Search results

  1. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    A more detailed look at the election! For the Gubernatorial Race as there were only 2 candidates so a 50%I have reviewed this, and I like it! majority was required to win the race. For the State Representative Race 87 votes or 16.83% of the total votes of 517 was required to win a seat. Due to this election being an "Optional...
  2. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Removed Nikolai Stanislav as he has withdrawn from the State Representative race.
  3. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Removed Lee Li & Martin Flores as they have withdrawn from the Gubernatorial Race.
  4. Staff Team

    Questions/Issues for the Gubernatorial/State Representative Candidate Debates

    Information distributed via social media and various news channels Dear Citizens of San Andreas, The San Andreas Election Commission will be holding 2 debates, one for the State Representative Candidates and one for the Gubernatorial Candidates. We will be looking to you the Citizens of San...
  5. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information distributed via social media and various news channels Dear Citizens of San Andreas, The certified list of candidates for election is below. GOVERNOR Candidate: @Justine Stiletto | Running Mate: @Vlad Tod Candidate: @James Paxton | Running Mate: @Josh Ford STATE REPRESENTATIVE...
  6. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our SECOND election for the office of STATE Legislature through five (5) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP. Both...
  7. Staff Team

    State Special Election Information (Representative)

    Information distributed via social media and various news channels Dear Citizens of San Andreas, The certified list of candidates for election is below. STATE REPRESENTATIVE @Charlie Bradstock @Josh Ford @Becks Lawson @Donald Keizer @Simon Rouillard Jorge Paxton (@George Kuznetsov)...
  8. Staff Team

    State Special Election Information (Representative)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding a Special Election to fill a vacant State Representative seat, and fill 2 new Representative seats (bringing the total...
  9. Staff Team

    Mental Health Support Resources

    Mental Health Support Resources Mental health can be a very hard topic to speak about but it is so very important. That is because you are important. Communication can be a hugely critical thing. Reach out to friends when you are struggling, or if you see a friend who is struggling. We are...
  10. Staff Team

    (Spring) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Congratulations to @Andrew McKinley on becoming the first elected ((Since we started community)) Governor of the State of San Andreas, and to James Paxton (@Mac Moody), @Evan Lee and @Endeavour Jackson on their elections to State Representative! An Inauguration will be held TODAY, TUESDAY...
  11. Staff Team

    (Spring) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information distributed via social media and various news channels Dear Citizens of San Andreas, The certified list of candidates for election is below. GOVERNOR; @Charlie Bradstock @Andrew McKinley STATE REPRESENTATIVE Thomas Kirkman (@Blake Taylor) @Endeavour Jackson Aleks Ivanov...
  12. Staff Team

    (Spring) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our FIRST election for the office of STATE Legislature through three (3) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP. The State...
  13. Staff Team

    New to New Day RP?

    First of all, if you are reading this recently after being Whitelisted, congratulations and welcome to New Day RP. This post will outline all current information you should be aware of when joining the community. The Basics FAQs - This "Frequently Asked Questions" page will have answers to...
  14. Staff Team

    The use of music in-character

    Hello friends, We are writing to you all today on regards to an on-going trend that has been taking place on NewDayRP. Music is a great part of many people. We all have a favourite song. We all have a song that connects us to someone or something. But we must respect each other when...
  15. Staff Team

    TeamSpeak and Salty Chat Configuration

    Congratulations on being accepted to the New Day RP Community! Here in NDRP our VoIP System in use is TeamSpeak ( with the Salty Chat plugin for voice communication. It is required to play on New Day RP and these instructions below will help you get sorted out for the first time and...
  16. Staff Team

    Warning Points, Bans, and You (Hopefully Not)

    Hello, This post outlines some basic guidelines we want our community members to understand when it comes to player reports, bans and warning points. Basically, if you are found to have broken a rule in the community there is one of three outcomes. 1) You will receive a stern warning that will...
  17. Staff Team

    March '21 Community Meeting! (Sunday, 3/28 @ 2pm EST)

    DEAR FELLOW COMMUNITY MEMBERS, We will be holding our bi-monthly COMMUNITY MEETING on SUNDAY, March 28th @ 2pm EST. This will be hosted on our TWITCH channel! NDRP TWITCH CHANNEL To assist in helping us address any questions and feedback at both an upcoming Staff Meeting and the Community...
  18. Staff Team

    Mute Character Guidelines *Limited Slots*

    Hi All! Management has decided that being able to play a mute character will require a "soft" whitelist process. Anyone who wishes to play a mute character must have IRL physical or IRL medical reasons to play a mute character. submit the below template via Support Ticket: NO players will be...
  19. Staff Team

    Clearing your FiveM Cache

    Whenever you are having issues or we release an update, it's a good idea to clear your FiveM cache. Recently, the developers of FiveM changed the location of the cache folders which you should delete. If you installed FiveM by putting the `FiveM.exe` inside of an empty folder, the data folder...
  20. Staff Team


    Frequently Asked Questions: What is New Day RP? New Day RP is a partnered roleplay server of Wild West RP based on GTA 5, which uses a program called FiveM to play. While the roleplay server is based on the Grand Theft Auto map and timeline, we exist in our own universe that is connected to...