Eleanor Riley

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  • Eleanor Jade Riley

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Aurora Illinois, USA.
    • Nationality:
      Irish and German
    • Aliases:
      Ele (Preffered name), Ellie (this one is tricky)


    • Marital Status:
      In a Relationship
    • Relatives:
      Jade McKenna Riley (Mother, deceased), Leslie Marie Riley (younger sister, deceased), and 'John Doe' (Father), Jacob Riley (adopted son)


    • Occupation:
      Employee at A Salt N' Battered
    • Faction Affilations:


    A blonde female that stands at 5’3” and weighs around 130 pounds. While she prefers to wear her glasses instead of contacts, usually she has to opt for the latter option due to extenuating circumstance. Her bright baby blues are usually underlined with dark circles or bags underneath, but she does use concealer to try and hide that. Skin full of colorful tattoos, she considers it her own personal canvas to try and tell a story without the use of many words if at all. Clothing wise, she usually opts for neutral or darker colors, but that is also dependent on her mood and what she’s going to get into for the day ahead. While she will dress up, when necessary, she is most comfortable in her boots.


    Eleanor was born at Copley Memorial Hospital in Aurora, Illinois around 3:45 AM on a cold winter morning. While she obviously has a father, she’s never actually met him and hasn’t a clue what his name even is. The only thing she knows about the man is, he is where she gets her Irish nationality from, other than that, he was something both mother and child refused to talk about.

    While her mother was attentive for the first few years of Eleanor’s life, more often than not she was taken over to grandma and grandpas house to be watched over when mom needed time away from her daughter. Countless impromptu sleepovers happened in that time and most of the time they would leave her to play with a few toys and the television on in the background. Alone for hours at a time, it took her a while to start feeling comfortable socializing with other children when she was old enough to go to school. Unsocialized behavior got her on the radar of many a school bully, but she never let them off easy and her permanent record, even throughout high school is full of countless detentions and a handful of suspensions. She was at risk of expulsion at one point, but still somehow managed to graduate high school.

    With her rough latchkey kid home life to blame, Eleanor hated being left alone and all to herself. So eventually she got the courage to go out and venture around the city of Chicago. She met all kinds of people in doing so, some nice, most of them not so much. She held her own as best she could though and did whatever necessary to keep herself safe. While most in their adolescence would have some form of paternal figure to look up to and learn from, Eleanor learned most things on the streets. There was a select group of people she trusted enough to hang out with while she was in high school, but once they learned about some of her favorite past times (while unsupervised and bored out of her mind) and how she didn’t have a good relationship with her parents, things got a lot more rough for her.

    Accused of and framed for a crime she didn’t actually commit (?), there was a warrant put out for her arrest. CPD warned the public that she was armed and dangerous, and they urged anyone with information to call them and not approach her on their own. While parts of that were technically true, she never went out of her way to hurt anyone that just continued to mind their own business.
