Mercedes Lasky

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    Mercedes Lasky

    Themesong, Don't Make Me

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
      American with very distant Australian and Swedish Heritage
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Keegan Lasky - Father - Alive
      ??? - Mother - Unknown


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      Black Lotus MC - East Coast Nomad
      - Information here


    Mercedes is a bright and bubbly woman, she is on the smaller side of things as she stands at 5'6. She often wears pastel or light coloured clothing with big round glasses that often have random things on them. She is quite friendly but tends to keep to herself and doesn't like touching others too often but this adds up to the darkness that hides behind her bright coloured eyes, a darkened sadness that storms behind the mask she puts up. Mercedes isn't too well known but is a Nomad in Black Lotus in another chapter.


    Mercedes was born to a former couple who had to deal with the consequences of their actions, her mother wanted nothing to do with her father; Keegan and left her daughter to in the care of her father, wanting nothing to do with Mercedes either. Thankfully it wasn't hard on her father; He was born into a rich family, his family for generations had owned large equestrian property, breeding and training high end horses. She never got to really know her mother nor does she remember anything about the woman due to being abandoned the moment her mother could get out of the hospital, but it never effected Mercedes growing up - Her father made sure of it and kept her mind focused on other things and was open with his daughter when she finally asked where her mother was, seeming to realise most kids in her school had.. well two parents or at least had a mother. When told the truth she never really pressed it further, because the fact was; Her parents didn't love each other, never did. Was merely just having fun until one day her mother discovered she was pregnant and Keegan wanted it so she went through with it and left him to take care of it, Her father did explain he tried to convince her to look after her too but her mother just didn't care and disappeared from their lives and never spoke to Keegan again. The rest of her younger years was spent with many joyful memories with her father and his family. She grew to love animals; especially horses due to the nature of the families business.
    Going through school, Mercedes was very bubbly and was very friendly, often making new friends and didn't seem to be effected by bullying and just kept smiling and moving on. She fell into a love for riding horses and in her free time was often riding horses and spending time with them, the older she got the more she rode and focused on riding. She quickly started competing in younger equestrian events; Dressage, Show jumping, cross country, Even dwelling into Western riding like Barrel Racing and other dangerous activities. She excelled well and won many events she participated in.

    During her high school years she was tasked on family lineage and finding someone unique in her family tree to write a report on, which she guessed would be sorta boring considering for generations her family had been a horse business but going back towards the late 1800s and early 1900s she found she was related to a Outlaw named; Melody Kennedy, a woman who had maltreated a sheriff with her horse and had turned her life around going from Outlaw to Bounty Hunter. Many documents and reports were written on the woman and she had been the one to take over her families business and keep it going down the tree after her parents died, Mercedes found it interesting and wrote a long report on her ancestor and is quite proud she comes from someone like that. The biggest thing that seemed to caught Mercedes off guard is the fact Melody was engaged to a Undersheriff after going clean. How odd, A former outlaw and Undersheriff. She wasn't able to find much about their relationship, almost as if they kept it on the downlow.

    As she got older she continued her love for horses and to this day continues to compete with her beloved horse; "No Lasting Love" whomst Barn name was; Juniper, A silver mare who exceeds in English riding. Mercedes did very well in schooling but did get in a bit of trouble as she did some petty crime here. She [RETRACTED] .. She ended up moving and she took a interest in Motorcycle clubs and ended up joining Black Lotus MC in a different chapter in the east coast. After a few years though she returned back to Los Santos and is now a nomad and hangs around the Black Lotus Chapter in Los Santos with a old friend named; Eddie, Whomst she tends to poke fun at and mess around alot with.


    - Character Journal
    - Is a direct decedent of Melody Kennedy and Damon Lasky
    - Aesthetic is pastel pink and deer
    - Is an experienced Horse Rider, competing in mostly English Competitions.
    - Has a high end/prestige horse
    - Sexuality is unknown, assumed to be Bisexual