Jillian Wicks

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  • Jillian Marie Wicks

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      October 30th, 1997
    • Birthplace:
      San Fierro, San Andreas
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Jill, Jilly Bean, Jillyfish, Wicksipedia


    • Marital Status:
      Single, In a Relationship
    • Relatives:
      Wesley Wicks (Father), Elisabeth Wicks (Mother), Jackson Wicks (Brother)



    She is a brunette with long brown hair, usually styled in a single braid. Her face is framed with stray bangs tucked behind her prescription glasses as she has hyperopia (farsight). Most times, the glasses are thin, round frames but it is not uncommon for her to wear contacts as well. She has a petite frame, averaging at a weight of 143lbs /65kg and she stands roughly at 5’7. She has no visible scars, tattoos, or bodily markings. Her style of clothing can be deemed very eccentric as she enjoys wearing a variety of pop culture clothing. Graphic shirts depicting her favorite animes, video game apparel/accessories and even stylized Dragon Ball shoes.


    Jillian grew up in a military household, with her father serving in the marines as a Master Gunnery Sergeant and her mother serving as work-from-home secretary for a law firm. Due to the nature of his deployments, she wouldn’t see her father too much growing up however this strengthened her connection to him and made her want to excel in her goals whether it be academics or hobbies. Given her father’s line of work and her brother wishing to follow in his footsteps, Jillian turned to other ways of helping the public, thus sparking her aspiring career into law practice, criminal justice and some aspects of Law Enforcement. Even though her family were separated at times, they had great bonding moments over board games, card games and a variety of other family activities and tabletops. Two notable activities she got invested in would be Dungeons and Dragons with her Mom, while she also found an interest in airsoft to play with her brother and father. With her dad gone away at times, her mother would DM games for the two of them growing up, giving Jillian and her brother a close bond over their childhood. As they matured and got more responsibilities and interests, times spent together would be less frequent but the gatherings would still maintain their special feelings.

    Jillian graduated from the University of San Fierro in their Dual Bachelor degree program with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice and Biology respectfully with hopes of being a forensics scientist and detective. Upon graduation, she attended a police academy in San Fierro in 2019 and served as an officer before making the decision to move out of her hometown to find advances or changes in her career. This change was prompted when her father retired and became more available in her life. With him encouraging her to pursue any dreams she has, she elected to move to Los Santos as former acquaintances and friends mentioned it to be a place of great opportunity for those wanting to expand their lives and gain life experience. With her move taking her several hours away from home, she would still regularly facetime and call her parents to give them updates on how she was adapting and living her life.

    With the new city, came new opportunities. She completed the rest of her medical degree program from USF and denied their various internships in San Fierro to stay in Los Santos. She would become a Resident with the San Andreas Medical Services at the Pillbox Hill Medical Center and complete her residency. She is currently employed as a Hospital Trainer and Attending Doctor who specializes in Primary Care, Physiatry, Orthopedics and General Surgery.


    Jillian doesn't swear. If she does, either incidentally or intentionally, she donates to a swear jar. $100 per swear. The jar sits at a total of $2,800 since she has moved to Los Santos.

    She has a deathly phobia of Clowns, Gnomes and the Supernatural/Unexplainable.

    Jillian is a vegetarian but her favorite food is Tonkotsu Ramen with the pork replaced with Tofu

    "Heck the heck yeah!"
    "You Muffin Fluffer!"
    "Oh Shiggity..."
    "My name is Jillian Wicks. Jillian, J-I-L-L-I-A-N, Wicks, W-I-C-K-S. Badge Warning in 3...2...1."
    "To the ROOF!"