Sally Nailburry

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  • Sally Nailburry

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      February 8th, 2001
    • Birthplace:
      Northern Ontario
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Miss Paleto
      Mayor of Paleto
      Blonde Martindale
      Surf Mom
      Princess Paleto
      Big boobie lady
      Booba Queen


    • Marital Status:
      Married to McKenna Nailburry
      Married to Nikki Nailburry
      Married to Victoria Nailburry
      Married to Ella Bright-Starr

      Divorced from Karly Stark

      On/Off Relationships:
      FwB with Inola Silvertail
      FwB with Minerva Doodle
      FwB with Kiki Starr
    • Relatives:
      Elma Nailburry (Mother)
      Meredith Porter (Mother)
      Sid Nailburry (Uncle)(Deceased)
      Maria Monaghan (Sort of adopted Sister)

      Children (Adopted):
      Onyx Angel (Daughter)
      Miyah Nailburry (Daughter)(Deceased)
      Denali Nailburry-Royce (Daughter)
      Veronica Nailburry-Kay (Daughter)
      Anabelle Devlin (Daughter)
      - Anya Devlin (Granddaughter)

      Children (With McKenna):
      Ruby Nailburry (Daughter)

      Children (With Karly):
      Kylie Nailburry-Stark (Daughter)
      Billie Nailburry-Stark (Daughter)
      Rhys Nailburry-Stark (Son)
      Luke Nailburry-Stark (Son)
      Marshall Nailburry-Stark (Son)

      Children (With Nikki):
      Andrew Nailburry (Son)
      Eliza Nailburry (Daughter)

      Children (With Victoria):
      Mason Nailburry (Son)
      Shade Nailburry (Son)
      Vanessa Nailburry (Daughter)
      Ashlynn Nailburry (Daughter)
      Sam Nailburry (Daughter)

      Children (With Ella):
      Reina Bright-Nailburry (Daughter)
      Sophie Bright-Nailburry (Daughter)
      Sasha Bright-Nailburry (Daughter)

      Children (With Ravna):
      Clara Ravna-Nailburry (Daughter)

      Call Sally 'Mom':
      Stella Day
      Buffy Edenhall

      Previously/Estranged Family:
      Maxine Finch (Former Daughter)
      - Aiko + Mykie Romance (Former Granddaughter)
      -- Tomiko Romance (Former Great Granddaughter)
      -- Sora Romance (Former Great Grandkid)
      - Dante Gravina (Former Grandson
      Alexa + Dina Stark (Former Daughter)
      - Silvia Stark (Former Granddaughter)
      Rylie Stark (Former Step-Daughter)
      Cynthia Stark (Former Step-Daughter)


    • Occupation:
      Mayor of Paleto (Officially Unofficial)
      Surf Shop Owner ~ May 2021 - Present
      Lead designer at CLAW ~ March 2022 - Present
      Employee at Original Clothing ~ April 2023 - Present

      Former employee at Mikey's Bodypillow Store ~ November 2022 - Store Closure March 2023
      Former manager at O B S I D I A N ~ August 2022 - October 2023
    • Faction Affilations:
      Paleto Property Committee


    Sally Nailburry is the owner of Sally's Surf Shop, the Mayor of Paleto, a freelance photographer, the lead designer of CLAW, millionaire philanthropist, wife of 2, and mother of way too many kids. If you ever spot an orange car with a surf board on it, chances are it's probably her.


    Sally's mothers had found each other in the genetic field at University, and decided through the course of their studies to pursue endeavors of work with the sexes. They had a craving and wished to forge a path to a manless world with their experiments, but ultimately this wouldn't be supported by funding from their University, and they would be kicked out from their program as a result. They aimed to reach GATACCA levels of genetic editing, and decided they would take their first leaps with artificial insemination and work from there to fully perfect their experimentation with their own children. Now years later this is where Sally came into the picture; born into a large family of women, he would stand out as their firstborn son. His mothers would of course detest him for this, and begin forms of testing with experimental hormones. Outside of this testing, he wouldn't be spared any love from his family; his sisters sharing their mothers' sentiments, bullying him on the daily. This would go on for years before his mothers would come to the conclusion that it simply wasn't worth their time, moving on to new experiments and pregnancies. Or at the very least, that's how his uncle claims it went prior to taking Sally into his care.

    Sally's memories before living with his uncle are hazy at best; most of them seemingly suppressed from the sheer amount of trauma he managed to endure during those first 10 years of his life. His uncle Sid was the owner of a very successful dispensary in Toronto, living in a decent sized apartment above said shop. His laid back lifestyle gave Sally an incredible amount of breathing room to learn to enjoy life, while also learning to enjoy the substances his uncle stocked at the same time. Things were much more relaxed with his uncle; he was able to attend actual school and have time to develop his own hobbies and loves. He would finally make friends and live some semblance of a normal, carefree life for a while.

    As Sally matured, the years of hormone experimentation would show in his body. His build grew much more feminine over the years, and along with that came a much greater amount of self consciousness about his appearance. The outgoing nature he had with others in his first few years with his uncle would slowly transform into introversion, and he would distance himself from friends he'd made. This introverted nature wouldn't stick with him forever, but it would permeate his life up until the end of high school.

    After graduating, Sally would proceed to work at his uncle's shop, foregoing the university experience after a long talk with Sid and deciding it just wasn't worth the stress. He would be high practically all the time, and after connecting with a number of recurring customers, would learn to love himself enough to open up a bit more again. Not necessarily enough to stop wearing the baggy clothes he'd grown so accustomed to, but enough to not bind his chest on the daily like in high school.

    Those good feels didn't stick around for very long though, as he would find himself holed up in the apartment after the sudden passing of his uncle Sid. He had passed away from some kind of pre-existing heart condition in the middle of the night, found by poor Sally upon bringing him his usual coffee in bed. Sally would drown his sorrows the only way he knew how; getting high as hell. Delving into his uncle's stashes he would smoke an incredible amount of weed between doses of shrooms and LSD. After a straight month of medicated mourning, a vision of his uncle came to him, handing him a plane ticket with a wide grin on his face. Sally wasn't sure what to make of it, but with tears in his eyes and a very needed push from this vision of his uncle, he made his decision. He locked up, packed his bag, and headed to Pearson airport the very next day.

    In hindsight he probably should've researched where the flight was headed a bit more first, but once he was in Los Santos there's wasn't really any looking back; this was a leap of faith and he could only hope the smiling uncle of his that he saw was a good sign.

    Initially Sally was fairly uncomfortable and overwhelmed with the island; going as far as to roll back a lot of that body positivity that she'd been able to build up back home. She opted for baggier clothes to keep her curves from standing out for the first while that she was in the city; she'd eventually start to make friends though and open up a bit more, but it was a slow start for sure. After a few days feeling her way around, Sally decided that living out of her bright orange regina and fishing for a living was the perfect kind of relaxed lifestyle she wanted in San Andreas, and would continue to do so until she found her true calling.

    After connecting back up with Marissa, Sally would discover that Paleto was the perfect pocket of the island for the relaxed lifestyle she loved. From there she'd rent a motel room at the lodge, and find herself regularly fishing off the local rickety pier and jogging laps around town to work off her cheese toastie exclusive diet. As she spent more and more time in Paleto, she'd gradually grow that much more comfortable with herself and others on the island. Her body positivity vastly improved the more time she spent there, and eventually her specific worries about her large chest would dissipate completely. She would still wear baggier pants, but that was just because they were comfy.

    Shortly after having a brief discussion with Daphne Tillamuck at the Paleto pier about her unsure future, the stars seemed to align and shine on a particular sign while Sally was on her nightly jog. It was plastered on the front of the abandoned blue building she passed daily, she hadn't actually paid attention to what it said until that night though. It read "Sally's Surf Shop", and on closer inspection through the windows was filled to the brim with dusty supplies. After a discovery like that, Sally wasn't unsure about her future anymore; she knew exactly what she was going to be doing in San Andreas from then on.

    Proceeding to go through the application processes with the CoC (Later DoCL) not long after her discovery, she would eventually have a hold on her surf shop. Her luck didn't end there though; one day when she was putting up a sign out front, a couple of realtors pulled up and made mention of selling the apartment above it. Thanks to her fishing, she had plenty of money to buy it, and it was fully paid off in short time once she'd opened up for business.

    Currently Sally still happily lives in her apartment above her shop. For the most part it's just her, her wives, some of her babies, and her pet gator Doug; but occasionally her older daughters stay over, or close friends like Audrey or Karen. Her surf shop continues to make strong sales year round, with limited swimwear releases every now and then, and even new booba board drops from time to time. Her advertising remains very popular on Y, with her photoshoots staying just as constant as ever with models both new and recurring. With a wide fleet of 38 vehicles and counting, she zooms around the state at mostly legal speeds, always bright orange. And pretty well Sally is as content as ever with her current lifestyle and all the amazing friends and family she's made thus far during her years in state.

    Current Relationships:

    McKenna Nailburry - Sally's first wife. They met each other through Kiki, who brought McKenna by the surf shop one day to chill for a bit. Eventually McKenna started hanging out with Sally when Kiki wasn't awake, and they would really hit it off. From there they'd start dating and spend a lot of their time cuddling in Paleto. McKenna would grow to love the quiet vibe of Paleto and move into Sally's apartment. For Sally the feelings she had for McKenna were rivalled only by her feelings for Minerva and Inola, which was a really good sign to her as they spent so much time together. Eventually all their sleeping together would lead to McKenna getting pregnant much to the surprise of many; Sally thought she was sterile given her past, so she was a mixture of nervous and excited all at the same time. McKenna's accident prone nature wasn't the best for a pregnant woman to have, but Sally did her best to keep her from hurting herself too often. As she would be visiting family for the holidays, she would take the opportunity on December 21st 2021 to propose to Sally on the little hill they watched sunsets on; the two donning matching diamond rings to show off to all of their friends with glee. From there she would only get rounder, flying over to Toronto at 8 months pregnant to start prepping for the baby at Sally's place there. Sally would join her when she hit 9 months, keeping her as comfortable as possible until the time came.

    On February 3rd 2022, she gave birth to Ruby, their adorable baby girl.

    Eventually they would both get married, having a small elopement on a cliff just south of Paleto, Grace Stone officiating for them with a small audience who wanted to come watch. Down the line McKenna would come to hangaround and prospect for Black Lotus MC, but ultimately found the life not for her, so she currently flies back and forth between Paleto and Sally's apartment in Toronto, trying her best to balance her time with both Sally and their daughters.

    Nikki Nailburry - Sally's blondest and thiccest wife. Initially they met through twitter; Nikki wanting to get on some of the surf shop ads after seeing ones she'd been posting. After their initial shoot on the northern beach of Paleto, Sally would let her crash on her motel room's couch for the night, but within the week they'd be full on dating and sleeping together. After another couple shoots, Sally would also hire her on as an official model for the surf shop.

    Unsurprisingly, given her track record at this point, Sally would soon find out she'd gotten Nikki pregnant, just hours after finding out she'd done the same with Karly. Despite only dating for a few weeks, Nikki was way more excited about it then Sally expected, practically bouncing off the walls with how happy she was to be having a baby. That happiness only got brighter when her ultrasound showed they would be having twins, just like Karly was. As Nikki could sometimes be a little ditsy, Sally was worried about how she might handle motherhood, even with her excitement, and she would have Ophelia teach Nikki all the ins and outs of parenting by having her help out with the triplets. As her pregnancy progressed, the love between Sally and Nikki would only get stronger, bringing them both to the decision that they were married, no ceremony necessary. Orange, resin-coated ring pops would symbolize their union, and not much later, their twins would arrive. On October 8th 2022, Karly and Nikki would both go into labour at the surf shop and be quickly brought to Paleto Medical. Both Andrew and Eliza were delivered with no issues, being brought back to Sally's apartment that night. Nikki's mom training with Ophelia would kick in from there, and she'd take care of them whenever Sally was out.

    After spending a number of months with Sally and their kids at the surf shop, doing plenty of modelling for the surf shop, trading cards and even other clothing companies; Nikki would once again have another surprise for Sally. During a get together at Karly's for dinner, right after Ophelia's announcement of her pregnancy, Nikki would casually announce that she was again as well. Having spent enough time in San Andreas as she had at that point though, she made the decision that it would be best to move into Sally's apartment in Toronto. That way she could safely take care of the kids with Maria and McKenna as she got round again.

    She's currently still pregnant in Toronto, constantly sending Sally selfies of herself and the kids, with Maria close behind to help her with anything she needs. Sally flies back regularly for cuddles and maternity shoots with her. Her Onlyfans sits at the top 0.1% of the site, with Sally occasionally making cameos.

    Victoria Nailburry - Sally's strong, curvy spouse. They first met through complimenting each other's selfies on twitter, with that eventually leading to Victoria starting to model for the surf shop. She had a passion for it and loved thinking up outfits for Sally to do shoots with her in, so they had a lot of fun whenever they hung out. The more often they got together, the more of a crush Sally developed for her. It took her a few months to work herself to it, but she did manage to confess to her; and after another shoot and a hike up Mount Gordo, they officially started dating.

    Barely into their relationship, they learned they were having kids together; a whole crowd of quintuplets. It was pretty stressful when they hadn't spent too much time together yet, but ultimately the pregnancy ended up getting them closer than they ever could have expected, and on Christmas Eve 2023, they got 5 adorable little gifts.

    Victoria took on the role of a parent wholeheartedly, caring not only for her own children with Sally, but for the rest of her very wide family tree as well. With the help of Sally's other partners, her sister and close friend Ophelia, they all taught Victoria plenty of their parenting skills, and she was a pro in no time. Spending lots of time inside with the kids, to the point where her tan faded, Sally joked that she was practically her wife at that point, and Victoria responded with proposing, and thus they were married. Their celebration unsurprisingly ended up bringing about new twin daughters; more for Victoria to happily dote over. Ever since then, Victoria and Sally have been happily married, living together at Sally's apartment.

    Ella Bright - Sally's shortstack wife. The first time Sally met Ella she was definitely a little flustered. It wasn't every day that she met someone shorter than herself, let alone someone she found so hot. Her fumbling would turn into attempts at flirting, but all Ella would usually do was just flirt back and make Sally fumble even harder. So as things tend to go, they started to do photoshoots together. Ella would pretty well flirt through the entirety of every shoot, but it wouldn't really go much further than flirting from either side for a long time. Even through her marriage with Richard and his eventual passing, Ella's flirting with Sally just kinda kept going. It all came to a point though when she invited Sally over the night before she left LS. It was a long night that they both spent together, but even with her flying out the next morning, they both knew full well that they were in love with eachother.

    On Christmas 2023, Sally got a selfie sent to her by Ella, revealing that Sally got her pregnant, and not long after, she would arrive back in San Andreas with their daughter Reina.

    Once she was back in town, they started seeing eachother much more properly. Between dates, shoots and chilling together, their love was easily solidified at that point. Sally pondered over proposing to her, holding onto a ring for quite some time, but had a lot of trouble deciding when she wanted to pop the question. Getting Ella pregnant again put a bit of a pause on it, but the twins being born made it crystal clear that Ella would be one of the loves of her life for the rest of her life. Took a while longer, and a lot of awkward thumb twirling, but she did finally manage to propose. Ella accepted happily, and they've been wives ever since.

    Past Relationships:

    Karly Stark - Sally's big tiddy goth ex-wife and owner of Obsidian, the surf shop's formerly neighbouring store. They met when Karly came to Sally for a topless photoshoot for one of her girlfriends at the time. It didn't take too long for them to become friends, Karly occasionally hanging out with her up at the surf shop. Eventually after enough constant flirting from Karly, Sally would cave into adding benefits onto their friendship, sleeping together a number of times. At one point, Karly would start dating Sally's wife McKenna, and with Karly being up in Paleto even more often as a result, she would also hire her on as the first non-family full time staff at the surf shop.

    One thing lead to another and their sleeping together lead to Karly getting pregnant. It was an accident that ultimately brought them a lot closer together, Sally's feelings towards her growing as Karly's belly did. And it definitely grew big, the pregnancy ended up being triplets much to their shock at her first ultrasound. On May 13th 2022, Karly went into labour on the beach in Paleto and Sally zoomed her down to Zonah. With the help of Spencer Belmont, all 3 babies were delivered safely. Sally was the first to hold Rhys, Kaydence was the first to hold Billie, and Karly was the first to hold Kylie. They were all brought back to Karly's apartment, where they're now primarily being taken care of by Karly's wife Ophelia.

    Eventually they too would get married; their wedding at Hardcore Comics being just as spur of the moment as Sally's previous one, with Eddie Concord officiating as customers watched.

    Not too much longer later though, Sally would once again get Karly pregnant; finding out just hours before getting news from Nikki that she'd gotten her pregnant as well. Sally wasn't sure how to handle both of them being preggo at the same time, but it seemed to cheer Karly up after her loss of the election, so she could only be excited for the time she'd get to spend with her round partners. They were once again in for a handful though, as she ended up having twins, just like Nikki did; ever-widening the Nailburry family tree. On October 8th 2022, Karly and Nikki would both go into labour at the surf shop and be quickly brought to Paleto Medical. Both Luke and Marshall were delivered with no issues, being brought back to Karly's apartment that night. Much like the triplets, these twins are also primarily cared for by Ophelia, her mom skills truly unmatched.

    Eventually though, they could feel themselves drifting apart to some extent. Often they would simply be awake and about at different hours, both of them tending to spend more time with their other partners than with each other. And as a result, they felt being married didn't quite make as much sense anymore, so they simply went back to just being friends. They still care about one another, occasionally do shoots, and Karly still helps out with the kids; but as of October 2023, Karly's separated from Sally.

    Inola Silvertail - Sally's eternal crush. Sally's had the hots for Inola ever since Marishka had her stay with Sally back when she was a hangaround for the Vikings. Sally's spent way too many hours with Inola at her tattoo shop, Inkdigenous, and has made a pretty solid stance that she's the only one allowed pierce or tattoo her. Sally often jokes about being her sugar mama, as she's paid off a number of Inola's cars as well as her house when she couldn't afford it. They both flirt excessively with each other and have definitely both made their love known, but up until very recently they weren't technically dating per say. Sally was Inola's Old Lady with the Vikings right up until the MC folded. Sally and Inola talked quite a bit about potentially getting married one day, but Inola could never quite get over how badly her previous engagement ended, so it never really ended up happening for them. This didn't dash Sally's hopes too much though, she still loves her and they're still sort of dating? Maybe more like friends with benefits with how Inola tends to be a couch potato most of the time with her Westerns and Medical dramas.

    Minerva Doodle - Sally's most on and off again girlfriend. Initially Minerva wasn't the most sure about dating her, as at the time she wasn't the most comfortable with her sexuality; but as she spent more time with Sally she would gradually become a very loudly loving girlfriend who liked to brag about her surf shop owning gf. Sally's polyamory was often something that caused the bouncing between dating and being friends for them, as Minerva very easily would grow jealous of anyone else sleeping with her. This was something she grew more comfortable with over time as well though as long as Sally was open with her about it. After moving out of San Andreas and heading back to Texas to take care of her sickly mother, Minerva would often talk over the phone about their relationship and where they wanted to take it with her out of state. When Sally went to visit her they came to the decision to go back to being friends for the time being. Sally still has a huge amount of love for her, but it's easier to be friends than lovers at a distance for them. Sally still occasionally stops in between flights to catch up and sometimes have a little fun.

    Kiki Starr - Sally's big tiddy goth booba buddy. They first met for a photoshoot for Sally's ads, talking over twitter after she posted a selfie. There was a ton of flirting during that one shoot alone, and from there they would hang out every so often. They both loved off roading, so they would often drive each other around for fun when Kiki got bored of working reception at Zonah. Generally if they were anywhere near one another they would be flirting, deciding to be friends with benefits as Sally was in a few too many relationships at the time. After Kiki decided to leave San Andreas for a long while, she would move into Sally's apartment in Toronto. This would be beneficial later on when McKenna would fly there to have Ruby; Kiki taking on a role as essentially a third mom for Ruby after helping McKenna with her last month of pregnancy. At one point they discussed getting more serious and even having their own kids as well, but an injury prior to her leaving SA left her unable to. Eventually she moved out of Sally's apartment, finding another closer to her job on the west side of Toronto. Sally still makes sure to visit her every time she takes trips back home for pillowy cuddle sessions.

    Ravna Sjalk - Sally's brief sort of girlfriend, sort of friends with benefits. Ravna made rare appearances at the surf shop every now and then while Sally was working, but started to come around more often after Sally asked her to model for some ads one day. Sally would often explain and show off things around the shop, and after a tour of Sally's apartment, Ravna would start to come over for baths in her tub. A lot of these baths would turn into long, almost therapeutic talks, and as a result would kind of get them closer with eachother each time Ravna came over. Sally didn't find out until after they'd drifted apart, but apparently Ravna had a daughter at one point, and gave her up for adoption. Neither of them had really thought about it, but after tracking her down and getting a DNA test to confirm, it turned out she was in fact Sally's as well. So ultimately Sally took her back under her family's care, safely with Nikki and Maria in Toronto. Sally and Ravna are still friends, but not quite as close as they used to be.




    "I'm like a short letter P"
    "If I could be sandwiched between you that would be great"
    "If you wanna do another shoot, just lemme knowwwww"
    "That's why I'm the millionaire mayor babyyyyy"
    "Keep Paleto Weird"

    - She has issues with Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, but it only flares up when she gets stressed.
    - Sally's grown used to being referred to as a woman, but is perfectly fine with any pronoun.
    - Her Uncle's dispensary had strong ties with the Triads (Wo Shing Wo) and the Russian Mob back in Toronto.
    - Members of the WSW often called her 麻姑 (Magu)
    - She still has to fly back to Toronto sometimes for brief meetings with the dispensary's board.
    - When out of state she occassionally writes in her travel journal.
    - Her love of photography comes from messing with her Uncle's polaroid camera collection.
    - The years that she's spent doing yoga have kept her rather fit even with her awful diet.
    - Sally's first friend in the city was Marishka Devlin; they met on a connecting flight out of Newfoundland and talked the entire flight over.
    - Despite her new home in the states, Sally has yet to obtain a gun license.
    - Sally is 69% friends with Nellya Auclair
    - Her first meeting with Inola Silvertail was love at first sight.
    - She's had a stupid huge crush on Maggie McCormick since she met her.
    - After enough shoots with Claire Halsey, she eventually developed a crush for her.
    - She sees Remy Fitzgerald and Poppy Hill as big sisters.
    - Sally was the first person in the city to own a Lurcher
    - Her name was on banners on the Arcadius Business Center and in Legion Square for a long while
    - She has a pet baby alligator named Doug that she found in her hot tub one day
    - She helped come up with the name for the PPC after the Vikings folded
    - Put herself on a skateboard just cuz
    - She wears her wedding rings on different parts of her body; McKenna's silver band on her left ring finger and Nikki's ring pop on her hip via keychain.
    - She collaborated with Remy on a gold anklet for both of them to sell, and always has one on her right ankle.
    - She loves doing maternity photoshoots
    - Sally owns one of three Vapid Tannens in the state; a classic woody that was fully restored by Knights Imports and won in their first auction after Mutiny.
    - Her Tannen was the only car from the first post-Mutiny auction that wasn't repo'd.
    - She occasionally gives people oppai mousepads with herself on them.
    - She's on multiple trading cards.
    - She says people call her the Millionaire Mayor, despite no one ever calling her that.
    - Her number one fan is Deep Manson.






