Gianna Gallagher

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  • Gianna Gallagher

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Vice City
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Logan Gallagher (Twin)
      Nick Gallagher (Brother)
      Zane Gallagher (Brother) - disowned





    The Gallagher Family is more or less just a couple of Misfits. Their parents did a shitty job at doing the one thing parents should do. Their mother tried, but there is only so much you can do while married to a man who didn't want kids in the first place. Now their parents had no trouble making the kids, it was the taking care of them part that seemed to be the issue. Zane was born first. Their father always wanted a son and he got lucky at the very first shot. Their parents tried at first, at least with Zane, it didn't take long after he was born that their mother was pregnant again. Hazen was next, a year after that the twins came, Gianna and Logan and finally Nick. Their mother struggled, each and every day she would go work her two jobs to keep a roof over their head and food on the table but sometimes there wasn't any food. They moved around a lot. Each time leading to another eviction.

    Their father was an abuser of narcotics. He had a work injury when the kids were still young and sense got an addiction to the pain medication he was prescribed, using his injury and his workers comp as a means to get out of finding another job. He was practically useless and most of the evictions came about due to him, so the family would pack up, move to another city and try again.


    The kids got themselves into some trouble on their own. At a young age they took to cars as a hobby. Each of them finding that they enjoyed the life of a grease monkey. Hazen got a job as a mechanic and Zane took up whatever jobs were available. They saved up, wanting to get what they can for their siblings and get them out of the house with their parents. The nail in the coffin was when their father picked the twins up from school, high on whatever pills he was able to get that day. They didn't make it home as they were involved in a head on collision while going the wrong way on the highway.

    Gigi and Logan were just sixteen at the time. The twins spent two weeks in the ICU before they were finally released but the recovery from that was, and still is, on going. Once the twins turned eighteen the four of them left, promising Nick that they would send for him once he became of legal age. Over the last two years the four of them have gone from city to city, stealing, scraping and getting by with what they could. It wasn't until a few months ago that they settled on their next city, Los Santos. Nick was turning eighteen and he would fly out. They wanted to set down roots, to have a home and never look back to their past.

    Gianna hasn't been doing much with her life here in Los Santos. Her brothers have put down their roots and got themselves into some work but it was always Gigi that was left behind. Don't want little sis getting into trouble but it was always Gianna that would go head first into the trouble when it came to her family getting in over their heads. She's done simple work, just enough to make rent for the apartment or to get some upgrades to her car. She's currently had a falling out with her older brother and has been holding the grudge ever since.



    Gigi is fiercely independent and chooses not to subjugate herself to picking sides, and frequently disregards any rules in order to do things her own way. Despite being independent, she is loyal to those she trusts, which is mainly just her family. Gigi has a strong determination which shows as she always seems to gets what she wants. She focuses on her goals and works her way towards them and is relentless until she achieves it. Gigi is a master in the art of manipulation She is always one step ahead of others because she makes sure she knows who she was dealing with. She is able to adapt to all the circumstances she finds herself in. She is quick to insult and has no issues running her mouth, knowing she can back it up herself if needed. Growing up with four brothers, you learn a thing or two about being able to stand your guard and back up what you bark.

    She displays signs of promiscuity and an inability to share trust and intimacy with men. She often finds herself attracted to older men, saying at times she needs to find herself a Sugar Daddy. Gigi displays hidden degrees of abandonment and unappreciated. Due to the way her parents raised her, she always feels like everyone ignores her and never acknowledges her, prompting jealousy issues and pent-up anger inside to her other siblings. Gigi has a prominent wild streak to her and enjoyed partying, drinking, and joy riding. She still shows a frequent preference to flirtatiously hit on any man she finds attractive, just for kicks. She is also careless and irresponsible, treating matters more lightly. She is generally carefree and laid-back. Gigi frequently proves herself to be impulsive. Gigi has deep issues with authority figures. Nonetheless, she has a huge love for a family, and will do anything for them.


    • Got a sleeve tattoo to cover the large scar from the car accident
    • Her and her twin brother Logan got matching cars