Vladimir Rasputin Volkov

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  • Vladimir Rasputin Volkov

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      September 15, 1982
    • Birthplace:
      Butovo, Russia
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Vlad, Vladdy Daddy, David Harrington, Daniel Rasp


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Nikolai Volkov (Cousin)


    • Occupation:
      Bahama Mamas, Local 404 Union
    • Faction Affilations:
      "Volch'ya staya" (The Wolf Pack) - former member


    Vladimir Volkov is a character played by the streamer AngerIssuesVet. More information to come soon!


    Vladimir Rasputin Volkov was born to Boris and Natasha Volkov in Butovo, Russia on September 15th, 1982. He was the middle child of 5 children, and was always required to be a protector to his siblings. Vladimir was always taught that family was the most important thing. Boris, a former KGB agent, found his calling as a capo for an under boss of the local crime family. Vladimir’s father was a very strict and disciplined man, which caused him and Vladimir to “butt heads” a lot of the time when Vlad was a teenager. Vladimir was introduced to the criminal underworld at a very young age. By the age of 8, he was running messages for his father to the members of the organization, and by 12, he was running drugs and money back and forth between street dealers, and then making “deposits” to the local bosses. When Vladimir was 14, his family moved to New York City, as his father was brought into the "Bratstva" officially, as an under boss. Vladimir struggled in private school growing up. Some of his siblings stayed in Russia with his mother, as Vladimir and his two older brothers went with his father to America. Vladimir struggled to make friends in school, as he was constantly being made fun of about his accent, which led to him getting into fights and altercations with the other children constantly.

    However, do to his father's money and influence, he never managed to get expelled from school. Over the years, Vladimir went to speech therapy and learned how to speak without his accent, however, he prefers his accent as he takes great pride in his Russian heritage. By the time Vladimir went to college, he had the ability to speak completely without an accent. Vladimir attended New York University where he studied Business Management. Vladimir however, was a below average student, mostly due to slacking off and partying for a great deal of his time, his other time was spent running small scams and hustles around his local campus. By the time he graduated (mostly due to his father's money and influence), Vladimir's father had a well established criminal enterprise in New York. Vladimir and his brothers were on cloud nine, they were the "princes of New York" as the local papers referred to them. Then, in the summer of 2016, Vladimir and his brothers were outside of a nightclub owned by Vladimir's father, when a car drove by opening fire on the front doors of the club and at the patrons standing outside waiting to get in. It was pure chaos. Police had the city close the club permanently. This was just the beginning.(edited)

    During the shooting at the nightclub, Vladimir's oldest brother, Artyom, was shot and killed. The family was devastated. Boris was furious and vowed revenge on anyone involved. Vladimir began to close down and close himself off from people, burying himself in work and trying to figure out what happened to his older brother. His other brother Igor, was always at his fathers side, his personal bodyguard. Pretty soon, more problems started to befall the organization, such as street dealers failing to check in as usual, and all of a sudden, front Businesses owned by the family were being raided by police. Everything in Vladimir's world seemed to be hanging by a thread. One night, while Vladimir was sleeping, a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking stirred him awake. He grabbed a small pistol and looked out the doorway to see his brother and father standing around a brick in their front hallway. "Ci vediamo presto." was written on the brick, which means "See you soon." in Italian.

    Needless to say, Vladimir and his family were furious, and then the realization hit Vlad that he and his family were at war. Over the next several months, Vladimir played an instrumental role in the kidnapping, torture, and murder of several civilians within the area of New York known as "Little Italy". After several months, the family felt as though things were starting to look back up in their favor. Late one night, there was a phone call at Vladimir's house. Igor answered the phone, "Говорит Игорь, это кто?" (Igor speaking, who is this), he stated sternly. "Это твоя мама, мне осталось недолго, мы должны уехать, в твоих братьев и сестер стреляли, мы собираемся остаться с семьей в Польше. Мы будем в безопасности. До скорого." (It is your mother, I don't have long, we must leave, your siblings and I have been shot at, we are going to stay with family in Poland. We will be safe. Talk to you soon.) Igor yelled for his father, but by the time Boris had arrived into the room, the other phone was dead. Boris yelled to Igor, telling him to bring the car around immediately and to call the hangar and have a plane ready to head overseas. Igor did as his father instructed. Vladimir helped his father pack quickly and rushed out the door with him, his father grabbed him by the shoulder, "Сын мой, ты должен остаться здесь и закончить то, что мы начали. Я пришлю Игоря встретить тебя здесь, когда узнаю, что твоя мать, братья и сестры в безопасности. Заставить меня гордиться. Будь волком, которым я тебя научил." (My son, you must stay here and finish what we started. I will send Igor to meet you here when I know that your mother and siblings are safe. Make me proud. Be the wolf I taught you to be.) At that moment, Boris hopped into the car with Igor, and Igor started the car. As Vladimir turned around to head back into the house, he could feel the heat on his back. He flew forward into the front doors, going through the glass on the doors as flaming vehicle parts fell all around him. As he lay on his back in the hallway of the house, he could feel the heat of the fire from the wreckage in the driveway. He began to start regaining his composure as he began to hear sirens in the distance.

    Vladimir got up, and ran into his room, grabbed his "go bag", a fake ID and passport, and fled from the property. After laying low for a few days and getting some affairs in order, Vladimir learned that his family's territory had been completely taken over by the Barizni Family. Vladimir felt like his universe had completely fallen apart - he'd lost everything he'd pretty much ever known and had no clue where the rest of his family was. Vladimir packed what few valuables he had, used his fake ID to get a plane ticket and boarded a one way flight to Los Angeles.

    Once in LA, Vladimir tried to stay under the radar and realized quickly that old habits die hard. He quickly started to fall back into the criminal underworld, in an effort to fund his search efforts for his mother and siblings. During this time, Vladimir's business started to fold after a rival crew began to push Vladimir out. Vladimir set out to destroy the other crew, which was going well until the death of a close friend of Vladimir's, C, who was killed during the ensuing territory dispute. Eventually, the other crew, gaining the support of Law Enforcement through bribes and political influence, was able to set Vladimir up and he was taken into custody. He was held for 2 years in prison in California for Murder, Racketeering, Intimidation, and Violent Assault. There were several other pettier charges that were dropped in lieu of a guilty plea by the suspect. After a lengthy court battle, Vladimir's attorney was able to get the murder charges dropped (destroyed witness credibility, and pointed out evidence was illegally obtained and tampered with), however Vladimir was sentenced to serve 2 years in the California State Penitentiary. During his time in the prison, he made a name for himself after severely injuring several guards and several successful "murder for hire" contracts. After his 2 years had been served, he was released and went to a small island off of Hawaii to hopefully carve out a new life for himself.

    Things were slow going at first, Vladimir took a job in the mines and was working 16+ hour shifts every day. Eventually his hard work paid off due to the fact he was able to make a small fortune in a small amount of time. He took his money and invested it in real estate. Not only had he purchased a condo on the beach, but also bought a house in a nice neighborhood, and had a warehouse in the city for his business. Vladimir had a foundation for something big. After a short while, he began to network with a local gang in the neighborhood of his condo, and a local big wig lawyer who helped him start to establish a nightclub of his own. Everything was back on track in Vladimir's life, so it seemed to him. However, the high of his success only lasted for a short while, Vladimir quickly fell into bad habits again, especially when his cousin Nikolai arrived on the island. The two turned the warehouse and condo into a grow house and began a massive marijuana grow operation. While Vladimir was living in the beach side condo, the local gang in the neighborhood had a big incident with the police and the cops were chasing their members on foot down the beach,

    Vladimir took it upon himself and "relieved" their vehicles of their equipment. Pretty soon, Vladimir had a sizeable stash of illegal class three weapons. In an effort to set up a new business venture, Vlad and Nikolai bought a boat and traveled to Cayo Merico an island near the one where they lived. It was known for its Communist Dictatorship Government - and it's sizeable cocaine production. Vladimir met with El Presidente and floated a business offer - offering the guns, precious gems and gold, as presents, all which were refused by El Presidente. The president was not interested in furthering any illegal industries on the mainland any longer. He was tired of "criminal enterprises taking advantage of him and his people". So, slightly defeated, Vladimir and Nikolai headed back to their boat to head back to the mainland. Vladimir was approached by one of the guards on the staff of the Presidente.

    They were able to work out a deal where Vlad turned the guns and gems over to him and he in turn gave Vladimir about 20 kilos of cocaine to take back to the mainland. This business arrangement worked well until Vladimir got to the point he needed people to help him expand his enterprise, and was unable to find them, on top of that another group posing as Russians were wrecking havoc all over the mainland which ended up causing issues for Vladimir and his associates and business. Vladimir started to dip into the stash that was to sell, and before long was doing more lines anyone thought possible. His behavior became erratic and unpredictable. He began to give away large sums of money and then during an incident outside of the bank, he ended up getting in a fight with several police officers. As this was a violation of his parole, he once again packed his things and fled the state. This time, he fled overseas back to Europe in an effort to find his mother and siblings. For several months, Vladimir fell "off the grid" and no one knew where he was or what he was doing. He turned up in London, England, several days ago, a fake ID ping on Interpol systems showing he purchased a one way ticket to the State of San Andreas.

    For the last several months, Vladimir has been working tirelessly in the mines and has recently become the new owner of Bahama Mama's West Nightclub. He has also recently formed the states first mining union and is currently serving as union president.


    • Bratstvo - eto zhizn' - "Brotherhood is life."