James McKenny

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  • James McKenny

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'11 (181 cm)
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Blaine, Kentucky
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      McKenny, BCSO's Even More Finest, Mike Tython


    • Marital Status:
      It's complicated
    • Relatives:



    A literal sex symbol in the form of a Sheriff's Deputy.


    James McKenny was born April 5th 1979 in Blaine Kentucky. He had a normal childhood, going to school, playing sports, etc. He graduated highschool and didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, so he went off to college in hopes of making something of himself. He decided to major in Criminal Justice. While he was off at college, he never attended class. Instead he partied and did copious amounts of cocaine. He paid his roommate to do all of his work for him and even went to class disguised as James. James ended up graduating with a bachelors in Criminal Justice and a raging coke addiction. He moved back to his hometown in hopes to get a job, but the local PD wasn't hiring. After some time sitting around partying and not knowing what to do from there, he just decided to apply to the first thing available so he could make some money, as the coke addiction wasn't gonna pay for itself. He applied at a news station and worked there for a few years before working his way up to the position of a news reporter. He spent his days snortin' lines off random women at parties and reporting on the news. This eventually got old so he decided to do something. He curbed the cocaine addiction, and bought his plane ticket to Los Santos to make use of that Criminal Justice degree.


    "Big Dawg"
    "Did you know that Wendy's is the only fast food restaurant that starts with a 'W'?"
    "BCSO's even more finest"
    "Free Diaz"
    • James McKenny is a better Deputy than Diaz.
    • James McKenny is able to get anyone with a "Deez Nutz" joke.
    • James McKenny never gets got with a "Deez Nutz" joke.
    • James McKenny used to be a news reporter before joining the BCSO.
    • Has a Criminal Justice degree but doesn't remember any of it as he paid someone to do the work for him.
    • James McKenny has a speech impediment.