Naomi Luca-Cooke

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  • Naomi Luca-Cooke

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'5" - 125 lbs
    • Birthdate:
      December 9, 2000 - 23 Years Old
    • Birthplace:
      Miami, Florida
    • Nationality:
      British American
    • Aliases:
      ♤ Nao
      ♤ Alvarez
      ♤ Abby
      ♤ Winter
      ♤ Chucky
      ♤ Pookie/Froggie


    • Marital Status:
      Taken by Kenny Parker
    • Relatives:
      Adopted Family:
      ♤ Father (Unknown) - Justin Cooke
      ♤ Mother (Alive) - Camela Bevington
      ♤ Father (Unknown) - Kylian Clarkson
      ♤ Hated Uncle (Unfortunately Alive) - Thomas Queen
      ♤ Older Brother (Alive) - Dominic Luca

      Biological Family:
      ♤ Mother (Deceased) - Gloria Michelle Alvarez
      ♤ Father (Deceased) - Arthur Alvarez
      ♤ Twin Brother (Unknown) - John Alvarez

      Chosen Family:
      Forum Drive Families (Disbanded)
      ♤ The Dojin-Kai (Active)


    • Occupation:
      ❖ Tech Mech - Supervisor
      Bergowitz Backcountry Autos - Sales Supervisor
      Hood Mart - Sales Supervisor
      ❖ Hornbills - Dancer
      ❖ Haters Custom Headwear - Sales Associate

      ❖ Fuzzy Friends - Owner
      Purple Fantasy - Dancer
      The Hub - Management
      ❖ The Hubcap Cafe - Management
      ❖ TableTop Tavern - Employee
      Bergowitz Backcountry Autos - Sales Supervisor
      ❖ Gamblerz - Employee
      ❖ Besties Bistro - Employee
    • Faction Affilations:
      ❖ The Dojin-Kai - Family Affiliations/Member
      ❖ Forum Drive Families (FDF) - Blooded Member
      ❖ Shogun - Hang Around

      Redline Miami (Inactive)


    Naomi is of average height raven black-haired (normally dyed different colors) and has beautiful colored eyes. She looks like her father's female counterpart, so quite often she was compared to him due to their resemblance. She is extremely loyal when she calls someone family, she would do anything to protect her family and friends. She tends to be pretty docile unless someone threatens her family or threatens her then she will protect herself. She enjoys the adrenaline when running from cops or doing something dangerous which sometimes ends in her getting hurt. She can be caring and considerate depending on the situation and the people she is around, she is normally an extrovert but some days can be an introvert towards others and will only associate with a few select people. She has a necklace that she got in remembrance of her father and mother who equally loved deers, she has been debating getting a tattoo of antlers for when she isn't wearing her necklace to help keep them close.


    Naomi was born 2 minutes before her twin John, she grew up in a family who was involved with The Dojin-Kai. Her father was the second in command and her mother was just a member. At the age of 12, her twin brother left one night while their parents were sleeping. Naomi woke up at the noise and he informed her that he was leaving but he was going to come back and see her or take her away from this life. Years went by, and Naomi never saw her brother again nor did she seem to care about the fact that he disappeared anymore thinking it was all a lie just so he doesn't have to be around the family anymore. As Naomi got older, she started to do stuff for the gang and became a member at the age of 17.

    On March 10, 2023, during a war that Naomi participated in, her father ended up getting caught when he was driving home due to Naomi asking if he could come home to help her with something. He was followed and pulled up on while he was almost at the house before being shot up by the gang Dojin-Kai was fighting, Naomi heard all the shots as he wasn't far but so did multiple neighbors. Naomi went nearby where the shots were fired until she saw her father's car, she bolted over to the car when she got there no one else was around aside from neighbors who came outside to see what the shooting was about. She did her best to apply pressure onto his wounds to keep him from bleeding out but he had way too many gunshot wounds that she wasn't able to do much. Cops and medics arrived on scene, they both had a hard time trying to pull Naomi off her father's body because she refused to leave him but once they were able to get her away from his body the medics pronounced him dead. Naomi took the hit hard as this was her father and she blamed herself and still does to this day. Due to this, she informed her mother she had to move to not continue to be reminded every day and at every location of her dad because of this she decided to step back from the family and move states. Her mother understood and accepted that she was going to move to continue with her life so Naomi packed her bags and left for Los Santos.

    It wasn't long after moving into Los Santos that she ended up joining a hang-around for Forum Drive Families, she ended up finding out her brother was also in Los Santos and was an officer. She didn't accept it nor did she want to believe the brother who swore to return was in the same city as her until he pulled her over one day while he was a cadet, this is when she met him. They exchanged numbers but it took her a little bit before she could accept him back as her brother or anything because of the abandonment.. it is different when it is a sibling but this was her twin. Her twin brother so the feelings were more intense but even when she hated him she still cared about her little brother. Her brother has since left the city to live in another city.

    Naomi just returned to Los Santos after going to Europe for a little vacation, she has since reconnected with some old friends and has been hanging around with them.


    ♤ Naomi always has a black bandana/flag on her (whether in her pocket or around her wrist) in remembrance of her father.
    ♤ Naomi now carries two wedding bands on her (most of the time located in her pocket) in remembrance of her mother and father.

    ♤ Naomi is a distant relative of Michelle Rosaline Ferguson Alvarez or her more common name is Michelle Alvarez.
    Her family tree can be found here, this is not including her adopted family: Family Tree
    ♤ Naomi is known for trying to make others happy even if it means she ends up the hurt one in the end.
    ♤ Naomi has a journal that she tends to update once a week sometimes more but that all depends on what all is going on.
    ♤ All Names Naomi has had

    ♤ Naomi Alvarez
    ♤ Naomi Luca-Alvarez
    ♤ Naomi Luca-Cooke

    "Lies and slander!"
    "WHAT! That's rude!"

    Artwork done by: Serena Bloom

    Artwork done by: Blair Dalton

    Artwork done by: Camela Bevington

    Artwork done by: Ryuqomint