Myra Wolfe

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  • Myra Wolfe

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Liberty City
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Father: John Harrison (adoptive), 'Uncle’ Kye Hackett (adoptive), Mother: Deceased, Father: Deceased


    • Occupation:
      Web Designer, San Andreas Park Rangers
    • Faction Affilations:
      ex The Angels of Death MC member (Liberty City)



    At a very young age, Myra’s family was killed in a car accident caused during a turf war between two local motorcycle gangs (The Lost and The Angels of Death). She was pulled from the wreckage of the vehicle by a member of The Angels of Death MC and, although barely conscious at the time, she clung onto him and would not let go.

    She was taken to Hope General Hospital in Liberty City for treatment and throughout this time the biker, Kye Hackett, stayed by her side.

    As her health improved she was visited most days by the biker that first pulled her from the wreckage. Throughout her stay in the hospital, she refused to speak, but she seemed to latch onto him and in time a strong bond was formed.

    Once she was out of the hospital child services tried several times to place Myra into a foster home or with a foster family, but she would always end up slipping away and sort out the Angels each and every time. After the sixth such escape, the bikers took her in and became her extended family. In time she became too old for child services to have any say in what she did and, apart from some really poor role models, she was as safe as anyone else within the city.

    Myra spent many years living with the Angels of Death MC and they taught her how to survive. She started doing odd jobs for the gang, petty crimes mostly. After a time they found out that she was very good at keeping tabs on targets and trailing them from a distance, and before long she was running more and more errands for them, gradually becoming a valuable part of their crew.

    By the time she was seventeen, she was fully engrossed in the life of the gang. She had earned herself her own motorcycle and worked tirelessly fixing it up. She spent most nights roaming the streets keeping tabs on various targets for the gang as well as the occasional side hustle to earn some extra credit amongst her peers.
    It was during one of these night outings that the war between the rival gangs was reignited. The Lost had been gaining traction in the city and came down full force upon the Angels. When Myra returned to their clubhouse she found the place ablaze and a full-scale gun war between the two gangs raging throughout the local neighborhood.

    Despite searching through the area she was unable to find her friend and mentor, Kye, so she chose to join in the battle. Her efforts did not last long as an explosion from a fuel tank beside one of the buildings caused the building to come down on her head burying her under several feet of rubble.

    By the time she came to the fight between the two gangs had come to its conclusion and there was no one left alive in the camp.

    She was found by a private detective who had arrived on the scene before the local police department arrived. He was the one that pulled her from the rubble and, for reasons of his own, escaped the area with her in order to get her to safety; even though the first thing she did when she was freed from her rocky tomb was to try and stab him with a knife.

    Her time with the bikers made her rash and reckless, but over time John Harrison was able to gain her trust and temper her wild spirit somewhat. As she did not have anywhere else to go and there was still a decent chance that The Lost was still trying to hunt down any remaining Angels, Harrison took Myra under his wing and after a while, she even started working with him in some of his cases. She found herself fascinated by the work, the tracking down of evidence and trailing suspects she lent herself very well to have done similar work with the bikers. She started to pick up new skills, spending her time tinkering with computers and mechanical devices.

    After a few years, Harrison decides to move away from Liberty City. Whether it was because he was following a case or if he had other reasons she does not know, but Myra travels with him to Los Santos. Before leaving Liberty City she packed her few remaining possessions from her time with The Angels of Death MC, her motorcycle and gang branded leathers, into an unregistered cargo container which she left behind.

    She founded The Los Santos Web on 30th August 2021 (
