Rylie Foster

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  • Rylie Foster

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6' 8"
    • Birthdate:
      19th June 2002
    • Birthplace:
      London, Ontario, Canada
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Prick - Road Name during Black Lotus


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Jacob Whitley // ALIVE
      Beth Foster // ?


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Rylie Foster is a former prospect for Black Lotus MC. She's a tall lady with freckles and typically stays away from revealing clothing, opting for (hard to find) oversized clothes.

    The easiest way to identify her is through her clothes and bike both being blue, but she spends most of her time behind the bar anyway.

    Rylie is played by FrickinDeaf


    Rylie was born in London, Canada to an American father and a British mother who soon after moved to London, United Kingdom. It's not confusing, it's just dumb. They were wealthy, however they decided to keep it extremely under the ropes by moving to a lovely and well-funded area of London called Peckham. The last child of 3, Rylie was always the most spoiled and creative growing up. She frequently got into trouble with the police as she would poorly graffiti walls, party and use drugs recreationally.

    Being young, however, meant she was easily manipulated. When Rylie was 14, she was told to hold a gun for a friend of hers, one who frequently supplied her with drugs. She did so and was almost immediately caught by people from another area who proceeded to initially harass her, but moved to hurting her as she started getting aggressive herself. She was knocked out and - according to eyewitnesses - was used as a human shield as guns fired next to her.

    She was rushed to a private hospital and questioned by the police, to no avail as she was barely able to talk. Whilst Rylie eventually made a physical recovery, a mental one was never made. Her ear drum had popped in her right ear, leaving her to wear the best hearing aid money could buy. With the discovery of Rylie's involvement in crime, her parents moved her to the United States in hopes to get away from everything.

    15 years old, partially deaf and in a new country - things were weird to say the least. She lived in a mansion, had maids, personal drivers and even a room specifically for counselling. Life was too easy to Rylie and it was detested by her. She complained and despite losing her hearing, she was still loud.

    It wasn't until her mother contracted liver cancer that Rylie thought that she should get better. Become someone her mother would be proud of - so that she wouldn't be disappointed in Rylie if she passed away. Over the next four years, Rylie consistently went into therapy, studied and actively avoided relationships in case they were just like her friends in London.


    • Rylie is partially deaf, wearing a hearing aid under her right ear - which is often covered by her hair. She tries to hide it, however it does fall out rather easily.
    • Rylie is a former drug user, having cleaned herself up by the time she was 18, around a year and a half before she moved to Los Santos.
    • Rylie recently left Black Lotus MC due to not being around enough as well as personal issues.
    • “You ever just. -. Yep.”
