Gary Hamm

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  • Gary Hamm

    • Status:
      Alive and Well
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Broccoli Man, Gareth, Garold, the Green Hamm, Bob Ross, Chia Pet, the Man With The Van.


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      None known.


    • Occupation:
      Professional Gambler, BurgerShot Co-Owner, and Blood Night Bouts Commentator
    • Faction Affilations:
      Azteca, Prospect.
      Prospect of Los Varrios Aztecas.
      Co-Owner of BurgerShot.
      Commentator for Blood Night Bouts.


    5'9", 160 lbs, tan Mediterranean complexion, green afro, blue sideburns/mustache. Wears glasses (often prescription sunglasses) and shoes with light-up blue soles. Usually wears a button-up shirt under a brown leather jacket and cargo pants.


    Gary was born in the Rocky Mountains. Little is truly known about his youth as Gary always changes his story when asked about it. Some might tell you Gary's mother was an Oompa Loompa. Others will claim Gary's father is Bob Ross. Was he really raised by wolves, or is it true that he woke up one day in the woods with no prior memories? Who knows?

    Once he grew into an adult, he set out on his own. Unfortunately, his reckless lifestyle and difficulty staying focused led to a life of homelessness. Instead of wallowing, Gary used this opportunity to become what he always dreamed of: a train-hopping hobo. He rode the railroads all over the nation, staying in places like Liberty City and Vice City for a few years at a time. As he approached middle-age, Gary decided it was time to try to settle down and establish some roots in Los Santos.

    Gary lived under the pier for a couple of months after moving to the city, making a living delivering GoPostal packages with his friend Diarmaid Rafail and cooking hotdogs. An early investor in PALM, Gary continued to funnel nearly all of his earnings into the cryptocurrency as it climbed in price. A combination of countless hours of deliveries and constant investing provided Gary with enough money to bankroll a risky series of bets at the Diamond Casino.

    Another infinite number of hours later (often gambling with his friend Caster Taylor), Gary was one of the first millionaires in the city. He purchased a house in Mirror Park and was shortly after prospected into the Aztecas familial. Caster roped Gary into his BurgerShot franchise, where he works as co-owner.


    • "That's what's up."
    • "#UpGood"
    • "Luck makes morons and geniuses of us all."
    • "Okay, one more hand."

    • Gary has a well-known obsession with eggs. The reason is unknown, but he has been known to wear clothes with specially built "egg holsters" so he may carry a number of eggs--some concealed--on his person at any time. People often make a game of guessing how many he is carrying.
    • Gary made his fortune at the blackjack tables. Unfortunately, that made him a target of opportunistic criminals. In a desperate act, it's rumored that he converted his wealth into poker chips and tossed them into the ocean.
    • Gary loves vans more than any kind of vehicle. He was often known as "The Man with the Van."
    • Gary loves animals and refuses to hurt them.