Emily Campos

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  • Emily Ducksworth

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      December 8th, 1992 (Age 29)
    • Birthplace:
      Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman
    • Nationality:

      • Puerto Rican
      • Filipina
      • Chinese
      • Greek
    • Aliases:

      • “Em”
      • “Sergeant Daddy Emily”
      • “Lamp-post”
      • “DUCK DUCK DICK”


    • Marital Status:

      • Married
    • Relatives:

      • MGySgt Scott Campos † [Father]
      • Julia Campos [Adoptive Mother]
      • Austin Campos [Half-Brother]
      • Luca Campos [Half-Brother]
      • Hannibal Salem [Adopted Sister]


    • Occupation:

      • Captain, United States Marine Corps
      • Detective, Los Angeles Police Department
      • Senior Deputy, Blaine County Sheriffs Office
      • Detective, Major Crimes Division
      • Sergeant, San Andreas State Police
      • Sergeant, Los Santos Police Department (June 2022 - April 2023)
      • Retired
    • Faction Affilations:

      • n/a


    Emily Ducksworth is played by KL33Si and is a Sergeant for the Los Santos Police Department.



    Emily Ducksworth was born on December 8th, 1992 (age 29) in the Arabian Sea, aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which was located off the Gulf of Oman. Emily was the product of an affair between her deployed father, MGySgt Scott Campos, and an unknown woman, who Emily believes to be previously apart of the US Navy. After returning back stateside with a newborn, Scott and Julia Campos decided to bring Emily into their family and raise her as their own, under the lie that Scott had found the baby orphaned at sea. Emily spent most of her childhood in Oceanside, Southern California, although she did live in Texas briefly with her adopted-sister, Hannibal Salem. She is the youngest child of the family and has two older brothers, all of which have either enlisted in the military or went on to serve in some way. After playing sports and remaining physically active all throughout high school, Emily attended the University of California, Los Angeles, after receiving a scholarship for softball. She went on to have a dual major in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security, obtaining a Bachelors Degree for both.

    After graduating from UCLA, Emily Ducksworth was commissioned into the Marine Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant. As a Marine, she served as a Naval Aviator and as a forward air controller and flew combat missions in support of the Global War on Terror. Captain Emily Ducksworth flew FA/18 Hornets. She also served on a deployment as a Forward Air Controller with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and was responsible for directing close air support and artillery. After 8 years on active duty in the Marine Corps, Emily opted to leverage connections she had made and applied to the Los Angeles Police Department, where she was quickly hired.

    Working there alongside her father, Emily Ducksworth worked her way up to the Gangs and Narcotics Division and eventually to the LAPD’s Metropolitan Division’s SWAT Platoon, where she acted as a breacher and as a sniper. Her career ended with the Los Angeles Police Department abruptly when her father was gunned down in the line of duty. Emily was working patrol that night, and was the first on scene to respond to his distress call. After losing her father, best friend, and idol, she found it exceedingly difficult to continue with the department.

    Around this time, Emily met her now ex-husband Andrew “Ducky” Ducksworth, who was working for the LAFD at the time. With him, the night terrors stopped. He gave her peace and bliss. The couple quickly fell head over heels for each other. Andrew proposed to Emily on her birthday and the couple were married during a private ceremony on the following night- and by chance- it was aboard the same US Navy aircraft carrier she was born on.


    In hopes of starting anew, Emily and her then-husband moved to San Andreas. Still committed to a life of service, and not knowing what else to do, she promptly applied to the Blaine County Sheriff's Office and was brought onboard. Emily worked herself up to being a Field Training Officer and Senior Deputy before transferring to the Major Crimes Division as a Detective. After the San Andreas State Police was reinstated by former-Commissioner Chris Solace, Emily decided to return back to patrol, and requested she be brought onto the new department. She was hired on as a State Trooper alongside the first wave of SASP applications in early February 2022, and ended up working her way up to Trooper Sergeant.

    After the Mutiny-induced economic collapse of San Andreas, Emily had felt that she could've been able to do more to prevent it. At this point in her career, her department was on ice; and she knew that there was no room for advancement. With her being limited in the ways she could actually help, she decided to transfer from the San Andreas State Police to the Los Santos Police Department, where she was assigned as a Sergeant of Operations. After the economic recession, Emily was forced to give up her house, cars, and pets. She has now returned to Eclipse Towers, where she resides close by to her place of employment. Currently, Emily is a Sergeant and SWAT Officer for the Los Santos Police, and is certified for “PD AIR 1,” Motor, and Interceptor.

    Outside of work, Emily Ducksworth has her pilot's license, and is licensed to fly fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and sea-class aircraft. She additionally has her stunt pilot certification for fixed wing, and her advanced rotary certification. Emily Campos had also divorced her then-husband Andrew Ducksworth in late March 2022.

    In March 2023, Andrew and Emily Ducksworth were remarried on the North Point of Paleto Bay alongside friends and family.
    The pair are happily married and live in Eclipse Towers together.

    In April 2023, Emily Ducksworth retired from the Los Santos Police Department.


    Ducksworth is an adrenaline junkie. She enjoys activities such as base jumping, sky diving, piloting, riding motorcycles, and essentially anything with a clear and ever-present potential for catastrophe. Emily is an absolute tomboy, an avid surfer, and skater. When off work, she could be found wearing ripped jeans and beaten up Converse or Vans. Within her occupation, she enjoys being tested. She excels in high-stakes situations that challenge her judgement, critical thinking, and skill.


    Ducksworth's "not giving a fuck" swagger and her entirely impartial demeanor is an act. Emily suffers silently from mental trauma related to her service both in the military and while in Law Enforcement. She is largely desensitized to death and killing, as she has experienced a lot of it, and her extremely dark sense of humor reflects that. Due to that, she has trouble relating to other people who do not have the background she has, especially civilians. Emily is a shy introvert at heart.
    Emily has come to terms with the inevitability of her death; in fact, she welcomes it. Every day, while she laces her boots and straps on her flak, she knows that this could be the last time she does.


    • Emily Duckswort hhas dual citizenship in the country of Oman as well as the United States of America.
    • Emily "Duck Duck DICK" Ducksworth is the reigning International Woman's Day Fight Night Champion.
    • Emily has been apart of BCSO, MCD, SASP, and LSPD- meaning she has been apart of all conventional LEO agencies.
    • She is currently the only known Law Enforcement officer in San Andreas who has been able to successfully PIT a boat while in a land vehicle.
    • Emily Ducksworth was nominated as the LSPD Officer of the Year 2022.