Jax Lane

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  • Jax Lane

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    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Peaches Lane-Roux (Daughter)


    • Occupation:
      BCSO Deputy
    • Faction Affilations:


    Jax Lane is a veteran, former Vice City Law Enforcement officer, and humble man who loves the community he grew up in. He enjoys meeting new people and having conversations with people from all walks of life.


    Jax Lane was born in Los Santos at Davis Medical Center in 1972. He was born into a poor family down on the south side. His father, Charles, was a Los Santos County Fire Fighter and his mother, Kristi, was a 24/7 clerk. At the age of 4, his little brother, Connor, was born. They became inseparable over the years. As Jax grew up, he wanted to pursue a career in firefighting like his father. Over time he and his brother saw the toll it took on his father as he grew colder and distant over his lengthy career. He started drinking and sleeping all the time. When Jax entered high school, Connor got mixed in with the wrong crowd and got involved with drugs. A little weed here and there was fine. So Jax decided not to pursue it or tell his parents about it.

    In 11th grade Jax was thinking about what he wanted to do as a career. But tragedy struck. His father was killed by a drunk driver on the scene of a traffic accident. This took a very heavy toll on him, Connor, and his mother. Jax dropped out of school and attempted to find random work around the streets of Los Santos to help his mother pay the bills. Connor turned into a night owl who was never home unless he needed food. Jax was concerned about his brother's well being but was so busy trying to make money that he could not juggle all of these new responsibilities. Jax became so desperate, he was on the verge of joining the Grove Street Families but his father would have disapproved and he came to an abrupt realization of how the ghetto can swallow you whole. In that moment, he knew, he had hit rock bottom. He vowed to never let himself slip into the jaws of the south side.

    Lane decided to obtain his GED while working with his mother at the Davis 24/7. Connor, his brother, had dropped out of school and they would only see him every few weeks when he came around asking for money or food. His mother would act like he was fine but Jax could hear the worry in her voice. He knew that Connor had gotten on hard drugs. It was the only way to explain his actions. Many sleepless nights began to wane on him and he would get lost in his thoughts. He would wonder where he would be if his father were still around. He wondered if Connor would be a happy kid if his father had not passed. He wondered if his father would have returned to himself after he retired. He wondered if he was doing the right thing by dropping out and helping his mom or should he have finished school and gotten a more lucrative career to support them. After two years of the same monotonous schedule, bagging groceries, dealing with drunken thugs, and constant disrespect, Jax decided that enough was enough. He had a long conversation with his mother about his ideas and plans for their future.

    Jax enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and was sent to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina. While on the train ride there, he stared out of the window watching the blurred trees go past him at what seemed faster than life itself and thought about his mother, his brother, and if he made the right decision to leave them behind in pursuit of finding himself. He wrestled with the thoughts of her being in danger and him unable to help or if she fell ill, he couldn't help. He worried about his little brother's safety, his actions, and hoped he could one day save them from the life they were in. He thought about his father and if he would approve of his service. All of these thoughts ran through his mind in the hours leading up to the new chapter in his life.

    Thirteen long weeks later, upon graduating boot camp, he felt unstoppable, he felt like a god among men. The confidence inspired greatness and he was ready for anything that life threw in his way. He was sent to combat school in North Carolina and then sent to his military occupation school where he trained as a military police officer. There was a lot more to Law Enforcement than Jax initially realized but he studied hard and graduated after 13 months. He was then sent to his unit at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. During his first year in the fleet Marine force, he endured his share of hazing by the older Marines and knew he must prove his place in their ranks. When a deployment finally came down through the battalion HQ, he was picked to join a six man team of military police officers to be attached to the 2/2 Infantry Battalion for detainee operations and exploitation analysis. During his deployment, he had a chance to speak with his mother and she told him about Connor stealing from her, begging for money, and that she thought he might be on heroin. Jax was at his lowest point. He was across the world in a country he could not leave or do anything to help his family that was falling to pieces.

    Finally after nine months he returned to the states and received two weeks of post deployment leave. He flew back to Los Santos and was reunited with his mother. She asked about his time overseas which he politely declined to share all the details. He wanted to know about her time alone and if she had seen Connor recently. She explained to him that Connor had been arrested a few months ago for armed robbery. She stated the gang violence was destroying the south side and people were dying every day. This news struck a nerve with Lane. But he had his orders and was committed to another year in the Marine Corps. He had escaped the ghetto of the south side and was invigorated with his new core values of discipline and professionalism but he knew he had to return. Whilst in his last year, he thought about
    making a career out of the military but decided his home and family were in trouble and he knew he could make a bigger difference if he were there. He enjoyed the uniformity and comradery of the military life. However, he decided to get his DD-214 and honorably separate from the military after 6 long years.

    Jax Lane returned to the streets of Los Santos and stayed with his mother until he got a job at the Vanilla Unicorn as a bouncer. He would travel to Boiling Broke Pen and visit Connor with his mother on occasion. Connor had 2 more years of time left on his sentence. He enjoyed his time as a bouncer. The job invigorated his will to get in shape and help others. He also worked with the police on several occasions in regards to fights and disorderly people. He was making decent money but could not shake his desire to become a first responder like his father and help the south side. Lane did not want to become a firefighter, however. He wanted to better his beloved community by serving and protecting those who needed it. He decided to pursue a career in Law Enforcement in the hopes that his military background would help him on his way. Jax moved to Vice City after his few years being a bouncer. He went through the academy and became a patrol officer for the Vice City Police Department.

    Instead of automatically assuming the people are guilty, it is in his nature to want to help others due to the ones he had gotten to know when he was in his younger years who were trapped in the street life of South Los Santos like his family. He has racked up almost twenty years of experience over his long career in the USMC and VCPD combined. Jax has returned to Los Santos for good this time. His brother was released from prison after 3 years. Connor got clean and is now working in Grapeseed as a farm hand on a ranch specifically for x-cons with prior addictions.


    "Aye mayne, it's cold as hell out there"
    "Y'know what I'm sayin'?

    Jax served in the United States Marine Corps
    He was born and raised in Los Santos
    His father served as a Firefighter for LS County
    Jax goes by his last name, Lane.