Gisquette "Goose" La Flamme

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  • Gisquette "Goose" La Flamme

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 4"
    • Birthdate:
      October 31st, 1995
    • Birthplace:
      Portland, Oregon
    • Nationality:
      French, American
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      single, but taken
    • Relatives:
      Estranged grandparents on her father's side


    • Occupation:
      none, former assassin
    • Faction Affilations:
      Sphinx MC


    5' 4", curly light brown hair, light brown skin, hazel brown eyes (which sometimes seem green), thick French accent, and has a penchant for wearing crop tops


    Gis has lived a sad little life. When she was three, her parents made the decision to immigrate to the US and just past the US border, they were involved in a deadly accident that left Gis orphaned. She grew up in three separate foster homes until she ran away at the age of fifteen. She later found herself in a situation where she was forced to sell herself to survive, learning to kill or be killed. She managed to save enough money to escape her reality, but got sold to an organization who trained her to be an assassin. After a couple of years, she managed to escape even them and built a life of her own, getting clean, and trying to start her life over again.

    Fairly new to the city, Gis ran into a few individuals, most notably the Shark King Cult. Having met their "reverend" Tyler Sand, she made friends with him and decided to hang out with him and his MC the Sphinx. Not only did she feel welcome and comfortable there, she started to fall in love with the Vice president of the club, Fusco Kenward. Still currently unemployed, she spends most of her time mining out of Cayo Island and hanging out with the club.


    • Gis would rather be called Gis (pronounced like his), but her friends decided to dub her Goose and she's rolled with it ever since.
    • She used to be addicted to drugs, but has been clean for two years. (she doesn't count MJ as a drug, however.)
    • At the urging of her friend Tyler, went out on a date with Fusco and almost immediately decided he was boyfriend material.
    • Her Grandparents were French immigrants to Canada, which is why her French accent is so thick; she doesn't actually speak French save for a few phrases.
    • Her mother was actually an American who met Gis's father at a College party when he was travelling abroad; Gis is the result of what was supposed to be a one night stand. Her parents decided to marry and she was born a three weeks early during a trip to visit family.
    • "My name is Gisquette, not Biscuit! Guh, Guh, Guh, with at G!"
    • "It's Gis, like geese! Oh, nevermind, call me whatever you want."