Reyna Squires

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  • Reyna Lighten

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Seattle, WA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Rainman (by Santino Forte)
      Squirrels (by Lional McKenzie)
      Popsicle (by ScamScamps)


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Dan Lighten
    • Relatives:
      Anna Martin-Squires (Mother)
      Michael Squires (Father) (Deceased)



    Reyna is a 27-year-old from San Fierro. Despite being born in Washington state, Reyna moved to south San Fierro at a young age and has coined the place as home.

    She has long brown hair which she usually wears in either a bun or ponytail, sharp brown eyes, and sun-kissed skin covered in freckles.


    Reyna was born just outside of Seattle, Washington on November 8th, 1995 to a pair of loving parents. Growing up as a "sheltered" kid meant that she was oblivious to most of the wrongdoings of the world, until her parents decided to relocate to San Fierro when she was 5.

    Shortly after enrolling in public school, Reyna quickly learned about the real world and what happened in it. Bad people doing bad things, good people getting caught at the wrong place, and everything in between. For the most part, life was still good, and Reyna had nothing to worry about. She did well in school, had friends, and her parents were still happy. Or so it seemed. Right around Reyna's 12th birthday, she noticed her parents fighting a lot more frequently. Her mother had gotten a "new job", and had to leave home early and stay out late. Reyna spent a lot of time with her dad during this period, and formed an even deeper bond with him after realizing what was really going on. After almost 2 years of the awkward behavior from her mother, Reyna's dad told her the truth that she had been cheating, and he was contemplating a divorce. He had been sitting on the decision out of concern for Reyna, not wanting her to grow up as a young woman without a mother. Reyna reassured her father that she understood the severity of the situation, and that she wanted her dad to be happy. The divorce was promptly filed after that conversation, and finalized about 3 months later.

    When she started high school, Reyna was introduced officially to the world of relationships, boys, and all the weird stuff that high schoolers infatuated themselves with. She quickly became friends with a girl named Nadine McHenry, who was looking for advice on a new relationship she was interested in. The two bonded over hair, makeup, music, and date ideas. For the next 4 years of high school, the two would be inseparable. Until a senior year spring break party went wrong.

    Still recovering over the death of her father a few weeks before, Reyna relied heavily on Nadine and the rest of their friend group to keep her afloat. They took a road trip up north to go camping, hoping to get away from it all for a week and just let go. Reyna and Nadine had no issue with getting into a little bit of trouble - drinking, maybe a bit of smoking. But they were good kids, and tried their best to stay that way. When they found out that one of their friends had gotten ahold of some very illegal substances, they made a plan to leave early and get back home before anything bad happened, but overnight the state police had found their campsite and raided everyone's belongings.

    Reyna knew that a couple of people were going to get in trouble, but she was completely broken when she saw an officer approaching Nadine with cuffs in hand. Hearing her friend scream for help and trying to reason with them was too much for her. Another officer also pulled Reyna off to the side, prepared to arrest her as well. She told the truth of what happened, that her and Nadine had just been made aware of the drugs and planned to leave before anything happened. That's when they told her that Nadine was the one found carrying all of it.

    Being only 17, there wasn't a lot Reyna could do. They let her say goodbye to Nadine before she was taken away. A few weeks later, they had the trial. Nadine had been advised to plea guilty, even though she wasn't. There was no evidence to prove otherwise.

    After a final look of goodbye before Nadine was sentenced to prison, Reyna promised she would do everything in her power to get her out.

    After graduating Law School in 2019 with her Juris Doctor, Reyna worked for a defense firm shortly before taking a job with the District Attorney's office. She worked various cases and positions within the District Attorney's office, before abruptly having the broken department handed to her. She also worked with the Criminal Investigations Division as an Investigative Prosecutor for a while, before finally taking an early "retirement" and going back to Washington for a break.

    A well-written letter and postcard sent to her by an old colleague Liam McGrath convinced her to come out of "retirement" and move down to Los Santos, where Reyna originally worked as a Prosecutor for the Department of Justice. She was later accepted as a Magistrate within the San Andreas Judiciary, and eventually received a nomination to the Circuit Court from Governor Richard Starr. After various personal struggles as well as a troubled work environment, Reyna resigned from the Judiciary. She worked shortly in defense work, under Murdank & Ass. and then under her own private firm, Lighten & Associates. Liam then offered her a position back in the Department of Justice, assisting him with restructuring the department and bringing them into a new era.


    - Reyna was the first person in Los Santos to purchase the Oracle XS-LE from PDM after the mutiny attacks.
    - Contrary to popular belief, Reyna does not have any long-lost siblings or twins, despite being told that there are a few people who look identical to her.