Dakota Rose

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  • Dakota "Thorn" Rose

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'5 (167.64 cm)
    • Birthdate:
      9th September 1996 (26 years old)
    • Birthplace:
      Denver Colorado
    • Nationality:

    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Does not like talking about her family


    • Occupation:
      Police Dispatch
    • Faction Affilations:
      None at the moment.


    Red Hair and loves to Ride Bikes. Bikes keeps her mind clear and having a family she can call family means everything to her.


    Dakota "Thorn" Rose was a daughter to a biker and to a mother who was a druggy. growing up, She saw her dad maybe once a week due to the fact that he was in the MC and causing problems. Once Dakota was older enough to understand, she asked her dad what he did and he showed her. Her dad was Johnny Linch, the founder of the Necromancers MC in Australia.

    I was still in the United States however, I went over the pond to see my dad and fell in love with the guys, they treated me like their own daughter and showed me the ways of being in a MC. When Thorn was old enough to be on her own, she decided to run the streets with a gang call the Ballers. They showed her how to be a family and how to love everyone like they should be treated.

    Once she decided to go back across the pond, she also noticed how MC life was due to her father being a president and how life was over the pond. She came back home and decided to take what she learned and apply it to her everyday life. She worked for everything she has. Friends find her very nice to be around but something about her sticks out. The thought of her dad everyday made her miss him more and more. Even though her dad was not there, she looked up to him and always went to him for the help that was needed.

    After losing contact with her father again, due to him being locked up for many months, She decided to do things on her own. She found a new family to be with and left the MC life behind. MC is still where she wants to be.

    When she was 10 years old as well, She was adopted out but keep the name Rose. She has a older sister. However, She does not talk to her.

    Dakota has changed her life for the better. She now works for the Los Santos Dispatching services.


    "Treat everyone with respect"

    "Treat everyone the way you want to be treated"

    "Once Family always family"

    "See I can never replace someone's family member, but I can for sure be there for someone like a family member should be."