Elizabeth Williams

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  • Elizabeth Williams

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      May 18, 1993
    • Birthplace:
      Portland, Oregon
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Only Child


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:



    Elizabeth Williams was born to a police officer, Detective Randal Williams and his wife Mai Thomas, whom was a Lawyer for the State. She was a daddy's girl. One day her father came home with a motorcycle and her mother freaked on him as she felt those were extremely dangerous. The next day her father went to work. As he was working on a case and getting close to cracking the case, he was gunned down. He was rushed to the hospital where Elizabeth would be a lot waiting to see if her father awoke from his coma. She would sit there reading him stories and trying to get him to wake up. But after about a month there was no change and her mother decided to take him off life support. After the funeral of her father, her mother hit the bottle hard. She drank as she blamed herself for his injuries. Everyone tried to tell her mother that it wasn't her fault at all. She said the last thing, she said to her father was in anger. With her drinking so much Elizabeth moved in with her Grandparents, Sid and Eva Williams.

    Her Grandfather Sid Williams was a Judge in his own right in Portland. He would bring Elizabeth on many field trips to the Court Room and let her sit and watch. She loved it. Everything her Grandfather did in that court room she wanted to do. Her Grandfather told her if she wanted to do what he did she would have to work hard as being a Judge wasn't easy.


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