[Poll] Transition to Cash as Item

Transition to Cash as an Inventory Item

  • Yes

    Votes: 238 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 340 58.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Neave Velez

Well-known member
Public Works
May 12, 2023
Just out of curiosity what about characters that don't just keep cash in their pockets. Like ones that keep some in their shoes in the case of them being robbed because they have heard from others that there is an uptick in robberies, so they keep some cash in their shoe and the rest in their pocket. by seeing the item in their inventory, one would have to emote each time ( /me cash at the bottom is hidden somewhere else on their body) and that is if the other player respects the investigation of finding said cash. But with having to put that emote it may give the person incentive to look further where before they would not have known they had more on them to begin with.

Roy Gomer

BOLO for Gomer's Upper Lip
Gold Supporter
Nov 26, 2022
I don’t think it’s fair to say robberies shouldn’t be apart of the discussion. Cash being physical will absolutely affect the way and the frequency robberies occur, especially at the beginning of when the change occurs.

There are already several groups that go around chain robbing a handful of people, providing a very base level of dialogue so there can be just enough “roleplay” to dodge a report (but never enough for them to follow up after the robbery ends), and then logging off for the day if they don’t spark a war.

What’s going to happen if this change goes through, is these types of robberies are going to significantly spike for the first few weeks, then people will stop carrying cash altogether except for maybe a little bit to pay for gas with after having been robbed once or twice. The change will be rendered mostly moot, and people will now just be mildly inconvienced.

I can appreciate the intended goal of making cash a physical item - realism and promoting more rp with the cash itself, but I don’t think the change will have the intended effect of driving RP. I think it will just become more of a minor inconvience people work around.
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Jamey Johnson

Well-known member
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Silver Supporter
Sep 25, 2021
I like the idea of trying new things. If it doesn't work or there are issues we can always revert back to the old way. I think it would be a good addition to the RP
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Demitrius Deddario

On the way to Hayes.... Again...
2.0 Supporter
Silver Supporter
Mar 13, 2021
I love the idea entirely honestly because it should be an inventory item due to it actually being on your person and you could place it in a wallet or purse. only downside I see to it is that the people that do cash jobs like towing, garbage, etc. and to those who run bands a good amount (like myself). I see those individuals as becoming targets of mass robbings just for their cash. It adds to the continual "taxing" that groups seem to have to do for some reason and it would kinda suck to be robbed even more around these areas. And I understand there's always a chance to be robbed and I don't wish to see that be taken from RP but the amount of robberies I already see I can just see this adding to it and I think that's a large reason why people probably voted no
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Drusilla McKenzie-Oakley

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2021
I’m seeing a lot of you voting no on adding cash as a physical item because you’re scared of getting robbed. We can already steal your money. Adding this feature won’t make that into a NEW thing. The only reason you’re not getting robbed more often is because people are lazy or forget to check, not because it’s impossible, or people just Don't do it.

Stop voting no just because you’re afraid of losing cash. If someone wants to take your money, they already can, and they will if they remember. All this feature does is make it more noticeable that you’re carrying cash. It’s easy to protect yourself. Use bags and hide the money, deposit your money at banks whenever you pass one, and use the bank option for purchases. Use more strategic roleplay to transport large sums. Work with Security companies ETC ETC. This opens ROLEPLAY. And thats what We all should be HAPPY about. Increasing roleplay is GOOD, even if that roleplay isn't YOUR ideal situation.

Voting against this feature because you’re scared is basically telling everyone else that you don’t care about improving roleplay or adding new layers of gameplay. This change isn’t about making it easier to rob you, it’s about adding depth and realism to the server.

So, stop being paranoid. Cash can and does get stolen already. This isn’t new. What’s new is the opportunity to make the game better, and that’s worth the risk. If it goes poorly, staff can take it out, Or punish the people who are doing Low quality things..

Let’s not hold back from adding something cool just because you don’t want to deal with criminal roleplay.

Michael Coletta

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2022
I’m seeing a lot of you voting no on adding cash as a physical item because you’re scared of getting robbed. We can already steal your money. Adding this feature won’t make that into a NEW thing. The only reason you’re not getting robbed more often is because people are lazy or forget to check, not because it’s impossible, or people just Don't do it.

Stop voting no just because you’re afraid of losing cash. If someone wants to take your money, they already can, and they will if they remember. All this feature does is make it more noticeable that you’re carrying cash. It’s easy to protect yourself. Use bags and hide the money, deposit your money at banks whenever you pass one, and use the bank option for purchases. Use more strategic roleplay to transport large sums. Work with Security companies ETC ETC. This opens ROLEPLAY. And thats what We all should be HAPPY about. Increasing roleplay is GOOD, even if that roleplay isn't YOUR ideal situation.

Voting against this feature because you’re scared is basically telling everyone else that you don’t care about improving roleplay or adding new layers of gameplay. This change isn’t about making it easier to rob you, it’s about adding depth and realism to the server.

So, stop being paranoid. Cash can and does get stolen already. This isn’t new. What’s new is the opportunity to make the game better, and that’s worth the risk. If it goes poorly, staff can take it out, Or punish the people who are doing Low quality things..

Let’s not hold back from adding something cool just because you don’t want to deal with criminal roleplay.

In fact, even if this change doesn't go through, I really hope that a way to forcibly take cash is implemented anyway, just like how an option to check radio was eventually added to eliminate the need for /me's and cooperation. It's not everyone, but some of these responses have essentially admitted that some people take proactive measures to protect their collectibles but they happily carry thousands of dollars without the same considerations just because they know it's inconvenient to rob cash currently. Bluntly, IMO if your character actively works to protect their collectibles but does nothing to protect their money, that's just mild failRP.

Ashley Vauxhall

Well-known member
Flight Authority
Sep 11, 2021
Just gonna say that yes, tangible money items your pockets is great and all but I have all these computer issues such as lag or timing out randomly or just plain scuff. Having physical money around me would lead to loss of money fairly frequently. On top of that PD and some other government departments are already seen to some people as a loot box for their gear so having them have physical pocket money just increases that. My vote is no but I see where people can say yes and are VALID in voting how they wish, regardless of its gonna add roleplay or not.
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Roy Gomer

BOLO for Gomer's Upper Lip
Gold Supporter
Nov 26, 2022
I’m seeing a lot of you voting no on adding cash as a physical item because you’re scared of getting robbed. We can already steal your money. Adding this feature won’t make that into a NEW thing. The only reason you’re not getting robbed more often is because people are lazy or forget to check, not because it’s impossible, or people just Don't do it.

Stop voting no just because you’re afraid of losing cash. If someone wants to take your money, they already can, and they will if they remember. All this feature does is make it more noticeable that you’re carrying cash. It’s easy to protect yourself. Use bags and hide the money, deposit your money at banks whenever you pass one, and use the bank option for purchases. Use more strategic roleplay to transport large sums. Work with Security companies ETC ETC. This opens ROLEPLAY. And thats what We all should be HAPPY about. Increasing roleplay is GOOD, even if that roleplay isn't YOUR ideal situation.

Voting against this feature because you’re scared is basically telling everyone else that you don’t care about improving roleplay or adding new layers of gameplay. This change isn’t about making it easier to rob you, it’s about adding depth and realism to the server.

So, stop being paranoid. Cash can and does get stolen already. This isn’t new. What’s new is the opportunity to make the game better, and that’s worth the risk. If it goes poorly, staff can take it out, Or punish the people who are doing Low quality things..

Let’s not hold back from adding something cool just because you don’t want to deal with criminal roleplay.
I don’t think anyone’s denied that money can currently be stolen.

Tommy Legend

Well-known member
Gold Supporter
Apr 29, 2021
imo "more robberies" should not really be a topic in this discussion, and it will likely have minimal change on how folks rob people as is.
This is a pretty wild statement as you are giving people too lazy to do the /me's to rob someone of their cash a way to do it with a simple click. You're now guaranteeing that every robbery from the day of implementation will involve cash being stolen.

Giving low effort trolls and PvRPers who pull random robberies on the regular with barely enough effort to skate the line of technically not breaking the rules a means to facilitate even more damaging garbage is a hard pass from me. I have zero faith that this wont get abused.

Samuel Davidson

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2022
This is a pretty wild statement as you are giving people too lazy to do the /me's to rob someone of their cash a way to do it with a simple click. You're now guaranteeing that every robbery from the day of implementation will involve cash being stolen.

Giving low effort trolls and PvRPers who pull random robberies on the regular with barely enough effort to skate the line of technically not breaking the rules a means to facilitate even more damaging garbage is a hard pass from me. I have zero faith that this wont get abused.
ICly there is literally nothing changing, OOCly the only change is that it's 1000x more convenient for the robber to do without jumping through a dozen hoops

Also it makes ZERO sense for someone to rob you and not take your cash. Whenever I'm robbed I expect them to take my cash but I have to wait awkwardly for them to prompt me with a /me or other hint so I can do the /givecash command. It's more immersive for them to just take it like they would in any other robbery scenario. Also how are you calling robbery RP in a GTA server "damaging garbage". I know not everyone cares for criminal or conflict RP, but many people (including myself) enjoy it and find it challenging. The server can't cater to every RP style, and it seems like you are implying someone robbing your cash is "low effort trolling". The change makes sense from an immersion standpoint, and if you don't want your cash robbed, take a few mins to think of ways to RP out of it or around it.

Tommy Legend

Well-known member
Gold Supporter
Apr 29, 2021
ICly there is literally nothing changing, OOCly the only change is that it's 1000x more convenient for the robber to do without jumping through a dozen hoops

Also it makes ZERO sense for someone to rob you and not take your cash. Whenever I'm robbed I expect them to take my cash but I have to wait awkwardly for them to prompt me with a /me or other hint so I can do the /givecash command. It's more immersive for them to just take it like they would in any other robbery scenario. Also how are you calling robbery RP in a GTA server "damaging garbage". I know not everyone cares for criminal or conflict RP, but many people (including myself) enjoy it and find it challenging. The server can't cater to every RP style, and it seems like you are implying someone robbing your cash is "low effort trolling". The change makes sense from an immersion standpoint, and if you don't want your cash robbed, take a few mins to think of ways to RP out of it or around it.
I have no problem with crim related content. I have a problem with non-reciprocal RP. There are people on this server that will 100% rob you for no reason other than to lootbox you claiming its RP and leave you nothing to go on for further interaction. No evidentiary clues to further it. I'm not for making THAT style of RP (damaging garbage) easier.

Roy Gomer

BOLO for Gomer's Upper Lip
Gold Supporter
Nov 26, 2022
I don't think anyone really has issues with being robbed. It's the quality of these robberies that people have issue with. And just saying "they will be policed" isn't really a solution as this is something that can be difficult, especially when there are people who know how to skirt the line just enough.

This is starting to get pretty off topic but I think it's worthwhile to mention that I think player robberies are actually far too low on the server right now and promoting more would actually be a good thing. However, that said the player robberies that do happen currently are often these low-quality, line-skirting robberies that have been mentioned. This change to cash will just promote more of these low-effort robberies in the short term, and in the long term just cause people to not carry cash at all. To reiterate what I said, I don't think this will have the intended effect of promoting roleplay. I think this is a change that should happen eventually, but I don't think with the current culture of the server there will be a significant benefit to outweigh the downsides.

In the meanwhile though, I think when you do the G-Menu -> Rob mechanic, it should absolutely display the amount of cash someone has on them, or at the very least there should be a separate function for it like the check radio one.

Woody Mann

Florida Man
Jan 11, 2021
Just a friendly reminder to keep things CIVIL and RESPECTFUL. You may not subscribe to a opinion or type of RP, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and type of RP they personally prefer.

Salvatore Tugelbend

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2022
I think it's a mismanagement of dev resources. It makes no 'great' change to RP, nor is /givecash such a big issue that it needs to be reworked. If we want it to be less clunky to get robbed add a /takecash and add it to the interaction wheel next to rob player.

Not to mention, casino chips were an item and people abused it, got banned and then the system was changed to the current one. Do we not foresee people abusing cash, working out duplications etc, creating more work for staff and devs. Additionally the inventory already has issues, I can't tell you the amount of times things have gone missing or getting the "What're you doing here" error message every time I try to move shit. It's another headache waiting to happen, for little to no positives.

I don't think it's remotely worth the effort for something that changes / fixes nothing and I personally would rather see the dev team working on creating new experiences to aid RP, or fixing existing issues.

Woody Mann

Florida Man
Jan 11, 2021
In the meanwhile though, I think when you do the G-Menu -> Rob mechanic, it should absolutely display the amount of cash someone has on them, or at the very least there should be a separate function for it like the check radio one.
Probably something we will be thinking about whether or not to implement if the vote lands no for the change.

Roy Gomer

BOLO for Gomer's Upper Lip
Gold Supporter
Nov 26, 2022
Probably something we will be thinking about whether or not to implement if the vote lands no for the change.
I have a few suggesions for it if if were to become a mechanic. Prob best suited for another thread though. :)

Woody Mann

Florida Man
Jan 11, 2021
I think it's a mismanagement of dev resources. It makes no 'great' change to RP, nor is /givecash such a big issue that it needs to be reworked. If we want it to be less clunky to get robbed add a /takecash and add it to the interaction wheel next to rob player.

Not to mention, casino chips were an item and people abused it, got banned and then the system was changed to the current one. Do we not foresee people abusing cash, working out duplications etc, creating more work for staff and devs. Additionally the inventory already has issues, I can't tell you the amount of times things have gone missing or getting the "What're you doing here" error message every time I try to move shit. It's another headache waiting to happen, for little to no positives.

I don't think it's remotely worth the effort for something that changes / fixes nothing and I personally would rather see the dev team working on creating new experiences to aid RP, or fixing existing issues.
Our devs work on what they want to work on for the most part and this is all volunteer work, so it's not a case of mismanagement it's a case of devs not wasting our time for a feature not wanted by a majority of the community. Also I've seen plenty of folks talking on behalf of staff or devs that are not staff or devs, please leave any commentary on that end to the people in those positions. Especially if you don't know everything that is happening behind the scenes.

Salvatore Tugelbend

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2022
Our devs work on what they want to work on for the most part and this is all volunteer work, so it's not a case of mismanagement it's a case devs not wasting our time for a feature not wanted by a majority of the community. Also I've seen plenty of folks talking on behalf staff or devs that are not staff or devs, please leave any commentary on that end to the people in those positions you don't know everything that happens behind the scenes.
Those comments make no change to what I said, whether they're working on what they want to or not is completely irrelevant, they (in my opinion) would be wasting their resources working on this.

I've been a dev for many large projects, since long before fivem existed. I recently stopped working on a project for fivem that had 500,000+ unique players. And yes, I agree I don't know the nuances for working on New Day projects but I know a thing or two about development and community expectations.

The poll is a good thing, I'm glad this discussion is being had and I've not once shown any disrespect to that process. I was giving *my* opinion about why I think this issue isn't a conducive use of time, is that not the point of this thread?