Layla 'Jinx' McKenzie

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  • Layla 'Jinx' McKenzie

    • Status:
      Consistently Depressed and Highly Caffeinated.
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5 feet 4 inches
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      London, United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:




    Not much is known about Layla's looks. The only people to see her face is her adoptive family and a few close friends. She tends to be seen in a mask, whether it be a Black bandana wrapped around the lower half of her face or the traditional Black Motorcycle Helmet. The only other thing people can note is she is sometimes seen with a dark brown ponytail and aviator glasses. Apart from that, she is usually seen wearing either a dark hoodie with jeans and some form of Dr. Marten boots. Or, a black tailored suit and body armor underneath.


    Meet Miss Layla Parks; Car Enthusiast, Street Racer, Trickster, and hacker extraordinaire. She is all of this, whilst simultaneously being the poster child for naivety and innocence. You would never have thought she could be down for half of the things she’s caught doing. Let alone getting away with it once she’s been caught.

    Coming from London has taught her many things and given her many life experiences; showing her both sides of people. She isn’t scared of getting her hands dirty or putting in the work to get somewhere. Let alone talking being able to talk the ear off of pretty much anyone if they’ll listen. She’s grateful for all of these lessons and skills.

    If you were to do some digging into her past you wouldn’t find much. Her family life was typical for that of a middle-class England military home. Her mother and father were very much in love, despite her mother being away in service for long periods of time. Some would say it affected her, but she would disagree. In fact, her mother’s service helped her learn how to protect herself and read situations with more detail than most people would care to.

    She does have an older brother named Alex. He also has an intense love for cars and racing. He was actually the first person to show her a way around an engine, how to change a tire, and check her oil. Basic Mechanic work. When he started to get into the racing scene it wasn’t long before she was in the passenger seat of his Evo, coming along with him for every race; she wanted to learn the ropes before jumping in on her own for the first time. He was her introduction to the life she now follows and she loved every minute of it.

    Unfortunately though, with the life of street racing and modding cars, you get to meet some questionable characters. That is sadly what happened with Layla. She had now been to a couple of races and driven her own car. She did very well, starting to catch the eyes of the top dogs on the street. So they did what any respectful racer would do and approached her. Getting offered a spot on the organizer's table was a huge deal, one her brother had been working towards for years. They offered it to her.

    Stuck with a moral dilemma, of course, she wanted to accept it, however, she knew if her brother found out it would crush him. She even tried speaking to the top dogs to pass the offer over to her brother but they weren’t interested. They wanted her. It is an elite club after all.

    Her time on the decision ran out, meaning the spot was no longer up for grabs. Filled with disappointment and the residual annoyance from her brother finding out left her, once again, on her own with no idea where to go next. Then came a surprise through her mail. A letter including a plane ticket and an invitation to Los Santos; her brother sent it. Thinking it was odd she read the letter included with it. Oh no…

    She took the tickets, packed her things, and left her car and her old life behind as she stepped on the plane and headed to Los Santos International. What would she find there, she had no idea. Would she repeat the same mistakes as last time, or manage to find her own two feet? We’ll soon find out I’m sure. With one sentence from the letter ringing in her head; “Take this and go. My own sister going behind my back is the last straw. The next time I see you it won’t be pretty. I don’t want to have to do that to you but you’re in the shit now. Just go, Layla.” With that the plane took off; her new story just beginning.


    • Is rarely seen without gloves on, due to the two large scars through both palms.
    • Has two large X brands on her back (One on her upper right shoulder, one on her lower right hip).
    • Is a little bit crazy but hides it mostly well.
    • Cares deeply for those close to her, doesn't look twice at people she doesn't know.