Doug Graves

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  • Doug Graves

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    • Occupation:
      Car Salesman
    • Faction Affilations:
      Shadyvale Trailer Park, Boat House Crew


    Tall thick man with a bald head. Doug is a country boy at heart and isn't afraid to stand up for justice.


    Doug Graves was born and raised in the woods of Northern Canada. His life as an only child was spent hunting and reading car magazines. Living in isolation meant spending his time taking care of his parents and grand parents and dreaming of driving as fast as he can. His grandma instilled in him to respect everyone and to look at the world with love and understanding. Farming all around, extremely cold and long winters and being such a small town he had no opportunities to race. He spent all of his spare time behind the wheel of an old broken down tractor imagining the feeling of the wind whipping in his hair as he sped across the land.

    Eventually his family had passed when he was 17 and the town became a ghost town. Feeling lost and confused as to what to do with his life, he decides to pursue his dream of racing. Moving was a big step and came with its ups and downs. Eventually finding his way into the city of Maire a small city of about 85K, he establishes himself on the outskirts of town. Hunting for food and selling skins, he saves enough money to buy his first car and a nice trailer to live in. His wife lives back home in Canada, but he loves her with all of his heart and will only have eyes for her and no other. He invests in his car making it faster and faster. Racing his car as fast as it will go on the back country roads. He eventually tempts fate a couple years later and crashes at high speed. He spent over a year in bed and many months of rehab to walk again. Also over the years society began to look down on fast cars driving on the streets, Law Enforcement became strict on speeding. Never really healing from the crash and suffering from chronic pain, the fear of jail and not having competition he gives up on his dream. Having a passion for cars still he decides to make a career of fixing cars.

    The next 25 year he spent living an average boring life being a mechanic. Hunting and chatting with his love Anna in his spare time, until one day he came across a reality show of street racing. This show would reignite his passion and would begin his quest to be the fastest guy on the streets. Knowing that his community in Marie would never accept something like street racing he made a plan to cross the border and put his hat in the arena of street racing. Selling everything he owns he sneaks across the border ending up on the outskirts of Los Santos ready to make a new life.

    Doug came to the city with his best friend Jake Freshe and his life long buddy Terry Johnstone. The three of us wander the city the first month trying to find a place. Originally coming to Los Santos to be a street racer, We quickly learned that racing was highly frowned upon and being new to the city we did not want to make a fuss.

    We tried starting a logistics company and quickly learned that logistics was a hard job. Over the first month Jake and Doug spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. Not having much to spend money on the pair of us started investing in nice cars. Before we knew it we had amassed a small fleet of cars. Still trying to find a home we came across Mosley's Auto. We fell in love, Jake and I would setup our cars and show them off in the showroom in the hopes of maybe someone liking what we had done and buy the vehicle. The idea of a used car dealership was born. We spent a month and a half at Mosley's setting up our cars in the showroom. Showing them off and hoping someday someone would buy our cars. Patience paid off and eventually we sold our first car. Unfortunately our time at Mosley's was coming to an end. Over the time that we had been there, the violence was too much for us to bear. Being shot several times, taken hostage as a pawn in the gang fueds and the constant violence. Doug and Jake decided it was time for a change.

    Spending time searching potential locations throughout the city we finally decided on The Boat House in Sandy Shores. We found a community and a home that we can feel safe in now and have made so many close friends. We have grown The Boat House into a well known brand and continuing our adventure.


    MF'n Doug Graves