James Stone

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  • James Stone

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      North East England
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Pablo Pebble



    • Occupation:
      Lieutenant (EMS Command)
    • Faction Affilations:
      San Andreas Medical Services


    James Stone is a 26-year-old medical professional who enjoys tennis, golf, boxing and is a petrol head. He is stable and is a family man, but can also be very impulsive and a bit impatient.


    James is an British National. He started studying to become a paramedic in Manchester, UK. He is obsessed with dance music, and loves to go out on nights out with his friends. Physically, James is in good shape and attends the gym on a regular basis. He is tall with tanned white skin, light brown hair and blue eyes.

    He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. His parents separated when he was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home. His father moved over to San Fierro when James was 8, although he spent time over there during school holidays.

    During Stones studies in Manchester his grandmother developed dementia, his gran was someone who meant a lot to him and helped raise him alongside his mother. Because of this James fell off in his studies and ended up dropping out. When his gran eventually passed away, his mother pleaded with him to go and live his life, in which he did, leaving his 9-5 job and travelling the world. As the years went on Stone kept being drawn to California, visiting his father who was practicing in his own medical practice in San Fierro. James eventually decided to move out to California, the land of opportunity!

    He re-discovered his passion to become a paramedic and joined the medical service in California working there for a number of years working his way up from an EMT all the way to becoming a Captain in the department. The department then began to have issues and was eventually made redundant due to cuts from the Government. Stone was head hunted by the LSPD to become a part of their Combat Medical Response Unit (CMRU), as they had worked closely with Stone and liked the work he did, although this did not last long.

    Eventually he went back to England when his mother fell ill. She was not happy that he had given up his career he had finally got back on track with, something she was so proud of him for. She sent him away back to America to continue his life and not to worry about her. Stone decided to go to Los Santos to begin anew, to start a New Day.

    Arriving back in America and settling in Lost Santos, San Andreas. Stone applied to the SAMS in which he was made a Supervisor. James found himself working hard to establish himself in the department bringing his knowledge to the table, gaining the trust of Maggie Martindale and Darcy Reid, James began to feel at home finally. As the department grew James became an integral part of the team and his Supervisor role was re-established as a Lieutenant along with Nikaela Parker.

    With the EMS department becoming like a family, Stone ended up growing close to Violet Fox and Frankie Tott; Frankie becoming an EMS Dad for the department and Violet and James becoming like siblings to the point they have adopted each other as such. After Italian Dad Tony DiMauro came back from getting smokes, he quickly began adopting members of the EMS department, including James.

    After sometime of becoming a work-a-holic for sometime while the department was new, James is now venturing himself out and being able to fill the adrenaline filled void that had been itching away inside of him, dragging his mates along with him from the department. Currently is heavily interested in diving, mountain biking and cliff jumping... all to his detrement as unfortunately getting himself injured more than he would like to admit.

    The adventure continues...


    "Do as I say, not as I do!"

    Sort of married to Dorothy Rose (Fights Poppy Hill for her)
    Gets hurt more than the average human
    Has an unhealthy obsession with cars