Fawn De Gaffa

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  • Fawn De Gaffa

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5ft 7in
    • Birthdate:
      November 23rd, 2003
    • Birthplace:
      Indiana, USA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:



    • Occupation:
      Porter Electronics
    • Faction Affilations:
      ??? (???)
      The Porter Family


    Fawn is a young woman with naturally brown hair. When she allows herself to spend time in the sun she has a nice deep tan, but when she spends too much time indoors it fades and she gets quite pale. She has honey brown eyes with slight freckles on her cheeks. She wears a pendant around her neck at all times that carries her father, Brian De Gaffa's, ashes. She recently began to wore faint skull face paint, an ode to the Porter family - which she considers herself part of.


    Fawn is a self taught "hood doctor." Her father, Brian, was a street thug from Britain who loved her mother - and Fawn. Unfortunately, things didn't work out and the pair split, and Brian moved back to Britain. Fawn spent her childhood between America and Britain, learning street smarts from her father and book smarts at home. Her mother was inattentive, too focused on her new husband who wanted nothing more than for Fawn to disappear. So, Fawn did just that.

    Fawn reconnected with her father years later in San Andreas, and was introduced to a myriad of people - including Tom Porter. Tom was introduced to her as Brian's "brother," and Fawn was directed to refer to him as her Uncle. After a fight one evening, Fawn flew out of San Andreas angry at Brian. Six months later, she returned. She reconnected with Uncle Tom, and learned her Father was murdered. With an exceptional amount of hatred in her heart, she dreams of one day ending the life that took Brian's.

