Arden Sauvagess

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  • Arden Sauvagess

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'9' / 177cm
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Kamloops, BC, Canada (grew up in Kelowna)
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Glizzy Gobbler, Garden Sausages


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Pierre Sauvagess (father)
      Shelly Sauvagess (mother)
      Dana Sauvagess (twin sister)
      Bronte Sauvagess (older brother)
      Piper Sauvagess (younger sister, deceased)
      Tessa Sauvagess (niece)


    • Occupation:
      Retired Senior Deputy for BCSO / Unemployed
    • Faction Affilations:


    Arden Sara Sauvagess is a fairly tall woman with dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. She has copious amounts of freckles dotting her face and body, with a few moles here and there. Her hair is cut into a short bob that she occasionally takes a straightener to. She never wears makeup beyond eyeliner and lip gloss. Her face is quite symmetrical, and her body is beefy and muscular, though not completely devoid of her femininity.

    Arden has multiple tattoos on her body, each with a different meaning behind them. She'll tell people about a few, but some of them have secret meanings.

    Given her turbulent past and prior occupation, it's a given that she has quite a few scars; one large but not-so-noticeable one is on the bottom of her left foot, which she cut open at 13 while attempting a backside 180 nollie. In flip flops. She has another large one on her left inner bicep; a puncture wound from a deer that attacked her. She has many other smaller, miscellaneous scars, most of them on her fingers and hands. Her most noticeable one, however, is on her upper back, between her shoulder blades. It's small, only about the size of a loonie, but it is dark and hard to miss. Arden obtained this scar from getting stabbed in the back with a broken beer bottle by her sister's ex-boyfriend and baby daddy.


    It took an overdose and a trip to juvie for Arden to succumb to the realization that she needed help. She went to a rehab center a few months prior to her 18th birthday and with the help of her family and two police officers who knew her well, overcame a cocaine and heroin addiction. From then on, life got much less difficult, and she was finally on the path to being a much happier person. After her recovery, Arden went to college and obtained a degree in forestry, with a minor in psychology. She went from a spiteful teenager to a ruthless and savage but friendly young adult who only sometimes smoked so much weed she had hallucinations. She had gotten a seasonal job at a provincial park, and from there met a handful of conservation officers and non-LEO rangers who ignited her desire to help protect mother nature. Arden took the first chance she could and did everything she needed to do to achieve her dreams. And finally, the day came where she was an officer. And life was easy.

    Too easy.

    Arden is an anomaly: She likes the calm of laying tan by the beach, but if there isn't a smelly hobo asking her for crack every 10 minutes, she doesn't want it. Her job was just that; all laying, no cracked out hobos. It was secure, it was cozy, it was actually pretty safe compared to regular Law Enforcement. She loved where she worked...but she didn't like the stagnancy. She wanted adventure, ambition, adrenaline, and more gangbangers than you can wave a harmonica at. But most importantly, she wanted to meet her hero, Tony Hawk. So, with her bags packed, her dogs at her side, and a few loving middle fingers to her family, she flew from cozy Canada all the way to the state of the superficial...San Andreas.

    Life has been more hectic than not. She's fucked at least 4 gang members, smoked weed with a clown, fired her gun at a person for the first time, got fired at in the same instance...She's met a slew of people from all walks of life and made many friends. But it's become time for her to move on. She's said goodbye to BCSO, to her late promotion, to her coworkers. And now...she feels lonely.

    Her move to San Andreas was a complete waste of time, and she has to pick up the pieces of what it's done to her. But Arden isn't so sure she can even find the willpower to move back home. The shadows in the alleyways are eating her alive.


    • Arden eats vegan mayonnaise by the jarful.
    • Arden smells like hot dog water and axe body spray.
    • She has diagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed conduct disorder that mostly resolved in adulthood.
    • She had a 2016 Mustang GT Roush, but it fell off the boat during transit.
    • She has 3 dogs: A Chihuahua named 2D, a Beauceron named Russell, and a retired police K-9 German Shepherd named Murdoc. She also has a Japanese bobtail cat aptly named Noodle, but Noodle lives with her parents in Canada.
    • She's vEGaN
    • Her favorite band is Gorillaz, second favorite Rancid.
    • "Your handshake feels like I'm wiggling a limp dick, dude."
    • "Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?"
    • "Damn, dude."