Echo Manco

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  • Echo Manco

    • Status:
      Live Laugh Loving
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'3" (160 cm)
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Johannesburg, South Africa
    • Nationality:
      English/South African
    • Aliases:
      "The Great Collector"
      "The Manco Manco" (Only from herself)


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Melina Smith - Mom
      Matthew Manco - Dad (Deceased)
      Anabelle Manco - Sister
      Jeremy Manco - Brother (Deceased)


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Echo Manco is often seen with Black and Blue Hair (The Blue being a tribute to a fallen friend). She often wears dark make up around her eyes and wears darker colours. Her skin is covered in tattoos.


    Echo grew up in a household with a single mother. Her father passed away not long before the twins were born, She was basically raised to be a second mother to them as her mother spent her time trying to make ends meet. Where she grew up was rather gang ridden and very dangerous. She became more street smart and managed to help her siblings become street smart aswell.

    She got a job as soon as she became 16 helping out with Ambulances and interacting with Paramedics on a daily. 2-3 years passed, her helping out where she can.
    While she was working one day the radio in the ambulance started going off claiming a young male was shot. This was a regular occurrence for her but something to do with this call made the hair on her arms stand up. The Paramedics rushed out without a word and not too long later her mother met her in the Ambulance bay sobbing. Her brother had been shot and he passed away before the paramedics had even arrived. This broke something in Echo. As soon as she could she saved up enough money and moved to America. She moved around from place to place not really able to settle down fully.

    She now returns to the states and decided Los Santos is the place to go. Meeting back up with one of her friends, Helena Wren as well as following up on what happened with her close friends.

