Nicholas Anthony Wolfe III

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  • Nicholas Anthony Wolfe III

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      December 3, 1984
    • Birthplace:
      Chicago, Illinois
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      None living


    • Occupation:
      Head of Security
    • Faction Affilations:
      Mount Zonah Medical Center


    Nicholas Wolfe is a character played by the streamer AngerIssuesVet. The character is a lawful good character who's strengths are his loyalty, integrity, dedication to duty, and work ethic. The character's weaknesses are often portray similarly to Vet's real life weaknesses, of being at times quick tempered, lacking patience at times, quiet, and anxious. The character of Nick Wolfe also suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his military service, simliar to that of the voice actor that portrays the character.

    Nicholas is currently single, and living alone with his two dogs, Thor and Loki.


    Nicholas Anthony Wolfe III was born to James and Abigail Wolfe on the 3rd of December in 1984 in Chicago, Illinois. At the time, James was currently serving as an Ensign in the United States Navy. He came from a line of military service, dating back to his grandfather Nicholas Wolfe II, and his great grandfather Nicholas Wolfe, who served with the Cavalry in the Spanish-American War.

    James was stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base, and Abigail was a stay at home mother. In 1990, James was reassigned to Fort Zancundo as a training command Executive Officer. So, after receiving his orders, packed up his family and moved them to Paleto Bay in San Andreas. Nicholas, whom all of his friends and family just refer to as Nick, had a relatively normal childhood, growing up and going to school, BMX riding with his friends in Paleto Bay, going to concerts and skate parks in Los Santos in the summers with his friends. Upon graduating high school, Nicholas attended San Andreas State University located in Los Santos, where he majored in Military Sciences & Administration, and minored in Criminal Justice. Upon receiving his Bachelor's Degree, he enlisted, against the advice of his father, in the United States Army, where he served as an Infantryman with the 187th Infantry Regiment. He spent most of his career stationed in Kentucky, where he deployed to Afghanistan for two tours, subsequently getting injured on his second tour.

    The Army gave him the option to retire and he took them up on their offer. After he left the Army, Nicholas wasn't sure what to do so he looking into Law Enforcement. Nick got a job in Vice City with a police department, where he met Ava Baile while working in the Foresnics Department of the PD.

    Eventually the two became friends and Nick met Ava's husband, Lincoln Baile, and the two quickly became friends, due to their dark senses of humor and job experience. After several weeks of field officers not doing their jobs properly, and treating Nick poorly, Nick put his vacation time in and began to reassess his goals and what he wanted out of life. A few days later, he received word that his friend, Lincoln, had been shot in the line of duty. After a short time of grieving, Nick submitted his resignation and debated on what he was going to do next. As Nick was deciding what to do, Ava contacted him, and said that Lincoln had been offered a transfer to another department and they were going to be moving to San Andreas. That sealed the deal for Nick, as he decided to move back home to San Andreas. As he was in the process of moving, Nick's parents retired and moved to Florida. Nick was now in a bind, as he was counting on staying with his parents while he got back on his feet. Nick took all of his belongings and sold what he could, sold his car, and took the money left and purchased a one way ticket back to San Andreas.

    Nicholas been employed by Mount Zonah Medical Center, serving as the Head of Security. He is currently working towards buying a house and possibly starting a family, while still pursuing his goal of one day returning to Law Enforcement.

    United States Army (101st Airborne Division), Vice City State Police (Forensics Technician, Patrol Division), Chicago Police Department (Patrol, Narcotics Interdiction, Corrections)


    • "On the long arm of the law, I enjoy being the middle finger"
    • "Team work makes the dream work"
    • "The beatings will continue until the morale improves"