Josh Zimmerman

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    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Hampshire, England
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:



    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Aaron Zimmerman(brother)


    • Occupation:
      ZEO of Zimports (Current)
      Commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Labor (former)
      Commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce (former)
      Judge (former)
      Court Clerk (former)
      Lawyer (former)
    • Faction Affilations:

      The Bubble and Squeak
      Chamber of Commerce


    Socially awkward, hates being in large groups, doesn't like being centre of attention, has trust issues and many other things. But, he is a friend of life if you can get to that stage with him. Nothing is more important to Josh than respect and trust.


    Josh Zimmerman, originally named Josh Spears is a man in the prime age of 28 has been through a lot in his life. He started in Vice City with his father Tony and spent his youth doing typical things that kids would do in Vice City, petty crime. He spent his early teenage life stealing cars and doing drug runs for shady people, he learnt a lot back in those days, the main things being the value of information and trust. It went well for a few years doing this as the cops didn't care too much about what was going on in the underground. When Josh hit 16 years old he got called in to talk with the Vercetti Gang, these were only the smaller people, they commended him on his 4 years of service and offered him a position within the gang officially with his friend at the time Archie. Archie was just like Josh in many ways, they grew up together in Vice City and got to this point looking after each other and getting each other through the tougher times. Without any hesitation both Josh and Archie agreed and they both took the oath to the gang. It was all going perfect until Josh's 18th Birthday.

    On the 12th of August 2011, Archie and Josh were called to do a run to the other side of the city, as usual they both agreed. The journey was like any other without anything to concern them. Upon getting to the location they handed over the packages and started to leave the warehouse when they were stopped, someone called to speak with Josh privately. Archie was left in the warehouse with the gang while Josh went off to speak to the guys there. They mentioned to Josh that they are also part of the Vercetti Gang and wanted to mention that his loyalty goes without question and he will make it big in the gang, Archie on the other hand.. not so much. Josh starts to walk back to meet up with Archie again only to find he had been strapped to a chair and bleeding heavily, up till this point Josh has managed to avoid seeing this area of the gang and it horrified him, as far as he was aware Archie was just like him, both loyal to the end. Josh noticed the others were looking at him to gauge his reaction.

    Josh couldn't look away at the sight of his best friend in this state, Archie being barely able to move looked up to Josh and went to say something when the guy next to him stabbed him in the neck. Joshs and Archies eyes were locked on each other, Archies eyes were full of fear, Joshs of confusion, fear and horror. This made Josh realise these are not the people he thought they were. The gang put their arms around Josh and without even mentioning the reasons continued to say how much of an asset he was to the gang at this point and he will go far.

    Josh wanted out, but from fear of what might happen to him at any given moment he knew he couldn't just request to leave, even he knew it didn't work like that. It took a year, but Josh got to a position where he could leave the country but it would only be under the disguise of gang related business, he was ordered to deliver a shipment of cocaine to London. Knowing this would be a perfect chance to escape he took the job willingly.
    Once arriving in London, he went to the deal location and traded off the cocaine for the cash which he would use to start a new life in the UK. It was going well, he managed to go dark with the gang and as he knew they would be looking for him as he has left the gang and stolen from them on top of it. He is a dead man if he is found so he has to be careful with what he does and who he talks to. He changed his name to Josh Zimmerman and managed to get a tech job to pay the bills. Again it was all going smoothly for him, just like the early days with Archie, it was truly bittersweet.

    After 10 years of being in hiding, Josh got a message from an unknown number claiming to know information on Archie and the reasons behind what happened. Josh being the paranoid person that he is was sceptical about it but then sends a picture of Archie, one Josh had not seen before, he looked.. older than when he last saw him. The last message he got from the number was "Los Santos".

    From entering the city known as Los Santos Josh felt out of his depth, he didn't talk to many people when he met them for the first few days. He would spend his time out in the Blaine County hunting, a lot of people stopped him to talk but he never felt like he made a connection to anyone. One day a man called Luca Giovanni who for some reason Josh felt like he knew him for years after spending just a few hours chatting and hanging out, Luca to this day is still one of Joshs closest friends.

    After spending a few days hanging out with Luca he started to introduce me to some of the guys he knew mainly Salvatore and a guy Josh only knows as Joey. Josh would start to hang out with the 3 of them a lot more, every day even. After a couple of weeks Josh was called to pick up Luca and go down to meet both Sal and Joey under a bridge in the docks, this is where things changed, Josh was offered a chance to join the family both Sal and Joey were planning on setting up. Josh was honestly worried about the idea of there being repeat of what happened back in Vice City but this felt different, these 3 guys felt like family, he cared for them and wanted to help them out where possible, so Josh accepted but didn't want to be a fully known person of the group unless it was a major situation as Josh had aspirations of his own, a way to help his new family but not in a criminal way.

    Josh and Sal were both legally minded, and both aspired to be lawyers in the city. What triggered this interest from Josh was when he went to a court case about a murderer, who? he can't remember but it is where he met Karmen Rowe who appeared to know what she was talking about when it came to law, Sal, Josh and Karmen spent the entire case just talking and commenting about it, it was honesty one of the more fun moments Josh had had. After sitting his Bar exam Josh decided to team up with Sal to create Sal n Zim Legal, our own business which unfortunately Josh was only part of around a week as he saw there was Court Clerk positions going and as Josh aimed to be a Judge he felt it was the perfect opportunity to get close to that goal and be an even greater help to the family he had joined.

    Josh was offered the role as a Court Clerk and started to progress through the system, during his time in the role he met a lot of people and gained a lot of contacts which would serve him well in the future. After a while there was talks of the creation of the Chamber of Commerce, a way for people to obtain licences to operate their business and also have a legitimate premises to work out of, this sounded perfect for Josh, what better way to get information than getting to meet all the prospective business owners and know exactly what they do, knowing this Josh put his name forward to joining the Chamber of Commerce.

    After some time helping set up the CoC Josh applied to become a Judge, which he managed to obtain. Continuing the work with doing CoC work and also doing work as a Judge Josh was enjoying himself, he still made time to see Sal, Luca and Joey when possible but was very busy a lot of the time. After Andrew, the founder of the CoC, stepped down Josh was left alone with operating the Chamber of Commerce, at this time premises licence were starting to be implemented which took up a lot of time. Josh was doing his best to operate as a Judge and also doing work as a member of the Chamber of Commerce however the stress started to get to him. At this point Sal and Joey were rarely around and Luca was working and not around at times where Josh was able to meet. He was alone in a horrible situation, he will always remember his 16 hours shift of back to back interviews for premises and business licences only to be yelled at for only being around 1 hour a week, he honestly was thinking what is the point of doing all this.

    Andrew is the new Governor, with that he appointed Josh as the Commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, at this point an unpaid position but Josh didn't mind. He now had the power to get the help he desperately needed. Josh, still being a judge would mainly do admin related work rather than cases, unless it was an appeal, during this time he would do Bar exams for people, this is where he met Dolores McGowen. Dolores was someone Josh enjoyed to chat and hang out with and after some time he offered her a position within the Chamber of Commerce, it didn't take much convincing thankfully and she accepted, not long after Jackson Clark applied to join and in the few time he had spoken to Jackson, Josh felt like he could trust him so offered him a job as well. After some time with just the 3 of them, Josh had to go and value the Gallery at which point he met Cara Samon, who he was rather fond of, he liked her attitude and mannerisms, they become friends and started to hang out more. After Cara joined the CoC we had lost Jackson as he didn't have as much time to work as he once did which was fine. Eventually we gained more and more staff, Sid, Naiah, Wynn, Giles, Charlotte, Mikey, Vlad and more. This was perfect, Josh could finally start to breathe again, the pressure was starting to dissipate.

    Josh at this point in time is no longer a Judge, he does no practice law but is still Bar certified. His main priority is working as the Commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce. Many things have changed since its inception but at the heart of it is still the goal of helping Businesses and preventing people abusing the systems that have been set up by the CoC.


    "Hi I'm Josh, have my card"

    Did you know, Josh has actually robbed from 2 houses before becoming a lawyer?