Hattie Hildebrand

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  • Hattie Grimes

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      December 10th, 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Blackwater, New Alexandria
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Touquey & Touques (Travis only)


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Travis Hildebrand
    • Relatives:
      Father - Charles "Chuck" Grimes
      Mother - Melanie Sylvia
      Uncle - Rufus Ryder



    Hattie is played by wildandwillful.

    Hattie is about five and a half feet tall, average weight, and fairly fit. She has brown eyes, naturally brown hair that is mostly dyed blue these days. She has several piercings in both ears, a septum piercing, and a piercing in her left eyebrow. She has many tattoos, most noteworthy to her is the lotus flower on the back of her neck that was done for her by her husband. Most of her tattoos include skull or skeleton motifs, as well as mechanic themes. She also enjoys floral designs, and music designs, such as the record skull that takes up most of her back.


    Hattie was born in Blackwater, New Alexandria to Chuck Grimes and Melanie Sylvia. While her mother skipped town from the hospital, Chuck took his new baby daughter home to raise her alone. Hattie lived her entire life in Strawberry, New Alexandria, being raised by her father, and his brothers and sisters that were part of his MC - the Free Ryders. While everyone pitched in to help raise Hattie, she was particularly close to her fathers friend Rufus, who would help take care of her often when Chuck wasn't able to. When Hattie was sixteen, her father was diagnosed with an early stage brain cancer. Despite best efforts of the doctors to resolve this, Charles Grimes fought a long, difficult battle and eventually passed away when Hattie was twenty-three.

    Shortly after moving to Los Santos, Hattie found out there was a local anonymous meeting, much like the ones she attended when she was first recovering. Figuring it was the best way to stay on track Hattie visited one of the meetings at met Oliver Langmore. The two of them became friends quickly, and he recommended her a job working at the garage at the Black Lotus compound, Ronnie's Custom Choppers. Between working, hanging around with the club, and going on rides, Hattie began to make friends with several members of the Black Lotus MC. During one particular ride, Hattie met Travis Grimes, and struck up conversation. Hattie was quickly drawn in by his off-kilter charm and similar ideals. Though it took her several failed tries, Hattie managed to get Travis' number and eventually invited him on a date. Though it took him halfway through said first date to realize it was a date- they proved to be a good pair. A few months after they started dating, Hattie decided to ask Travis to elope one night during a visit to their favorite bar, Tequi-la-la. Travis agreed, and they were married that night next to the Vinewood sign by Jaxon Corsair, and witnessed by his wife, Macy Corsair.

    In mid-April, Travis and Hattie were offered by the owner of the Tequi-lala, Alex Taylor, for them to take over the bar upon his departure from the city. Hattie and Travis agreed as the place held a very important spot in their heart. They took over, and renamed the bar Hawkins Hideout, in memory of Alex Hawkins. Travis and Hattie have continued the tradition of Metal Mondays, and have proceeded to add additional events and openings to the roster of the bar. Hattie regards the bar very highly, considering it her and Travis special project.

    In September 2022, Hattie was found to have a mass on her brain after going for some tests to treat episodes of spacing out she was having. She was found to have a mass on her brain, which was treated and removed in October of 2022. A lengthy process of healing from the major brain surgery followed but came with the good news that the mass was not cancerous, and Hattie has made a full recovery since.

    In early 2023 Hattie and Travis made the choice to change their last name to Hattie's maiden name.

    Hattie spends most of her time working, either at Ronnie's or at Hawkins Hideout. She takes pride in her work as a business owner and mechanic. When she isn't working she is attached at Travis' hip, and they enjoy going to concerts, going on rides, and exploring parts of the island they've never seen.


    • Hattie's journal posts are actually recollections of prayers to her father and a string of her inner thoughts. It can be found here.