Troy Williams

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  • Troy Williams

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Lemon, T, TroyTroy


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Sister - Charlie Nakamura
      Mother - Ashlynn O’Neal
      Dad - Shedrick Nelson
      Step-Dad - Slim O'Neal


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Troy Williams is roleplayed by CocoWolf

    Troy is a 21 year old guy who is keen into Sports cars and into the nightlife of Los Santos.


    Troy was a young innocent boy that lived in the city of Singapore. However, due to the hardship and hate that he had from his friends and even family members. He decided to leave Singapore and move to the city of Liberty City. When he arrived, he was not welcomed however, he worked through his hardships to be able to get his first car. He then managed to get himself hired to work for a Street gang in being their Getaway Driver. Troy was then involved in multiple street races naming himself as the first Champion due to his skills that he sharpened at a young age. Troy was then brought into a group of a well organized organization where he eventually learned how to shoot guns which even involves Class 2 Firearms etc.

    While this madness that Troy fuels. There is anger that's built inside of him. That anger was from the family members and people that made fun of him back in his home country. He then seeked for assistance in a mineshaft. He was then approached by an entity named Anubis. This entity then told Troy that he could help him do a favour on one condition. Devote his life to anubis and assist him to instill fear to the city. Troy agreed and the Entity then possessed him. Troy was then turned into a menacing Serial Killer. Killing those that defy the odds and causing mayhem to the city. Troy, on his own took out one of the menacing drug lords in Liberty City. However, with all these heat. He thought he was helping the LCPD but they decided to go against him as well. Troy then decided to flee on a small yacht that was then set sail to Los Santos.

    Troy is currently a Mechanic at Benny's Motorworks. He owns a Sunrise R which he calls the "Anime Tiddies". He is classified as Lemon in the underground racing scene called 249 Club where multiple professional racers battle it out on who's the best behind the wheel. Troy did originate from multiple gangs that picked him. Groups such as Yokai and Spectre. Troy was then invited into Shedricks group as a way to clean up his wrongs and doings from the past. He was glad that Shedrick picked him up to join the Saints.

    After being kidnapped and left at a island on the outskirts of Los Santos for 2 Months. Troy then swam his way back to the city and lookin for refuge. After missing a lot of action, he was removed from Benny's and decided to freelance his own Way.

    Troy then found out that his mom and dad had a dispute in regards of a disagreement which then caused them to be divorced. Even though the family is separated. Troy still stayed neutral and tried to be close to both his Dad and His Morher. Since Troy is closer to his Mom, he sticks to her side. Troy then met his Step-Dad Josh O’Neal and seemed to be convinced that he was the better dad. Troy also met his Dad and the new business that he owned which was the Vanilla Unicorn. Troy’s mother then asked Troy if he would like to be adopted under her care and he agreed.


    • "500 dollars for seeing the titties!" ,
    • Troy still battles with his fears and Anubis breathing down his neck to get deeds done for him.