Sam Shephard

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  • Sam Amelia Walsh (Shephard)

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      May 27th
    • Birthplace:
      Montreal, Canada
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Val, Valkyrie



    • Occupation:
      Co-owner of The Yellow Jack
    • Faction Affilations:



    Sam was born in Canada, the youngest in a family of 6 children. The only girl of the lot, she and her siblings were raised in upstate Liberty State, where they moved when she was very young . Her father, dead set on having a daughter, refused to give up his dream even after 5 boys, and so her parents figured they'd go at it until they got one (what's one more mouth to feed when there's already so many?). Growing up, her mother traveled a lot for work, being a private (and prestigious) piano instructor. Extremely stern and demanding by nature , she ran the household with a firm hand when she was there, while her father was what one would consider a very easy going parental figure. He loved to spend time with his children, both individually and as a group, and he cherished every moment he had with them. He always made sure to make them feel special, and raised his children to be polite, thankful and understanding.

    Sam took a liking to music, her mothers passion, and it would turn out to be one of the, if not THE only thing thing able to really bring them together and bond over. Carole, her mother, was hardly what one would call a cheerful person, but she took great pride in her teachings, and made sure that Sam excelled at her instrument, which also turned out to be the piano. The mother took great pride in her young daughters talent and perseverance, and Sam was sent to recitals, competitions, and a multitude of concerts.

    Unfortunately, when Sam was 6, her father started to act oddly. His memory was playing tricks on him, he'd forget what he was doing or saying, he'd get lost, he had mood swings that were uncharacteristic for him... One day, having had enough and getting extremely concerned, her mother forced him to pay their family doctor a visit, and he was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease after an onslaught of tests. From the date the diagnosis fell, everything went very, very quickly. He lost his cognitive abilities in a matter of a few months, and a few weeks after her 7th birthday, her father passed.

    Against the Doctors advice and at the request of her mother, genetic tests were later done on the children to determine if the form of the disease was familial or not, and her mothers heart was shattered when the tests concluded that it was indeed the rare, genetic form. Sam and two of her brothers, Quinn and Alex, tested positive for all genetic markers for the disease, a guarantee that they would be affected by the disease, and her mother changed after learning that fact. She became even more demanding, and would never fail to remind her children that they had to make the most of everything "before it's too late". What that meant for her, was that you had to excel at everything.

    Her brothers all left the family home very early on because of the pressure being put on them on their mother. Sam grew up to be a shy, quiet, and extremely anxious woman, always in fear of disappointing her mom or those around her. She did not let that stop her, and through hard work, Sam got a scholarship for a full ride to a prestigious music school in Liberty City. She enjoyed it greatly for the first year, however, at the end of her second, wanting to get away from her mothers iron grasp, Sam moved to Los Santos, in the hope that a fresh start would ease her mind. She has also been starting to show very early signs of her disease, having trouble with depth perception and short term memory, and she wanted to make the most of her life no matter what.


    • Sam is classically trained at and plays the piano. She competed at high levels during her childhood and teenage years, and had a scholarship to a prestigious music school for college. However, she dropped out a year in because "Ain't nobody got time for that".
    • Sam has 5 brothers; Alex, Austin, Jamie, Quinn and Remi.
    • "Get fucked"