Layla Voss

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  • Layla Voss

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'6" - 135 lbs
    • Birthdate:
      4.13.1998 - 26yrs old
    • Birthplace:
      Monterey, California
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      ♡ Lala
      ♡ LayLay
      ♡ LeiLei


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Biological Family
      ♡ Mother (Alive) - Amy Voss
      ♡ Father (Alive) - Donald Voss
      ♡ Brother (Alive) - James Voss


    • Occupation:
      ♡ Resident Advisor at Michigan State University - Part-Time Employee

      ♡ Deputy - Blaine County Sheriff's Office
    • Faction Affilations:
      Law Enforcement


    Layla is a light-tanned slightly above-average-height female with light brown hair with brown eyes. She is commonly very friendly and open to talking to basically anyone but can have her quiet moments if she doesn't know how to respond to something said to her. She likes to learn about people's lives and what they enjoy doing like hobbies, jobs, and overall enjoyment. Layla tries her best to understand people and how they feel so that she can better help a person if they are asking for help.


    Layla Voss was born in Monterey, California to a decent family, with her mother as a lawyer and her father as a doctor. She is the sibling and is often babied by her parents while actively tormented by her brother, who is 5 years older than her. She always fights her brother to prove that she isn't the "sweet cute baby sister" he always claimed she was to all his friends. Layla grew up having fights and arguments with her brother, but deep down she knew that he genuinely cared about her and loved doing the usual older sibling duties of picking on their younger sibling.

    Layla grew up through life doing her own thing throughout school. She was a part of the basketball team due to her height but also found herself being involved in the student council team where she was rewarded for all her work that she did during high school. Due to being a part of the basketball team and also on the student council, she was known in the school by most students and was one of the first contacts for new students. She was voted prom queen and to her surprise even her best friends, who were all (in her opinion) a lot prettier than her, also other runners for prom queen were happy for her. She flew through her classes with As and a few Bs due to being a bit of a nerd herself when it came to studying and trying her best to get into a good college. She didn't know what she wanted to do for her life until she was a senior in high school that she wanted to go study Criminal Justice.

    She traveled a bit after getting out of high school to visit different colleges along with seeing a few other countries as a graduation gift from her parents. She came back and moved in with Ava, one of her best friends from high school, where she applied to all the colleges that piqued her interest while her roommate signed her up on a dating app wanting her to get out there and date someone since she avoided dating anyone after her first boyfriend in high school. She matched with a few people and was forced to go on a few dates with some of the people, one of them was someone she wanted a second date with until she matched with one person who was 7 years older than her but also seemed like he was a decent guy. She went on a date with the person, which led to her and the individual having a fun time after the awkwardness of the beginning part of the date passed. More dates were scheduled with the male, which led to them dating.

    They dated for a bit and while dating, Layla got a response back from Michigan State University who accepted her into their college. The excited Layla told both her partner and Ava, and Ava's boyfriend Henry that both of them were happy for her and her partner also informed her that he got into a college. Layla was incredibly happy for her partner and all of them went out to celebrate. While getting ready for college, both Layla and her boyfriend spoke about how the distance could hinder their relationship and friendship, which neither wanted. They mutually agreed to break up and if in the future both were single and with less stress going on in their lives they would try again. Both of them agreed to the break up; it hurt Layla, but she knew it was only right for both of them.

    4 years later, Layla graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and continued to live her life. She worked as a cop for Michigan state for a little before being transferred to Los Santos and working within the Blaine County Sheriff's Office.


    ♡ Layla's favorite color would be any purple but her specific favorite color would be Dreamy Candy Forest.

    ♡ "I just work here"
