Jackson Banks

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  • Jackson Banks

    • Status:
      Unknown, MIA
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6ft 0in
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Unknown, Scotland
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      • Unknown Father
      • Unknown Mother


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      Formerly with the ONI crew in Lil Seoul. He has since parted ways and gone legit, or so it seems.


    Jackson Banks is a Scottish mechanic, and is a violent felon. He initially made his name by driving for an Old Italian Mob Crew. He is renowned for his unpredictability during "business" being conducted. He's covered in scars which he has made sure his tattoos work around the scars, seeing them as a rite of passage, or badges of honour due to his upbringing and heritage.


    Jackson was abandoned at birth and left to rot in a place where kids feared more than the boogeyman, Hell, most kids wished the boogeyman did take them in these places. Growing up without parents is hard, especially in an orphanage. Jackson was always the runt of the pack, never knowing what first place was like or having the strength to stand up for himself, this was primarily because he was bullied by the larger kids. Eventually Jackson gained some height towards his teenage years, he’d begun a workout regime he read about in an old newspaper clipping in order to put on some muscle to at the very least intimidate his childhood bullies. Once the young Scottsman built up the muscle he wanted, all he had to do was face his fears, he fought night and day with himself in trying to convince his own mind that he could stick up for himself, he was bigger now, stronger even. Jackson finally faced the music, and fought till his knuckles were bloody, giving him a free ticket to a young offenders' compound, of course Jackson didn’t stick around long and made a break for the door before his ride arrived. It wasn’t until years later, growing up on the streets, teaching himself how to break into cars silently, strip the engines and sell the parts that he’d begun making a living and a name for himself, not just the homeless bum on the street.

    Towards adulthood, Jackson had begun stealing faster and more powerful cars, taking them to underground street races, only starting himself out in drag, then circuit and eventually he moved onto his favourite, drift racing. He soon found himself making his way to New York City, having met a man who could set him up with some work abroad. How could a young, naive and ambitious driver decline? Jax stowed away on the first ship out of port, and spent the next few days at sea, until he finally arrived, sneaking off the ship he made his way to the meeting point where he’d met a young Italian-American man, he only knew him as D, and he himself went by J. The two worked many jobs around New York, pulling small-time gigs until D had hit the big time. The two were best friends around this time and both had a… Misunderstanding with D’s crew, causing them both to leave the state and move to San Andreas and keep a low profile, owing big money to big names is not a good idea, least not when you’re still a small-fry.

    Jackson spent most of his time in San Andreas keeping a low profile, it wasn’t until very recently he finally came out of whatever hovel he was hiding away in and started making a new name for himself, working with D once more, Jax had also gotten back in touch with his formerly adoptive cousin, who introduced him to a crew that, at the time, seemed to know what they were doing. After two large wars with crews much bigger than his own, he eventually opted to leave with a small group of people, who went their separate ways, except for Skyler Reed. The two eventually grew closer and closer until finally on the 14th February 2022, Jackson and Skyler had finally gotten married.

    Jackson and a former crew he was associated with, the ONI, had a clash over an "innocent woman" being pulled into what was assumed to be a plot against the crew. And a key member of said crew worked out his own agenda to force the man to learn his lesson, however Jackson refused to learn it, wasn't even aware of the lesson aside from the mindless attacks, robberies and tortures his friend and he endured. This caused a rift between Skyler and himself, and Jackson saw fit to simply hand himself over, however in a change of heart the man took a ferry back to the main-land with his bike and anything valuable to him, leaving manuscripts, pictures and even the wedding ring he bought for Skyler and himself before leaving. He hasn't been seen in months, or at least recognised in the States as a whole, seemingly gone entirely off-grid.

    Jackson had many ambitions in the city of San Andreas, opening and running a mechanic shop whilst continuing to run his illicit Businesses, running guns across the city to other gangs for a percentage. He used to often think this is how he would spend his days. Jackson had a well paying job for himself and his former wife at the Flywheels Specialist Mechanics back in February. The Scottsman had continued to stay legal, even going as far to get actual weapon licences, he kept an eye open for locations for his former wife to open up other Businesses, such as bars or restaurants. He eventually wanted to live on a farm and retire from his work with his former wife and have a sheep, a cow, horses and six dogs.


    “I’ll break yer’ kneecaps if ye’ keep bullshittin’ me.”
    “Oi, pisspot!”
    “Okay, cool. Now piss off ‘fore I chib you.”
    “Awa’N’Bawl’Yer’Heed, cunt.”
    • Jackson has only ever given out his first name to three people. Others guess or call him Jax.
    • Jax often gives many nicknames to his friends, his favourite for Skyler is “Sky.”
    • Jax loves his wife, best friend and cars more than his own life and is willing to kill and die for them.
    • Jax is often seen as abrasive, but he means well.
    • Jax began his relationship by chilling at Lil Seoul LTD, she called out by saying “I have to say this, but I love your accent.” In turn, Jax asked Skyler to marry him without hesitation.
    • Jax and Skyler were married on Valentine's day of February 2022.