Jade Storm

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  • Jade Storm

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Beaver Falls, Penn.
    • Nationality:
      Puerto Rican, Polish, Taino descendant
    • Aliases:
      Nova (Dancer Name)


    • Marital Status:
      In a Relationship w/ Chris Stevens (10/28/2024)
    • Relatives:

      Martin Storm - Father (Alive)
      Anita Storm - Mother (Alive)
      Jason Storm - Brother (Deceased)
      Coral Storm - Aunt (Deceased)


    • Occupation:

      Purple Fantasy - Marketing
      Momenti D' Amore - Sr. Photographer/Model
      Bergowitz - Car Salesman
      Yellowjack - Bartender
      Pet Haven - Media Supervisor
      Crown Jewels - Employee
      Banchan - Employee

      Former Jobs:
      Galaxy Nightclub - Dancer/Bartender
      Toe Beans - Manager
      A.S.S - Logistics Driver
      Purple Fantasy - Dancer/Manager
    • Faction Affilations:


    Jade is shorter to average height about 5'4. She has a curvy body, thanks to her latina genetics and a toned figure due to her line of work as a dancer.
    She has a natural beigy tan skin tone. Her hair is long, with natural waves to it. For the past 5 years, it has been died to be a pastel purple, with mixes of blues and pinks as highlights. Her natural hair color being black. Her eyes would be a vibrant, deep blue like the ocean.
    Her facial features are on the softer side, with full lips and rounder cheeks. She wears glasses due to her poor eye sight, not being able to see things clearly from far away.
    She has multiple tattoos across her body. Her favorite being her back tattoo, the red ink contrasting with her skin color.
    She has a scar on her lower abdomen, from a stab wound she got while living in New York and a scar on her left wrist, due to surgery from a broken arm.
    She has a few faded scars scattered across her legs and arms, from a severe car accident she was at 15.

    Jade is very altruistic. She places other needs before herself. Her greatest flaw is her need to make others happy, often forgetting to consider her own comfort and happiness. She does her best to get along with others, as she is one to avoid conflict.
    Jade can be a bit spastic and spontanious. She tends to blurt out alot of her first thoughts in her head, even if they dont make sense.
    Jade has ADHD and dylexia, a struggle she deals with on the daily. She also suffers from ptsd, due to traumatic events in her past.
    Despite being very kind natured, she will stand up for herself and others she cares about when push comes to shove.

    Friends: (WIP)

    Closest/Good Friends:
    Ripley 'Rev' Quinn (Childhood Bestie)
    Virgil Estrada
    Walker 'Bones' Slade
    Rose Briar Riddle
    Camilla Cadence (Best Friend)
    Brian Fantana
    Konnor Krush
    Bellarosa Muratori
    Harlow Greene
    Vincent Deluca
    Felix Bjorg
    Roman Rossi


    Early Life:
    Jade is a descendant of Scarlet Storm, whose family lived in New Alexandria for many generations. Her Father, Martin Storm, moved out of there and traveled to Florida. There, he met Jade's Mom. They got married and soon had kids, Jason and Jade.
    Jade's parents come from a long line of Doctors. Her father is a Neuro-Surgeon and her mother is a Dentist.
    At age 8, her family moved up to Pennsylvania. She would spend a lot of summers and vacations visiting her best friend Ripley. That's when she felt truly the happiest to be herself. When she was home, her parents would put a lot of pressure on her to live up to their expectations. Especially by her father. She was constantly compared to her brother Jason, who was 10 years older than her. He was the pride and joy of the family. Following his father's footsteps, he chose to pursue the same career path as him.
    By the age of 25, he was on his way to be one of the youngest Neuro-Surgeons.
    Jade on the other hand didn't care much for the medical world. Loving all things art and beauty. She was more carefree, failing to follow the rules and enjoyed living life to its fullest.
    It was very clear to her through most of her youth, that Jason was the favored child and she was a nuisance. Unwanted. Despite being treated as the lesser, Jade was rather close to Jason. He would do his best to protect his younger sibling from their Father’s temper but he too lived in fear of disappointing their parents.

    When Jade was 14, she was having a shopping trip with her friends at the mall.
    Her parents refused to pick her up since she was out so late, so she called her brother to come get her.
    While patiently waiting, her brother’s car swerved up to her. Hopping in, she remains oblivious to how erratic he is driving. As he continues to speed off, she notices the strong stench of liquor. Looking over to Jason, she sees him gulping down a can of beer. Multiple cans were scattered in the backseat, banging around as he drove recklessly. She would yell at her brother, shocked to see him in such a state. Her brother never broke, never showed weakness. But there he was drinking, eyes red and glazed. Not only was he drinking, he was driving the car faster and faster as he drank.
    Asking him what was wrong, to please talk to her, he would mumble a few words. Exclaiming: ‘I fucked up’, ‘failed exam’...’Dad is going to kill me.’ He would look into Jade's eyes, failing to notice the redlight he had run. With fresh tears in his eyes he would say, “I'm a failure Jade. I-”

    Those were the final words Jade heard from her brother. As he ran the red light, a car slammed into the driver's side, killing him instantly. Jade suffered multiple broken bones and was in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks. When she woke up, she awoke to her mother weeping at her side. Thankful for her daughter to be alive. Her father would be sitting in the corner. No emotions on his face. No joy to see his daughter awake and alive.
    Jade spent months in the hospital, coming to terms with the loss of her brother and learning how to walk again. When she returned home, she returned to a less than happy household.
    The silence in the house whenever her father was home was deafening to her.
    For the next 4 years, she dealt with a heartbroken mother and a distant father.
    When she graduated highschool, she had had enough.
    Sitting down with her parents, she informs them of her plans to move in with her Aunt Coral in New York and go to school for Art. Her father would blow up in her face, screaming at her. Telling her what a disappointment her life will be, that she would add up to nothing. Her mother would sit in silent tears, not stopping the tirade of her Father. Despite his outrage, she packed her things and left. The last words she would hear from her Dad, “It should have been you, not Jason”.

    Jade never looked back. Has never spoken to her parents again. Her Aunt would welcome her in with open arms, letting her live her life however she liked while she went to school. Encouraging Jade to grow from her pain.

    New York Years:
    While going to college, Jade would work hard on the side as a bartender and dancer. Helping pay her tuition and any funds to pay for her fun night outs. While in school, she became close to a classmate named Virgil. He would crash often on the couch at her Aunts after a long weekend of partying. They both came from a difficult life and they would spend most of it trying to forget, partying away. She would ensure though that her partying ways would never interrupt her artistic dreams..
    She would also befriend Bones, who worked as a bouncer at the club she danced at. During this time, she would write letters to Ripley who was overseas serving. She missed her best friend, but Bones and Virgil would have her back whenever she needed her spirits to be lifted. Bones eventually moved away, not telling Jade or Virgil where he went off to but would send texts now and again to let them know he was safe.
    (TW: Domestic Abuse)
    At 22, mid-way through college, Jade would begin dating a regular patron at her club. Evan.
    Evan was rich. Funny. Charming. He used his charm to conceal the darker side of him.
    Evan was heavily involved in drug trafficking amongst other things. Jade remained oblivious for many months into their relationship, till she started noticing the people he would bring around her.
    Witnessing him do an exchange while she was working, she would confront him later.
    She felt lied to. Betrayed.
    He would snap. Going into a violent rage against Jade.
    That would be the last time Jade would talk back to him.
    It didnt stop him from mistreating her whenever he was upset.He would console her after every outburst, confusing her. Why would he hurt her if he loved her?
    She would hide how he was from her Aunt. Hide it from Virgil. Eventually Virgil felt something was amiss, seeing Jade being more reclusive. The energy, the spark she would give was gone.

    One evening, Virgil would follow Evan and Jade back to Evan's place. There, he overheard shouting and banging. Virgil would call the cops while attempting to break down the door.
    Breaking in, he would find Jade with a knife in her abdomen on the floor with Evan standing above her. Seeing red, Virgil would lunge at him, leading to a fight between the two.
    Jade would weakly watch as her friend fought who she thought was her love.
    Evan eventually would get the upper hand, pinning Virgil to the ground. As he beats him without mercy, Jade begins to crawl to the coffee table where a gun lays. Noticing right as Jade grabs the pistol, Evan leaps at her.

    He would fall limp next to her on the ground, the gun going off in time to stop him.
    Jade and Virgil would survive the night. Forever affected by what occurred. Jade would spend the next few years going to therapy while she finished college. Virgil eventually moved away, returning home for personal reasons but visited every now and then.
    When Jade graduated college, Virgil and Bones were there to celebrate.

    Jade would do free lance art while exploring different options in her art career.
    Despite what she felt was a success, to graduate and prove her parents wrong, she still felt the pain and horrors from her childhood. From her relationship. With coming to New York, she had hoped to escape the nightmares of losing Jason and the hate from her father, but is now stuck with reliving the horrors of her ex and what he put her through.
    One day, Bones would reach out to Jade. Having recently settled into San Andreas, he would tell Jade about the life he has started here. Encouraging her to leave New York behind and come to San Andreas, to experience a fresh new start.
    Convinced, Jade would reach out to Ripley, who had just returned to the States and Virgil, telling them about her plans to start fresh. Both wanting a new start on things too, they would join Jade on her move to San Andreas.



    Says, "What the Fuck?" ALOT!
    Has a love for all things space and galaxies. Her dancer name is inspired of this, Nova.
    Owns 2 Guinea Pigs named Casper and Pumpkin.
    Owns a Snake named Noodles that currently resides with Blaine Fantana and a chicken named Madam Clucksworth that free roams the Southside.
    Majority of her cars are purple or have hues of purple in it.
    Jade writes her thoughts in her diary: Lost Dreamer



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