Valentina Iglesias

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  • Valentina Iglesias

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Tijuana, Mexico
    • Nationality:
      Mexican American
    • Aliases:

      ✧ TinaBobina​

      ✧ Bina​

      ✧ Teenur​

      ✧ Pig - Wyatt​

      ✧ Bitch Ass Sister - Armando​

      ✧ TBANDZ - Pax​


    • Marital Status:
      In A Relationship
    • Relatives:
      Armando Iglesias - (Unidentical) Twin Brother
      Wyatt Wheelrite - (Unrelated) Younger Brother


    • Occupation:
      Singer, Actress, Dancer, Model, Assistant,
    • Faction Affilations:
      Horchata Sisters (with Nikki Cortez)


    Valentina Iglesias is a 23 year old, Mexican American living her dream in Los Santos. She stands at a short 5’5, and rarely wears heels to give her a few inches. Usually, she can be seen wearing Y2K style clothing, as she has a “passion for fashion”. She is always wearing outfits she would describe as “khunt”. Her accessories are usually simple but gold. You’ll typically see her wearing tan and beige colours that compliment her skin. Her hazel, cat-like eyes compliment her tan complexion, and milk chocolate brown hair.Sometimes she experiments with highlights. Her nose is stem thin, highlighted like a starry night sky whilst her lips are full with lust, and a lot of lipgloss. She has two tattoos, one of her left wrist which says “Greed is Good”. She sees this as a message to always strive for more, and never settle for less. Her second tattoo is located on her left thigh, just underneath her birthmark that is shaped like Spain, is a rose, her mother’s favourite flower.

    Valentina can type at a whopping 72 words per minute. She’s 100% a gryffindor, but borderlines Hufflepuff at times. She has an ISFP personality type. ISFPs are peaceful, easygoing people who adopt a “live and let live” approach to life. They enjoy taking things at their own pace and tend to live in the moment. Motivated by their sympathetic nature, ISFPs are always ready to help anyone in need. They have an intuitive understanding of what other people are thinking and feeling which makes them skilled in helping others. However, ISFPs have a tendency to become overly critical of themselves due to their strong sense of values and are not quick to take credit for their work

    Valentina looks up to successful women for motivation in her own career, and how she walks through life. Someone who has truly inspired Valentina and somewhat guided Tina through life is Selena Gomez. Selena has played a pivotal role in the woman Valentina has become. She carries herself with grace, and leads with the heart. She chooses kindness, faith and courage when faced with difficult situations or decisions, and these are values that Selena and Tina share. Selena's music talks about the struggles she has faced mentally, and the trials and tribulations she has had to endure throughout life in which Tina relates to.

    Valentina's Anthem:




    Valentina was born to Alejandro and Rebecca Iglesias on April 20th, 2000, with her twin brother Armando. Born 6 seconds later than her brother, they have been an inseparable duo ever since. Although they are two very different people, they are one anothers closest confidants. Growing up in Tijuana was hard for the twins, especially Tina. Being brought up without a lot of money, during the most prominent days of the Cartel de Sinaloa, not only made their upbringing difficult, but also extremely dangerous. It was hard for the Iglesias family to trust anyone outside of their four walls. Alejandro was jumping through jobs to make ends meet, and Becky’s visa to remain in Mexico was running out, the family was about to be split up. Despite their best efforts, Rebecca’s visa would not be renewed or extended due to their marriage not being recognised in Mexico. This led Alejandro to take his family to the border between Mexico and San Adreas, United States of America. He needed to get his wife home before she became illegal, and he knew that his kids were better off with their mother in the United States. Due to being born to dual citizenship, Tina and Mando were accepted into the states with no issue along with their mother. However, Alejandro could not follow for the first year that they lived in America. He spent every single day, working and saving for his marriage visa which granted him the right to live, and work in the United States due to marrying a citizen.

    2003 - 2018

    Life got better for Tina and her brother in San Andreas. They were educated properly, spent numerous hours in extra curricular activities, and were well looked after by their parents and extended family. Mando took a liking towards music, and music production. Especially towards hip hop. Whilst Tina followed her passion of acting, and dancing. As the years go by, Mando begins to fall into the wrong crowd, whilst Tina becomes very academically successful. Tina was also very intune with her heritage despite moving countries. She never forgets her roots and takes every opportunity to speak in her native language, and engage with her family in every latina / hispanic tradition she could whilst being in the states.Rebecca also passed on her good looks to Tina, whilst Mando looks almost identical to their faither which is funny since Tina is his twin. But when they turned 18 and graduated High School, Valentina was offered a scholarship in London’s Oxford University, to study Emergency Medicine and Biology.

    2018 - 2022

    Moving across the world and saying goodbye to her brother and parents was, still to this day, the hardest thing Valentina has ever had to do. But she took the jump anyway, flew to London and began studying.But, as any young adult at college does, she spent her weekends partying, drinking, socialising and enjoying her new life. For a moment there, she picked up a really good impression of a British accent. She met her first love at college, Lucas. He was a dashing, blonde haired, blue eyed, 6’2 soccer player with a major in Sport Science. He wasn’t her usual type. She knew that underneath the “prince charming” aesthetic, he wasn’t good for her. But, that’s what drew her in even more. Regardless if on paper he checks her boxes, Tina was head over heels for him, and for a while he loved her too. It was true that underneath his perfect image, he wasn’t so. When he wasn’t in class, he was selling weed, fighting in bars, cheating on Tina twice, and getting involved in the wrong crowds. She knew all of these things were major red flags, but in some ways Lukas reminded her of Mando, and this brought her comfort.

    It was the summer of her junior year in college, almost ready to start her senior year where she visited home. She spent a lot of time with her old friends, it brought her so much happiness to see Maia again. Maia was her best friend in high school. They spent hours styling outfits together. But, right before school started again, Tina’s mother passed due to breast cancer. Something that the family chose to keep from Valentina, to ensure she’d stay in London and focus on school This destroyed her. The relationship they shared was incomparable. Tina fell into such a dark place. She had just lost her mother, someone who gave up her life to ensure Tina and her brother had the best. In some ways Valentina feels as though her mothers passing was her fault. She believes given her knowledge in medicine now, she could’ve assisted in the diagnosis of her mother much earlier on and potentially saved her.

    Following the funeral, back in London Tina decided to get through this final year and go home to be with her family. During the winter of that year, Tina fell pregnant with Lukas’ baby. Unfortunately, she did miscarry very early on and Lukas once again cheated on Tina. This is something nobody knows about, not even her brother Mando who she tells everything too. Mando knew about her first kiss, the cheating, everything. He was her protector. But this… this is something she couldn’t even bring herself to tell him. She decided to get rid of Lukas once and for all. After the breakup she never talked to him again. It was hard, it hurt a lot. But ultimately it was the best thing for her at the time. It pushed her to find herself, and lose the sweats she’d been wearing since her mother’s passing. Before anyone knew it, Valen-fucking-tina was back. Stylin’ and profilin’, Every guy wanted her. Every girl wanted to be her friend. Valentina got her degree, graduated, and flew home.

    2023 - Present

    Once arriving home, she’d come to realise that Mando had moved to Los Santos. A city about an hour's drive away from their current neighbourhood where her father was still living in their family home. She stayed with her father for a short while, but of course, Mando and Tina belong together. So, she followed him to Los Santos where she quickly learned that actually, her brother is kind of a big deal here. He is a signed Artist, making music, performing at shows with sold out crowds. This is something Tina wanted for her brother, ever since she first heard his beats on the box-screened computer in the basement of their home as teenagers. After a difficult conversation between the two, Valentina learns that Mando is one of the leaders of the Solemko Family. This disappoints Tina, but she understands they are both grown adults now and can make decisions for themselves, so she decides to support him in these, and keep his secret. After meeting the Solemko family, she realises that it might not be the right fit for her. This isn’t the path destined for Valentina in Los Santos. But, she knows she is always welcome, and has the support of the entire family behind her.

    Tina is now beginning to make her own moves in Los Santos. She’s not going to live in her brother’s shadow. She is going to be successful because of her own sheer talent and determination. However, after what happened to her mother she still doesn’t feel good enough to become a doctor or paramedic. So, she’s dipping her toes into other ponds. Such as modelling, songwriting, acting, dancing and working at Benny’s as a mechanic on the side. Whilst living her own life in Los Santos, Tina met her best friend Wyatt Wheelrite. These two spend every day together. They are always up to something with one another, and if Valentina isn’t with her brother, it’s more than likely she is somewhere around the city causing mayhem with her bestie, Wyatt.



    Armando Iglesias - Armando is Tina's twin brother. He was born just a few seconds before her. Mando is someone Tina see's as her safe space. Out of anyone in the city, he knows her the best. He knows when she is uncomfortable and how to help her out of those situations. He tends to be very protective of Valentina but usually, she laughs it off and thinks he is overreacting. Tina has his number saved as "Mandito", as a reference to her calling him short - he's not.

    Tony Ruiz - Tony is Valentina's boyfriend. The two shared a relationship previously before she moved to Los Santos but recently decided to get back together, giving their love a second chance. They are both very smitten with one another, but are extremely toxic to each other. Usually, in public too. They can be seen with Tony carrying Tina, fighting in the streets, matching outfits, taking cute pictures together, driving around, and something even brawling with one another. They are known for being toxically not toxic... whatever that means. Tina see's Tony as her protector, and one of her most trusted individuals. She's extremely protective of Tony too, and sometimes a little obsessive.


    - Tony and Tina taking pictures after rekindling their relationship under the sunset.
    Wyatt Wheelrite -The "Pink Twink". Wyatt is Tina's absolute BEST FRIEND. The two are always out together causing mayhem. Talking smack about one another, laughing and giggling at their inside jokes. Often times they reminisce about their past. The two have shared very intimate, sad experiences with each other but no matter what they always bounce back together. Wyatt is a little crazy, which brings out the wild side to Tina. They are known for going around town and "making noises" and "using their diapers".


    - Tina and Wyatt, talking about their futures whilst sitting on the roof of his new car. Talking about music, boys and money.​

    Stella Jin - Stella is the next closest thing Tina has to family. She see's Stella as a sisterly figure, and often looks up to Stella for advice on dating, career, or day to day life. Stella and Tina spend a lot of time together at The Craft Bar, or going out on adventures together, which typically end up in trips to the ER. Stella is someone Tina considers to be in her close group of friends. Often times though, Valentina can feel inferior to Stella and her accomplishments, but this drives her to do better within her own career.

    Madeline Jin - Maddie is Stella's older sister, so by default this includes Maddie in the older sister figure that Tina see's in them. Tina is still getting to know Maddie, but enjoys her company and adventures they share. Recently, they went floating in the Tongva Hills, however that did not end well for Tina.

    Lyndz Venus - An old friend of Tina's. Lyndz and Tina met during time Tina had spent in another state. Upon the news that Lyndz had received her Visa for Los Santos, San Andres, Tina couldn't wait to pick her up from the airport. Unfortunately, Tina was busy doing actress stuff, but it wasn't long until the two caught up and rekindle their friendship. When Lyndz and Tina are together, they are the "girls' girls". Lyndz brings out a much more girly, feminine side to Tina which is polar oppposite to Tina's "Bruh Girl" and "Y2K" mix matched era she has going on right now. Lyndz and Tina often bond over boys, and laugh at them making a fool of themselves simping for the girls.

    Xander Redwall - Stella introduced Tina to Xander on their first floating trip. His first words were, "Ahh, Mando has a SISTER?!" which made everyone laugh. Since that day, Tina knew she had found a friend in Xander. She cares deeply about him, and relates to some of the struggles that Xander is currently facing. The two can be seen together typically laughing and joking about something. Xander is the first friend Tina made upon moving to Los Santos. She's excited to see where this friendship goes and what they will accomplish together. They often give each other dating advice. Often times Tina tells Xander, "We are NOT going to cry over a man!". Tina refers to Xander as "Xan Xan". Xander made a joke about "adopting" Tina into his friend group, something that Tina appreciates a lot after spending a lot of time alone in London.


    - Xander, Emiko and Valentina waiting for the The Hub event to begin.​

    Emiko Ishii - Emiko is Xander's best friend, assistant and co-worker. She met Emiko during rehearsals for the "XR: The Dark, The Light" show and spent the night together celebrating the grand reopening of The Hub, watching all the artists perform their music. Valentina see's Emiko as a real "girls girl" and often checks in on her - Emmi suffers from migraines often. The two are going to be great friends. Since being "adopted" by Xander and Emiko, the three have hung out a couple times. Emiko is also an artist of her own right, and makes her own music. She performs under the stage name ISHII, and after hearing some of her music Tina reached out to Emmi to help with some music of her own too. The two are excited to get creative and begin working on the artist that Tina has inside her. Recently, Tina celebrated Emi's birthday with her and their closest friends!


    - Tina, Xander Redwall, Emiko Ishii, Zalena Steinback and friends at Emi & Z's birthday!​

    Nicholai Solemko - Nicholai, also known as Pax, is Mando's best friend. Their is a small sentimental relationship between Pax and Tina, as she see's him as another brotherly figure. She knows that if, and god forbid, Mando isn't around, that Pax would drop anything to aid Tina. Often times though, they can be seen teasing one another. The name "TBANDZ" was adopted to Tina from Pax due to Tina reminding him of someone from his past. She views him as somewhat "level-headed".

    Zalena Steinback - Z is someone Tina met very early on in her time in Los Santos. But, only recently have the two grown closer since having mutual friends and spending substantial amounts of time together. Z and Tina are usually the first from the group to wake up, and so they set the tone for day for one another by meeting up after work and having girl time! Zalena and Tina have become great friends, and are often times somewhere having a girl to girl talk about love, boys, the city, or just life in general. Z is no longer seeing Tina's brother, Armando. But this has not affected the friendship between the two girls at all and the two have grown closer since then, and have talked many times about how frustrating Mando can be.


    - Tina, Xander Redwall, and Zalena Steinback dressing up as cowboys / cowgirls and talking in their country accents!
    Miranda Shingles - Miranda is Valentina's sister from another mister. The sugar to her spice. The two truly are two peas in a pod. When Tina first moved to Los Santos, there was one person Mando said Tina would love wholeheartedly, and that reminded him of his sister. That was Miranda. Tina didn't think much of it but now, the two have become great friends are are constantly seen together causing mayhem. They support each other the most when it comes to their music, with Shingles even giving Tina the sneak peaks of what's to come. Tina and Shingles have a lot of good memories together, and are friends for life. Tina now refers to Miranda as "mother", due to their likeness. They often joke about how Miranda is going to adopt Valentina... will she?


    - Miranda Shingles and Valentina, posing together at the PULSE Festival photo booths! (Night 1)
    Tiffany J Lawson "Queen T" - Tiffany and Tina clicked instantly the day they met. Their first experience together was saving Miranda's breast implants after she was hit by a car outside of the Craft Bar and Eatery. Since then the two have been extremely close. Tina views T as "Untie". Tiffany inspires Tina in the music world. She's everything in a woman rapper than Tina see's in herself as a pop star. Confidence, kindness, knowing your worth and being unapologetic. The two are always sharing music with one another and their friends. Tina wholeheartedly supports T, and T the same to Tina. Showing up to one another's, events, being each other's hype women and always having each other's backs... period. Tina will always remember the first time she got to share the stage with Queen T at PULSE when they danced for Mad Rabbit's set. Tina felt starstruck, by her own friend!


    - Tiffany and Tina posing after realizing they bought the same shorts from Ponsonby's and wore them to the same Pool Party!​

    Nikki Cortez - The friend in the group who claims she was named after a shoe. Nikki met Tina during the PULSE festival backstage when talking with Queen T and Ashely. The girls connected over their Mexican heritage, often talk amongst themselves in Spanish and dress as cholo girls. They've been dubbed the "Horchata Sisters" and plan to start a duo music career together where Valentina will sing and Nikki will rap. Nikki and Tina are together all the time with their group of friends and are definitely very close to each other specifically. A standout memory for the two would be celebrating Latino Heritage at the Latino Block Party hosted by Ashely.

    ✧ A meme that describes Valentina:​


    ✧ "You big belly bitch!​

    ✧ "AY DIOS MIO!"​

    ✧ "Absolutely, not."​

    ✧ "Like, I'm sooo sick."​

    ✧ "No because I am so serious."​

    ✧ "Callate la boca!"​

    ✧ "ILLEGAL!!"​