementine Devlin.


    • Clem has twin younger siblings through her biological parents and a baby sister through her biker parents.
    • Her favorite color is Soft Pink.
    • She claims that she is "always high".
    • Although they call each other cousins, Beanpole and Shortstack aren't actually related, their moms have been best friends since they were in school so they act like family.
    • Despite her lack of understand of what sexuality is in her youth after conversations with friends and google Clem identifies as asexual.
    • Shortstack gives nicknames to most of her friends and has often received nicknames in return.
    • She lost her left leg in a stunting accident in March of 2021.
    • Shortstack delivered the "most adorable batting" according to Larry Tate.
    • She used to keep journal that tracked her daily mindset in Los Santos.
    • Black Lotus Dates:
      • Hang around: July 26nd, 2022.
      • Prospect: July 31st, 2022.
      • Patched: August 28th, 2022.
      • Patched Drop: September 11th, 2022.
      • Prospect Again: January 22nd, 2023.
      • Patched Again: April 23rd, 2023
      • Patched over to the Holland Chapter August 24th, 2023.

    • "Imma need you to stop the moody stuff right now OR IM GETTING YOU A THERAPIST FOR CHRISTMAS!"
    • "We're a true outlaw motorcycle club, and our crime? Insurance fraud!"
    • "ADHD runs this train and I am off the rails and on the sidewalks."
    • "Oh it's me! I am dumbass!"
    • "Well of course they like me, I'm great!"
    • *Watches Mitch trip on his face.* "Mitches be trippin."
    • "I don't like P's they make me upset."
    • "Hindsight is 420- wait no."
    • "I'm a danger to society; or maybe just myself."
    • "No feet pics!"
    • Adam: "I don't know what a unit is."
      Travis: "I'm a unit."
      Shortstack: "Oh ya I'm also a unit!"
    • "I don't cry, I bottle up my emotions like a real man."
    • "Let this be a lesson to you, if a women ever wants to fight you, don't turn it down but be aware she will waffle stomp you."
    • "Shortstack on top!"
    • "Oh that's it I'm getting you a therapist too."
    • "I would like two foods please!"
    • "Shortstack, what are you?" -Larry
      "I'm an idiot sandwich!" -Shortstack
    • "I am a creature of chaos and violence!"
    • "Why would somebody do that?!" -In reference to finding out what bukake is
    • "Cops say they're married to the law, I'm married to the outlaw!"
    • "I swing both ways, violently!"
