Skylar Adams

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  • Skylar Louise Adams

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      January 21st, 1997
    • Birthplace:
      Hammond, Indiana
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      McKenzie Smith (former), Cotton Candy


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Leslie Adams (Mother), Lance Adams II (Father, Deceased). Nathan Adams (Brother 27 years old), Lily and Gabriella Adams (Identical twin sisters. 20)



    Skylar Adams is a bubbly and down to earth individual who is just trying to make her way through life the best she can. Los Santos is a lot different than she expected, but she was still well prepared for it regardless thanks to talks with her best friend Ophelia. It's her life mission to make as many people smile and feel good about themselves as she possibly can and in a city so full of crime and war, she's happy to accept that challenge head on despite her own personal demons.


    Skylar was the middle child in her family dynamic. Her older brother her one true confidant she turned to him most of the time to help her keep her head up when the going got tough. It was thanks to him and her best friend Ophelia Dane (who was in and out of Hammond growing up) that she was able to remain so positive and strong through an adolescence full of her parents very rocky relationship and living in shelter after shelter. Being there for her younger identical twin sisters, she masked most of the time, and they never got to see any real pain she may have been in either physically or emotionally. Life was pretty rough, they were all underprivileged thanks to an estranged father who very suddenly up and left all of them, but they made do with what they had and it helped bring all the siblings and their mother closer. At least, this is how Skylar remembers things, but what with the medication cocktail she took thanks to the psychiatrist her father had her seeing, a lot of her early life is actually a mystery to her. There are solid memories that she knows to be true, but then there are others where she isn't so certain, especially after having stopped taking the meds she was given right before sneaking a one way ticket to Los Santos to try and hide away from dear old dad that she knew was up to something, just not what.

    Skylar worked at Mount Zonah Medical Center as nurse and she loved what she did there for a very long time. Being able to be there for her fellow Los Santos citizens was very fulfilling for her and it made her feel as if she was finally doing something good in her life. Now, she works for SAFA and has found her true home there because of the pace and flexibility she has with it. There is no longer the need to hold a persons ribcage in or help manually vent them while also applying suction and irrigation during a complete power failure at the hospital. Previously dating and then married to a Park Ranger, while unexpected, was also a very nice change of pace for her, and for the first time, in a very long time (maybe ever) she felt happy. Unfortunately for her, that relationship was very short lived, but the two of them will forever still love one another, their paths in life were just not going to mesh well and it took a lot of different nights spent alone to finally figure that out. In this process of dealing with her divorce, she actually ended up figuring out that she had a lot more in common with a different Ranger, Chase Wise, and eventually found love with him when she hadn't even been expecting it. Now they are dating, and very happy, to her he feels like the missing puzzle piece that fits in the puzzle that is her life, without it being forced into place at all. While very afraid of losing things she holds near and dear to her heart, she's trying to make the most of the time she does have with those people. It's not just having watched her mother get burned and broken by a man who she loved more than life itself, or because of the ex that cheated on her, no, or even her ex-husband. There are a handful of other things that have her feeling a bit insecure and worried but she's doing her best to keep her head up. Was what she remembers from childhood actually real, or just a trauma response of some sort where her brain has repressed specific memories, that is something she still isn't sure of. It is starting to become clear however, now that dad has actually found her in Los Santos, that her childhood and adolescence may have included a whole bunch of smoke and mirrors and potential false memories that she made up on her own. In trying to hide from her dad, while she was still employed at Eclipse Medical Center


    • Skylar is colorblind and is red/green color deficient which is called Deuteranopia.