Randy Johnson

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  • Randy Johnson

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Birmingham Alabama
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Noel Johnson
    • Relatives:
      Troy Johnson (Deceased Father)
      Gloria Johnson (Deceased Mother)
      Megan Johnson (Younger sister)
      Nicki Johnson (Niece)


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Randy is a goofy but yet serious person. One day, he is making your stomach hurt from laughing, and then the next day, he's barely saying a word. He wears his heart on his sleeve and would do anything for anyone that he cared for or loved. Randy can't sit still and has to always be doing something, if he sits still for too long, he'll start walking in circles. That's just how he is due to his PTSD and mentally feels that if he stays still in one place, the past will find him and haunt him with realistic visions. Randy is a simple but yet very sassy guy while being very protective of his loved ones. People say that he is an old soul and is struggling to keep up with the times.


    Was born in a small suburb of Birmingham, Al, to a Marine father Troy Johnson, and a stay-at-home mom Gloria Johnson. Three years after Randy was born his sister Megan was born and became the apple of his father's eye.

    At an early age, Randy's father treated him as more of a soldier than a son but doted on his younger sister Megan. Which started the strained relationship he had with his father. When Troy was away Gloria would let Randy do things that his father wouldn't let him do and just be a kid.

    This continued throughout his life and Randy just accepted it as a part of his life and found ways to have fun behind his father's back. In high school Randy started dating a girl named Tracy, they became inseparable. In Randy's senior year he deiced to follow in his father's footsteps and join the Marines. During their senior prom, Randy proposed to Tracy, and soon after they graduated they were married before he left for basic training.

    After basic he and Tracy moved to California where he was stationed at Camp Pendleton. Soon after they got settled Randy was shipped off to Afghanistan to start his first tour.

    Randy was in Afghanistan with his best friend Michael Campbell where they flew helicopters together with Micahel being the pilot and Randy being one of the helicopter gunners. After a mission that got their helicopter shot down and unfortunately took the life of Michael, Randy had to make the heart-wrenching decision to leave his body behind in an attempt to escape the enemies they were closing in on them. Later on another mission Randy was faced with a choice he didn't want to make and which later was one of the factors that led to his PTSD when he came home.

    Once home Randy reunited with Tracy and he thought all would be good but he got the call that his father had passed. Although Randy wasn't close to his father, he still loved him. While back home in Alabama (without Tracy) he found out his sister was pregnant and engaged to a man that Randy did not care for. Megan asked if Randy would officiate her wedding so like the loyal brother he was he got ordained just for her (he still holds this certificate).

    Randy returned home a day early and found his wife with another man. In an attempt to fix their marriage they went through some counseling and decided on some changes to their marriage. As the day turned into months Randy found himself falling more and more out of love with Tracy, so after 3yrs of marriage, they decided to call it quits and got a divorce.

    Randy went back home to care for his dying mother. While there his applied for the police department and was accepted.

    When Randy was 22 his mother was placed in a care facility after suffering from a stroke and was left on a breathing tube. This led to Randy and Megan fighting over the care of their mother and them not talking for years. But a year later they decided it was best to let her go.

    At 24 Randy got injured in the line of duty and went out with some friends to the local Vanilla Unicorn for the night. Once they arrived they found out it was open stage night and dared each other to get on the stage. Randy being a little drunk and not one to pass a dare, got on stage where he caught the eye of the bartender. Once he got off stage he approached the redhead behind the bar as she was coming back from serving drinks. They started talking and after her shift, he took one Noel Leyden out and they have been together ever since while getting married and now being together for 5 years and married 4 years


    • "What the hell"
    • "Ya shit stick"
    • "Imagine"
    • "Why are you the way that you are"
    • "What's your name again?"
    • Likes to sing country songs
    • Likes sports (Football, Baseball, Hockey, Mixed Martial Arts)
    • Loves dad jokes
    • Likes hunting, fishing, dirt biking, walking trails, climbing mountains with off-road vehicles, flying with helicopters or planes, is an adrenaline junky.
    • Has barbell nipple rings
    • Favorite color: Blue
    • Favorite food: Medium / medium-rare steaks
    • One thing he cannot live without: His wonderful wife
    • Secret talent: Can pick up a dollar...... with his butt cheeks.
    • Guilty pleasure: Watching UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)