Poppy Hill

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  • Poppy Hill

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      July 9th, 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Vice City, FL
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      R-1, Pops



    • Occupation:
      Head Ranger, Bartender, Assistant
    • Faction Affilations:
      San Andreas Parks Department, Shuffle Nightclub, Love Wins, Mount Zonah Medical Center


    Poppy Hill is a former Receptionist and EMS from Mount Zonah Medical Center, who went on to create the San Andreas Parks Department. She recently stepped down as Head Ranger and now focuses her energy on the Education division.


    Poppy Hill was born as Portia Martinelli in sunny Vice City to Rosario Martinelli and Aiko Hill. Much of her life was spent within her father's estate on Starfish Island, with him insisting that she be homeschooled by private tutors and kept under the watchful eyes of his bodyguards. Her mother hated this lifestyle and eventually filed for divorce and full custody of Portia. She died in a car accident before it was finalized however. Portia was just 8 years old at the time. Her father, Rosario would go on to remarry a woman named Charlie Mercer who he met on a trip to Liberty City. He moved her and her daughter, Rosalind to the family estate when Portia was 13 years old.

    Rosalind was quick to realize that Portia was more a prisoner disguised as a perfect daughter and took upon herself to start sneaking her out whenever she could. Rosalind would eventually be kicked out, but not before leaving Portia with a taste for adventure. Rosalind would eventually take Portia with them and escape from Vice City.

    After Poppy's boyfriend, Anders Kristiansen was killed at their home in Paleto, her friends helped her pack up their life and move back down to the city so that they can keep a better eye on her while she attempts to process everything that occurred. She now spends a lot of time curled up in her office at the Beaver Bush Ranger Station, diving into work, and generally just trying to get through life. After an accident left her in a comatose state for more then a month, she woke with memory issues that continue to plague her to this day... she is currently out of state to work with specialist doctors.

    You'll never find her without Anders's hat on her head, and she is often seen fiddling with a ring that she has attached to a simple chain necklace.


    Poppy was hired for her first job as a bartender at Shuffle Nightclub just about a month before it officially opened. She later became a receptionist at Mount Zonah Medical Center before transferring into the EMS department. During this time she became an assistant to James Wilson and his nonprofit known as Love Wins, and she also was able to get her own business, Sunshine Skyway and Cafébar, licensed and even went as far as procuring a premise. During this time she was brought in to help create the San Andreas Parks Department.

    As of the death of her boyfriend, she has let both her business license and business premise expire.

    Poppy's best friend was a man named Joshua Maxwell, who has since moved back to England. While she gets along with his younger brother, Craig Maxwell, she's never quite connected to him like his brother.

    Poppy and Anders Kristiansen dated for a good long time after having met at the hospital when they both still worked there. Their first date ended up being on the rooftop where they had picnic and watched the sunset, talking well into the night about everything and anything. Not long after, following a night of fireworks and good memories, he took her to the observatory and asked her out.

    John MacLamar is one of Poppy's closest and dearest friends, who became closer to her after their mutual friend, Ignazio DiNozzo went missing and they worked together to try and find him. They've helped each other through many hardships and continue to be close to this day.

    Dallas Cassidy is one of two of Poppy Hill's best friends in the world. They met during the summer, and he's helped her through a lot over their friendship.

    Poppy has been dating Chris Stevens for a good amount of time. He's quite sweet with her and has helped her in a lot in the days following the death of Anders.


    • Poppy is currently the caretaker of the infamous hat of Chris Stevens
    • "Good morning sunshine!"
    • "I'm UNHINGED!"