Michael Fletcher

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    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      May 11, 1998
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
      American / Canadian
    • Aliases:
      Fletch, Mike, "Badger"


    • Marital Status:
      In a relationship: Quinn Huntsman
    • Relatives:
      Dean Fletcher (Adoptive-Father)
      Evelyn Fletcher (Adoptive-Mother)


    • Occupation:
      Automotive Mechanic (RCC)
      Drug Trafficker
      Getaway Driver
    • Faction Affilations:


    Michael is a 23 year old young Caucasian male with dark brown wavy hair, dark emerald eyes, and a trimmed beard. Typically he sports casual attire such as hoodies, t-shirts, and other sporting attire consistent with the color black, however this changes depending on his mood of the day or for any events or special occasions such as switching to a suit or his favorite deep black trench-coat for "business". He has a faint, but noticeable scar above his right eyebrow from a knife-fight years ago that required stitches, and without clothes the presence of healed wounds, and faint scars would be shown at different parts of his body. Despite having a silver-tongue and natural "radio" voice, he is both introverted and extroverted, and tends to avoid speaking in large gatherings of people as opposed to smaller.


    Michael Fletcher was your typical self-absorbed teenager whom whilst having a high-pedestal ego for himself, had a good heart throughout his developed years. He was quite the simple kid, as he loved to sit outside and just watch everything about nature, be it the falling leaf, the migrating birds, or even just the trickling stream. It all fascinated him, made him want to see more, perhaps see all that he could. As he grew older he kept hold of that hobby, but it wasn't all that was on his mind. He was in fact quite talented at school and despite being a troublemaker he did well in all his exams. He was mischievous and even with his gifts of knowledge he couldn't help but do whatever he could to make things go his way especially with his natural silver tongue.

    Michael was born in Canada, his original parents had lived there for years prior but were originally from the United Kingdom. Not long before his 6th birthday, they were involved in a DUI Homicide case that was never properly solved and with his parents being away from any other real family members in the UK, he was put into care. Weeks later, Dean and Evelyn Fletcher arrived at the care to find a potential new son. The rest of the kids did not seem to catch their interest aside from himself, although he never seemed to mind much or question what made him differ from the rest. The two were a wealthy married couple whom actively took part within' a council that helped run a multi-million decade-long weapon, drug, and contraband import and export empire. Regardless, he had spent most his free time either studying for school or out in the garden, interacting with nature itself.

    As his teenager phase kicked in, he became a slight troublemaker in amidst his hardworking demeanor, causing quite a few issues at both school and outside of it. As time progressed around this time, his father had believed that it was time for him to explain what both he and his wife truly do for a living, he did this at certain points in time both explaining their purpose, but also giving advice. As such in time, this information was quite the eye opener for him but he didn't really know what to do, nor did he really wish to form a true opinion on anything. Simply, he continued on doing what he was doing, while monitoring how others reacted to him, using his father's advice as time progressed, and went on with life based on what he learned.

    After Michael graduated from Highschool, despite being one of the top students. He never really felt at place there. He even enjoyed what he done or accomplished to an extent but wanted to do it no longer. He just spent most of his time sitting outside, or going for a stroll in his favorite woods. It was around this time he had bumped into a young girl in the forest, she being there for similar reasons as he was. They would later become quick best friends, and more than that as days continued.

    By the time Michael was an adult he had no idea what was going on in the world, not a clue, he never really kept an eye on that stuff aside from the world his father knew. He had no idea what it was like to possibly live a life of his own but he knew he wanted to. It was around this time both his mother and father would have conflicting opinions on what he should proceed to do in his life. Dean had wanted him to be apart of the organization, whilst Evelyn wanted Michael to pursue his dreams, goals, and to find a passion. This conflict was enough for Dean to give Michael an ultimatum, that if he dismisses the family name to uphold and disregarding taking his father's place one day in the organization, he would cast him out, telling him he would have to learn the hard way of making a name for himself elsewhere. One day on his usual stroll he came into the city, he found a travel brochure for Los Santos. The sights of the land and cityscape really spoke to him the most, and with no other goal in sight he decided that its exactly what he wanted to do, see the sights of the world. One night he sat down with his parents on how he felt, his mother fully understanding whilst his father had informed him if he leaves, he will not be able to return to them, or be apart of the empire until he's learned in the city the hardships, struggles, and understanding the loyalty of being a hard-working criminal really is. For the next year or so Michael worked odd jobs, his schedule dedicated to earning money to start his journey as his father refused to loan money, apart from his mother who'd assist from time to time. He wasn't alone in this endeavor as his girlfriend accompanied him. Eventually they secured enough and more, buying a ticket over and setting off. It was a big day for both of them but Michael never felt scared, only intrigued.

    When they finally arrived Michael wasn't sure how to react. It was all so strange, but part of him loved it. The unknown, the risks it all spoke to him on a level he never really knew before. He never had the chance to reach it like now, unbeknownst to him knowing where he was going would likely be his final stay and the dealings of his new life he'd soon face in time.

    Initially when Michael had moved to the city alongside his girlfriend, despite not knowing anyone, both quickly be-friended a few people after a concert who'd jumpstart their way into the criminal world. They both have for two months, formed relationships with a number of people around the city, gaining the knowledge of how the criminal world works, observing others perform and even surpassing them in ways far better, the list goes on. At one point, their initial friends who had jump-started their beginnings had left them abruptly as friends for good. This confused the couple as they had zero idea as to why, but continued on without a care. Michael's present life is steadily going the way he wishes for it to go. By day and night he is trafficking drugs, cleaning bands of cash for his own needs, street-racing, and has successfully hit his first bank. His ambitions to find new friends and connections, spend time with his girlfriend, make money, and do as he pleases without others or the local Law Enforcement getting in the way have been continuing as planned.

    • Quinn Huntsman (Significant Other) - Quinn is Michael's significant other, and have known eachother since their teenage years. She is his guidance in times that need it, the voice of reason in times of irrationality, the list goes on. It is rare to see either one of the two working or doing other activities without each other nearby or involved.
    • River City Customs (Mechanic) - Nellya Auclair, Franky Manbroni and Frank Gilbani gave Michael a chance to work apart of the shop after gaining Gilbani's trust and vouch, and showing himself as promising potential as from being a hang-around the shop for almost a week. Having resigned from Mosley's Auto for lack of customer interaction, he was immediately hired and began his work and enjoyment working late and at times daytime hours having good conversation with hang-arounds, regulars and customers alike. As time shortly came, he and Quinn immediately began to become close and friendly with the shop's criminal side of business with Franky Manbroni, Tara Riser, Puck Crowley, etc. alongside other hang-arounds that conduct their own crews or side-jobs.
    • Frank Gilbani (Apprenticeship) - Michael and Quinn's relationship with Gilbani began with a simple phone call inquiring about his part-time scrapping business in exchange for intel and getting to know more about the criminal ways, business, and showing that anything is accomplishable in the criminal life without needing to shoot a police officer or another criminal. Through time and loyalty being by his side even after his side-business being scrapped, they all still remained close and continued to learn and take part in jobs such as hitting Vangelicos, Bank Trucks, and among other heists.


    • Michael has so far won two publicly held events, a Demolition Derby with the price of $10,000 held by Darren Moore, and the $20,000 Rat-Race held by Ramses A. Thompson.
    • He and his girlfriend assisted in Frank Gilbani's dream of becoming the first man to solo hit a bank and successfully escape.
    • As of 8/5/2021 Michael was the first owner in the city of a Grotti Turismo R.