Macy Harvelle

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  • Macy Corsair

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Long Island, NY
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Jaxon Corsair
    • Relatives:
      Joanne Harvelle (Adoptive Mother)
      Charlie Harvelle (Adoptive Father)
      Milo Harvelle (Adoptive Brother)
      Estella Hawkins (Adoptive Daughter)


    • Occupation:
      Director of Nursing
    • Faction Affilations:
      Eclipse Medical Center


    Macy Corsair is played by xmeesha. Also known as Macy Harvelle, prior to her marriage to Jaxon Corsair. She currently is the Director of Nursing for Eclipse Medical Center. She is known to be sarcastic but also very caring. Macy is also a workaholic and likes to keep busy from taking up more jobs to planning events.


    Macy Harvelle was born and raised in a small town in Long Island, NY. Macy was given up as newborn but luckily was adopted by Joanne and Charlie Harvelle along with their son, Milo. The Harvelle family was the average middle-class, suburban family but nothing out of the ordinary. Macy is grateful to be raised by wonderful parents and maintained a healthy relationship with the whole family. Till this day, Macy does not know who her biological family are. Occasionally, she thought about seeking any blood relatives and never acted upon it. She has fully accepted that she has been given up for a reason, whatever that may be.

    Macy attended George Washington University in Washington D.C. to study Nursing just like her mother, Joanne. Macy had an average student life. Studied hard but still was able to have fun. After receiving her Bachelors in Nursing and becoming a registered nurse, she became a member of the American Travel Health Nurses Association (ATHNA) and volunteered for the Red Cross. Her career involves traveling between cities to states to wherever there is a shortage of nurses. She can never stay in one place for more than 6 months. A couple years after graduation, she went from the tough streets of Detroit to the Colorado Rockies. She’s seen it all. She was able to build tough skin while being the care-giver she wanted to be. Although Macy is always moving, she kept to herself. She doesn’t want to commit to close relationships because in the end, she’ll end up leaving them. Macy heavily focused on her job that she didn’t realize how much of life she was missing.

    When researching for her next job and location to travel to, she discovered the city of Los Santos. She promised to herself that this next move won’t be “just another job.” There, she will also reunite with college friend, Nellya Auclair where Macy studied a course abroad in Quebec with her.


    Macy came to San Andreas due the the shortage of nurses in the state. She landed the job at Pillbox Medical and became one of the first active nurses for the state. After a month, the place got contaminated by mold and moved over to Mount Zonah hospital. During her time there, Macy wanted to purse a higher role for the hospital and to establish a nursing department. At home, she would take online classes to earn her Master's in Nursing and eventually work her way up to being a Medical Director for Nursing. Together with Dr. Quincy Pryce, Dr. Lewis Knight and Nurse Rayquel Oisin, they all helped create the nursing school as a way to recruit students and work at the hospital. Macy helped established the curriculum and program. Macy is now working as the Director of Nursing at Eclipse Medical Center.

    Macy works part-time at Hawkins Hideout (formerly known as Tequi-la-la) where she will be a floater, mainly as a concierge.

    Macy, along with Jax, now owns Mirror Park Tavern which will be a Dungeons & Dragons themed bar. Business is still in the works.


    Although, Macy loves to work, she finds time to balance her social life. When Macy arrived in Los Santos, she discovered that her friend, Nellya from university was here as well. There, they reunited and met the Burn family that stuck with her. Macy was a little skeptical with the fact that the Burn family followed Nellya around, but once Nellya had explained why, she understood. She grew close to Nellya and her partner, Rey Burn and consider them as one of her best friends. She also became close to people like Kinley North, April Hayes, and Dave Booker, and would occasionally hang out.

    Jax and Macy had met during the summer of 2021 where they became friends at first since she was dating Desmond Sykes at the time. After their break-up, Macy and Jax grew close. A month after their friendship, Jax had asked Macy to be his girlfriend. Now, Macy is happily married with Jax and lives in a home in Mirror Park with him, and their dog, Xena. After the passing away of Alex and Naomi Hawkins, Jax and Macy took custody of their daughter, Estella Hawkins.

    • Nellya Auclair - Macy and Nellya first became friends at university in Quebec, but they lost touch until they reunited in Los Santos. They both were hired at Pillbox Medical at the same day and worked along side from there to Mount Zonah hospital. Nellya revealed to her that she was on the run, along with the Burn family. That's when she knew how trusted their friendship was. Macy considers Nellya as one of her closest best friends.
    • Jaxon Corsair - Macy and Jax first met on July 3rd when he was visiting a Black Lotus prospect in the ICU. Macy was on shift at the time. They first hangout on July 4th where Jax took her hiking up on Mount Gordo. Despite breaking her arm during the hike, she had a good time. The two officially start dating on August 1st when Jax asked her to be his girlfriend at the waterfall on Zancudo Road. Macy and Jax got engaged on October 16th where Jax created a scavenger hunt that made her go to places that was significant to them. On December 12th, Macy and Jax went to the courthouse and got married spontaneously.
    • Eclipse Medical Center - Currently works as a Medical Director for the nursing department
    • Black Lotus MC - Old Lady of current SGT at Arms, Jaxon Corsair
    • Mirror Park Tavern - Owner
    • Hawkins Hideout - Concierge


    • Macy's favorite color is green and purple.
    • She has ginger hair and hazel eyes.
    • Home Address is 89 Nikola Place, Mirror Park.
    • Jax and Macy own a golden retriever named Xena.
    • Currently owns a Karin Kuruma, Emperor Vectre, Karin Sultan Classic, WMC Bagger, Maibatsu Sanchez, and Dinka Ventoso. Karuma was the first vehicle she had purchased. Sultan Classic and Ventoso was gifted by Jax. Bagger was purchased out of pettiness when Jax told her she can't drive a motorcycle.
    • Macy was the first hired nurse (April 22, 2021) back when Pillbox Medical was running.
    • She avoids any form of gambling because her brother, Milo is a recovering addict.
    • She had previously hosted events for the state such as the Job/Club Fair.
    • "What the heck?!"
    • "Excuse me..."
    • "I want to get poutine'd!... You know, gravy all over."
    • "Hey Jax... I'm wet."