A Complete Beginner's Guide to MedRP!

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Lewis Knight

The little Engine that Could
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Feb 7, 2021
Whether you’re new to the server or not, you might not be familiar with MedRP or how it works- this is a guide meant to get you familiar with the basics of playing out injuries and how we do MedRP on the server!

So, how does MedRP work on New Day?

Folks in SAFR and the hospital go off what you put in /mes for injuries, vitals, and what they see when they look at your character! The ball is fully in your court when it comes to deciding what injuries you want to take from a scene. Do your best to make sure the injuries are reasonable for what would have happened to them.

When it comes to doing the /mes, please be sure you stick with what the other character would notice, and not how your character feels about what’s happened. For more information on the use of the /me command, please see here: https://newdayrp.com/threads/proper-use-of-me-command.3114/

Also, you can use the command /metoggle to show /mes from people around you in your text bar- this is pretty useful in case you miss a /me during MedRP, and it’s worth keeping it toggled on while you’re doing MedRP! Talking and acting things out is a part of medrp, but /mes are a big part of it as well.

You can also set a status in the G-menu so that anyone who looks at you will see what you set through there- anyone who walks close to you will see what you put as a status, so this can be pretty useful!

Med staff will ask via /OOC chat if they feel like you’re going to perma your character if that is ok, and they need OOC consent to put your character in the ICU. Pacing recovery and treatment is usually up to you.

For Less Intense Injuries

So, maybe you don't wanna ICU your character, either for narrative reasons or because you don't really think their injuries would merit that? That's totally ok! There are a ton of ways you can give and get MedRP even without making it that intense.

Probably the most common type of injury we run into on the server, there are a few ways you can play this out at a less intense level!
"To the Vest"
When you take a bullet to the vest, you might get some bruising underneath or crack a rib, even if the bullet didn’t cause a ton of damage.​
Grazes are the most minor type of GSW, but they still might need stitches if they're big enough.​
Non Through and Through
If it’s an injury like a GSW where the bullet didn’t punch all the way through and are still inside your body, it’s more likely that your organs, muscles, or bones didn’t get hurt, so if you want your injury to not be as severe, this can be a better option. Bullets still being inside of your character can mean surgery might be needed though- it depends if it's stuck near the surface or a bit farther in!​
Through and Throughs (T&Ts)
Through and through wounds are actually worse than the other types of GSWs. Because they go right through a body and don't lose as much speed, they tend to tear things up on their way out. Even things like a hairline fracture, or some torn muscle can add something to your through and throughs! They can also really badly break bones, damage organs, and more. Because of this, they can also be really, really bad when they go through the chest directly where things like the heart and lungs are- If you want to RP out a through and through without taking damage to organs or things like that, taking them to the side or an area of the body away from the chest or abdomen would be more likely places.​

There are a lot of other injuries you can RP out for a lot of different RP scenarios. If you ever want to throw a little something into your MedRP but aren’t sure what, give these a look-see!

They can include-

Slashes/Stab Wounds
Shallow and less deep stab wounds and slashes don’t really do too much damage to the bone, or any of the organs in your body, but might do a bit of damage to muscles, or might not do much at all. Either way, these might or might not need surgery, but aren’t as complicated to fix!

Pretty self explanatory, but bruises can also be a sign of a broken bone, sprain, or something else.

Scrapes/road rash
from- you guessed it- sliding along a road, a bunch of bleeding wounds. These usually don’t need too intense of a treatment, but can hurt a lot.

When you injure something called a tendon- usually the ankle. It hurts a bit to move or put weight on the sprained spot, and there can be a bit of bruising or swelling around the area.

when your joint pops out of place after being hit pretty hard. We usually see the shoulder, but kneecap and finger dislocations also have happened.

Broken Noses
when your nose breaks, pretty self explanatory- it can happen when something hits your face really hard. Usually you’ll have a nosebleed as well.

Broken Bones
there are a lot of types of these, but in RP the three most basic types are:

Hairline fracture- just a little crack in the bone.

Clean Break- the bone is cleanly broken in half, no fragments or other complicated bits around the injury.​

Complicated break- the bone is broken into multiple pieces, is going through the skin, or some other interesting or complex thing.​
Usually these hurt a bit, but the minor ones don’t usually have lasting damage. You might get a bit thirsty after being burnt a lot though.

Of course there’s more out there than this. The sky’s the limit, really!

Severe Injuries

So, it's time to RP out more intense injuries? Even if you don’t know a lot about RPing out injuries, here are some ways to make injury RP more dramatic or intense!

Any time you do MedRP, you're gonna be asked for these. Vitals include your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, as well as other things. If you're not sure how things work, you can always just say vitals are low, normal, or high, and describe if the vitals are rising or lowering!

Blood loss
When you lose blood, your body doesn't really like it! When you lose a lot, you can go unconscious, get really pale, or even have your heart stop beating. For some of the milder blood loss, saline in an IV will usually be enough to help with the loss, but if you’re losing a lot of blood, your character might need a blood bag on the IV.

If your injuries, especially bleeding ones or burns, get dirty, they can get infected. Usually this means you start to have a fever, but depending on how bad it is, your body can actually start to shut down until the infection is treated with antibiotics or symptoms from the infection are treated etc.

Damaged Organs
This is where things might get a bit tricky! When an organ like your lung, heart, stomach, or more gets damaged, it can be really bad. Each organ getting damaged can cause something different- your lung being damaged or collapsed means that you won’t breathe properly, your heart being damaged means you might not be getting enough blood to other areas of your body and your heart might need to be fixed or get support to beat properly again. There are a lot of other ways organs can be damaged that can really be bad for your character, so if you’re interested, you should really look this up if you can!

Damaged Artery
If this happens, you definitely have really bad blood loss. It bleeds faster than other bleeding areas, and you will probably go through the effects of blood loss more quickly if you have an artery that’s damaged.

Brain Injuries
Brain injuries are interesting, and extremely complicated to RP out IC! Depending on where you got injured in your brain, you might have different symptoms. Head injuries might also need some pacing in recovering from them. To RP out severity of brain injuries, you can simply put in the /me how severe you want the injury to be if you’re not sure all the details of how a brain works.

For instance: “/me has severe brain damage that can’t be fixed through surgery.”Or something along those lines!

Please be aware that depending on how severe you decide it is, your head injury recovery might be gradual, and might not be something you can RP out being fixed immediately by getting a medicine or a surgery.

Please note, brain death would essentially mean your character would be perma’d, as realistically your character would be dead if their brain stopped functioning. So, unless you plan on killing your character, please avoid this.

Final Notes

Please pace yourself and be considerate with your RP! We get a lot of people who all want MedRP, which is awesome- but this can mean that folks want MedRP asap because they’re excited for it, or a bunch of folks might want intense MedRP all at once. Being eager to move the story along is great, but sometimes doctors aren’t available, and you might need to RP out injuries with locals. For this, you’re more than welcome to use /me commands to RP out the injuries and treatments!

Also, like with all other RP, try and read the room with the type of RP that’s going on. If you know a ton of medical information and you get the impression the doctor, nurse, or other medical staff member might not, try and match where the other person’s at if you can!

The sweet spot is often balancing challenging med staff and making sure they are enjoying the experience on their end. This can be really tricky to do, so don’t worry if you aren’t exactly in that sweet spot- learning to read these situations can take a bit, especially since different medical rpers have different amounts of OOC knowledge about medical stuff. We're all always learning!

And, finally, a few notes-
  • if you’re not sure what someone is saying or looking for, don’t be shy about asking OOCly.
  • Feel free to google injuries and conditions if you’re ever not sure- med staff on the server sure do!
  • If you have any questions about MedRP on the server, feel free to open a ticket or ask a member of med staff!
Thanks for reading, and enjoy the MedRP!
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