Dinah Lance

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  • Dinah Isabella Lance

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      April 10, 1995
    • Birthplace:
      Barcelona, Spain
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Dina (Dee) Moreno, Songbird (aka Song)


    • Marital Status:
      In a relationship with Craig Evans
    • Relatives:
      Anna Moreno (mother)
      Francisco "Frank" Lance (father, deceased)
      Kara Lance (paternal half-sister)
      Joey Mint (cat, 6), Loki (cat, 2)


    • Occupation:
      Sales Person at HandleBar Haven, Trainee at Department of Human Services (DHS)
    • Faction Affilations:
      CURRENT: Civilian
      FORMER: The Lost MC (Hangaround, Denied Prospect Status)
      FORMER: Reapers MC (Out on Suspicious Circumstances)


    Dinah “Song” Lance is a 27 year old Spaniard with red and brown low-lights and blue eyes. Her hair is usually down at elbow-length. Normally, she will wear tan rimmed glasses and have her family necklace with an aquamarine gemstone. Her favorite color is light teal ( and she loves to sing random music (hence the nickname), cook, work on her motorcycles, and hunt. Her favorite pastime is reading.


    Growing up as a military brat, Dinah didn’t grow up in any sense of normalcy. Her father, Francisco (Frank) Lance was a OF-5 (Captain) for the Spanish Navy. Her mother Anna was a professional photographer. Dinah grew up as an only child until the age of 16, when she found out the truth about her father’s infidelity, which resulted in a younger sister, Kara. As a result of this, Dinah snuck out of the house, left for England and met her younger sister. Within a week, she was brought back home, where she suffered severe physical abuse from her mother when her father was out at sea. Anna did not enjoy the fact that Dinah snuck off to meet someone that stole her happiness. Often blaming the child, rather than her husband, Anna showed signs of using Denial as a Defense Mechanism, which later manifested as a mental illness, schizoaffective disorder. As a result, when Dinah was 17, Anna and Frank fought and Anna, in a crazed affective state, shot and killed Frank. Frank was not completely innocent himself, however, as upon her mother’s jury trial, Dinah confessed that Frank had often sexually assaulted her. Rather than rot in prison, the jury deemed Anna stay at a mental institution without possibility of release. When Dinah graduated high school, she took her uncle’s offer to move to Liberty City and study graphic design and arts. She currently holds an Associates Degree in Fine Arts.

    At the age of 23, Dinah met Ruby and Dean, two people who introduced her to the MC lifestyle. There, Dinah felt acceptance, love, appreciation, and things she had not ever felt before. The trio began their own MC, Iron Trinity, based on them. They did not abide by the laws of what the MC's offered so they controlled their territory until Dinah felt it was best to move on. The MC disbanded and only Song and Markus Chester (Trigger) remain of the old chapter. Song holds a Trinity tattoo on her hip of their old emblem.

    On her way to San Andreas, Song found herself with at a crossroads when she met Sampson, a former Founding Member of the Black Lotus MC who introduced her to Jackson McCormick and Lenorah Morales of The Lost MC, in addition to a new and shiny RED FLAG in the form of Reapers MC. In the beginning, Song was heading towards Black Lotus, when the Reapers members approached her. One in particular, Antonio (Tony) Juarez. Song found attraction towards Tony and soon after, they began to date. being an Ol' Lady proved its challenges and brought lots of Red Flags with it. However, once she had hit her Patched status, the lies were beginning to unfold within Song's eyes. This caused a strain in her relationship with Tony, and they soon broke it off. Lies, secrets, and underhanded tactics, such as stalking became a normal for Song. Everywhere she went, eyes followed. It was around the time of her status to move up from Prospect to Patch that Song began to see everything that Reapers were doing. How they lied to everyone, including her own, to make sure they were on top.

    The Reapers shortly fled the state after select members acted against a Reaper Vote of Confidence, found out later to be the "Walk Out" status of Song. On a vote of 6 against 2 for, Song was granted release of the Patch. However, that night, Song was found in the city with a bullet wound to the back of her head, causing hematoma to the back of her head. This incident left her vulnerable and scared, which Song still exhibits traumatic episodes of, cold sweats, nightmares and screams still traumatize her.

    Prior to her release from Reapers MC, it was also discovered that Dinah and Jackson McCormick began a relationship outside of both clubs knowledge. After Dinah's release from the Reapers and without needing approval from anyone, Jack and Song began to date. Within a few months, they became engaged, however the relationship fizzled and Dinah started drinking heavily. Being denied prospect status and being seen as a liability, she opted to embrace the shunning and take it as an approach to do something bigger than herself. She now considers herself retired from biker culture and MC life, but still abides by the rules as they have kept her alive this far.

    On a particularly drunk night, she and her best friend Wyatt Turner were out when she was involved in a motor vehicle accident. As a joke, Wyatt teased Dinah about her crush on the cute doctor and he gave her his number. That doctor, being Craig Evans. They began to date after a month of hanging out, and like any couple, have their issues.

    While on a trip to Madrid, visiting her mother and father's graves, Dinah was lightheaded. The next day, she and her childhood friend Sonnie were out where she passed out on a cruise. When waking up at the hospital, Dinah received horrible news that will haunt her and those around her.

    She considers her two friends Chance Killgrave and Anabelle Devlin the most important people in her life and will do anything to protect them. Even if it means putting herself in harms' way to be with them. Although she is retired from the biker life, she still has that rebellious streak and is willing to break the rules to protect them, damn the consequences.


    • Her name Dinah Lance was given to her by her father, Francisco, who was an avid comic book fan and named her after the Black Canary.
    • Dinah loves to sing and will try to match chords for music
    • She is an avid motorcycling fan, Her Western Roadie Glide's name is Kara, in regards to her only sibling.
    • Song loves to cook, however, its not always good.
    • "Bottle of scotch and a good ass kicking are what you are gonna get"
    • "ohmyfuckinggod, you're gonna give me an aneurysm"
    • "Just because I'm a blonde, doesn't mean I'm fucking stupid"
    • To Jacob Hernandez - "Jacob, I swear to God. Te voy a matar!"
    • To Wyatt Turner (@Greg Carmine) - "What the shit, Wyatt?"