Lexa Lauren Greer

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  • Lexa Lauren Greer

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      4 July 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Fort Worth, TX
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Mark Shaffer


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:



    Lexa Lauren Greer is the middle child of Erick and Theresa Greer. She grew up on her family’s cattle ranch near Morgan, TX, with her parents and brothers, Boone and Tucker, but the highlight of her childhood was spending summers with Grandpappy O’Neil at the old family homestead near Shady Oaks, TX. It was here that she gained a love for gardening more so than driving cattle and gradually weaseled her way into the decades old “Family Business” of growing, harvesting, processing, and wholesaling marijuana and cocaine. Once she was old enough to drive, Lexa became a delivery driver and would transport goods into the city for sale. She would often see the same young, brown haired teenager amid the crowd of young adults who would come to unload the crop. After months of deliveries with nothing more than a hello and shy goodbye, Mark finally worked up the courage to ask her out.

    Fast forward several years and the two are inseparable, living in Grandpappy’s old house with their two young sons, Ranger and Walker, and running the local bar and grill that they purchased when their youngest son was just an infant. A young man named Juan stumbled into the restaurant one afternoon looking for a job and a place to stay after his parents threw him out. Mark and Lexa cleared out the studio apartment above the grill and moved him in, giving him a job as a cook. Eventually, Lexa brought him into the family business. For years, the business grew, broadening their horizons to much more than agriculture. They made connections with officers in the area who were willing to skew their morals for the promise of protection and a bit of extra cash. Bonds were built with members of the local motorcycle club, Devil’s Henchmen MC, and the alliance helped solidify their standing as the one of the most successful and respected criminal enterprises in the city.

    In the fall of 2021, trouble erupted. Lexa was tipped off that CID was on her trail and had been compiling information on their organization for months. She attempted to strike a deal with a well-known detective and began funneling information to him regarding rival organizations in hopes of keeping them at bay, but that wasn’t good enough. She knew she needed leverage, and Det. Tron William was her ticket to living below their radar. She phoned Mark and asked him to call the guys together for a meeting at the warehouse then she phoned Det. William and told him she was willing to talk. Lexa was waiting outside when Det. William arrived in the rear warehouse parking lot in plain clothes and an undercover unit. She feigned a terrified mother, just trying to support her family, and pleaded with him to not take her to prison for her involvement. She told him her men were preparing a sale as they spoke and that they would soon arrive at the front entrance to make the deal. As Tron pulled out his phone to notify the rest of the team, Lexa pulled a pistol from the back of her waistband, put it to his head, and forced him inside where the others were waiting. She then instructed Tron that he now worked for her and he would supply their organization with weapons in return for his freedom and continued protection. She instructed him to contact his commander and get a van-full of weapons delivered to the warehouse under the guise of an undercover operation. Lexa warned him that if he failed to comply, she would kill him and his entire family. Over the next few hours, the plans were made and the van delivered, except with a bit of a surprise. When the members went down to retrieve the supplies, a round of gunfire erupted. She secured the hostage in a closet, drew her rifle, and ran to aid them. Mark and Juan rushed toward her, saying the SRT (Special Response Team) was rolling in. Juan and Lexa searched for an alternate exit while Mark soldiered forward to buy them a little more time. Guns were drawn at every exit and the crew had no choice but to surrender.

    Lexa and the others were arrested and held without bond for the kidnapping of Det. Tron Williams then, once search warrants were executed on all properties associated with the family business, they were later charged with several other crimes including Assault on a Peace Officer, Grand Theft Of A Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property, Possession Of A Controlled Substance With Intent To Sell, Manufacture Of A Controlled Substance, Trafficking Marijuana, Trafficking Cocaine, Terroristic Threatening, and Coercion, and sentenced to life in prison. Despite multiple failed attempts at escape, Lexa found her opportunity when a riot broke out in Cell Block D, diverting everyone’s attention and causing mass chaos. She shirked her kitchen duties, sneaking toward the exit and stowing away in a delivery truck as it left the facility. Unsure of whether the others managed to escape or not, Lexa stuck around town, keeping her head low for any sign of them. A statewide manhunt began for the reported escapees. With the police saturating the area, Lexa had no choice but to flee the state and take up residence elsewhere, hoping her partner and friends were able to do the same.


    • Lexa was once kidnapped by a pair of crazed clowns, knocked unconscious, and later woke up at Pillbox Medical with both feet amputated just above the ankle. The physician advised she was found unconscious on the front steps of the hospital badly beaten and missing her feet. The clowns are still at large.