Kitta Runes

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  • Kitta Runes

    • Status:
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    • Marital Status:
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    • Occupation:
      EMS - Unemployed
    • Faction Affilations:


    From a distance Kitta looks average, short bobbed hair, a dark red colour, normal clothing which is usually jeans and vest top when she is not working. Up close though, a different story!

    Her make up and hair are always done, obviously she has spent time on herself in a morning or after a shift. Her eye liner is a deep dark brown or sometimes black, with just a slight hint of dark red eyeshadow. Dark red lipstick lightly applied, not over the top, just slightly colouring her lips. Around her neck is either a black choker or her heart necklaces, gifts from her Parents before they were taken too early.

    Her watch, her favourite item, it was her Fathers watch and she is rarely seen without it on. A scar on her back, lower right side, possibly a knife wound? Perhaps asking her will be best? There is also a scar on her right eyebrow, but it could be from an old piercing, or possibly something else? Nails are manicured, but not any of that fancy stuff, just nicely shaped and no colour on them.

    Rarely in heels but nearly always in her soft sneakers, either in or out of work. Clearly she is athletic from her toned legs, visible through her skinny fit jeans or leggings which she favours over dresses and skirts. Tattoos are also visible if clothing allows, mostly "fish" related, a skill she learnt from her Mother mostly.


    Having previously trained as EMS in another City, Kitta is now looking for a transfer to a new City. Her parents, who tragically died in a plane accident a few years ago, were a fire fighter and Doctor. Her Father a Head Doctor in Sandy Shore Hospital, and her Mother a Firefighter specialist for Los Santos Fire Department. Wanting to follow in her parents footsteps is what led her up the Paramedic path, eventually reaching the rank of Deputy Chief. She fully understands that she may have to start at the bottom of the ladder in a new City, but she is more than happy with this.

    Now that her City's hospital was closing down permanently, Kitty needs to find work elsewhere. At 21yrs old, she is the youngest Deputy Chief of EMS on record for Los Santos and with that under her belt, she should have no problems finding work elsewhere. With the help of training inadvertently from her parents, she is steadfast in her ways and can work well under pressure. Delegation is never a problem for her and she can work well alone as well as in large, and often noisy, groups of people.

    Softly spoken, rarely ever raising her voice, strangely she could quiet a whole room with her gentle voice and numerous times she had astounded the PD as she calmed even the most violent of criminals that needed medical attention. Cuffed and under armed guard, they quickly became putty in her hands as she conversed with them. Working quickly to attend to their wounds or injuries, all the while keeping as much eye contact as possible and soothing tones. A trick she learnt from her Father during his combat medic training before he became a Surgical Doctor.

    Her only real downfall, was her soft spot for animals! She had always said that if she could not be a member of EMS or Fire department, she would of been a Veterinarian! Evident by her love for all four legged animals that she came across. Even though she had a small apartment in Los Santos, her walls and accessories would always be animal related. Of course, as she stood at the airport, waiting for her bag that seems to have got lost, she would not be able to have a pet here for a long time. Constantly checking the time on her phone as her patience was wearing thin, she was resigned to the fact that she may have to find somewhere to stay for the night with only the clothes she wore, the few notes of cash she carried and her phone as her only belongings!
